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1、湖南省娄底市涟源仙洞中学2020-2021学年高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. These peaches really juicy.They _ be! Just see the price, $3,99 a pound. Very expensive, arent they!A. wouldB. couldC. mightD. should参考答案:D2. She is honest and trustworthy. I think its_ no business of hers.A. ly Bpossibly Cunfortunately Ddesperately参考答案:

2、A3. Dont you think Obama is _ success? Yes, I do He is popalar with _ public in America A / , a B a, a C the, a D a, the参考答案:D4. This is a kind of effective classroom teaching _ students learn independently and cooperatively.A. whereB. whichC. whatD. when参考答案:A5. In fact, I think its very much nicer

3、 without the naughty boy, if you dont mind me _ so. A. say B. to sayC. sayingD. to saying参考答案:C6. _twice a year is the rule that every car must obey in this city.A. Examining B. ExaminedC. Having been examined D. Being examined参考答案:D7. Sometimes we are asked _ we think the likely result of an action

4、 will be.A. thatB. ifC. whetherD. what参考答案:D8. 22This tower, they are planning to have decorated, is always the best place to have a view of the sea A where Bwhat Cwhich Dthat参考答案:C略9. He sold me the house at a cheap price and threw in some of the furniture .A. on the spot B. subscribe toC. went for

5、 D. made out参考答案:D选D。考察固定短语。for a song非常便宜地,廉价地 。他以很低的价格卖给我这所房子还扔下了几件廉价的家具。for a change换换口味 ,for my part就我而言,对我来说 ,for good measure作为额外增添,另外,附加,10. It may be necessary to stop _in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.A. at intervals B. at random C. at ease D. at le

6、ngth参考答案:A试题分析:Aat intervals不时;Bat random随意;Cat ease自由自在;Dat length终于。句意:也许在课堂上有必要在学习过程中时不时地停一下回顾难点,故选A。考点:考查介词短语。11. Tom sat under a tree and seeing his friend, _ up in no time.A. stands B. was standing C. stood D. would stand参考答案:C 12. After questioning the sex crime suspect(嫌疑人) for five hours, t

7、he policemen got _ they wanted.A. whichever B. whatever C. which D. what参考答案:D13. Would you please keep me with the latest news?A. informing B. to inform C. informed D. being informed 参考答案:C14. Was it because Jack came late for school _ Mr. Smith got angry?A. whyB. who C. whereD. that参考答案:D试题分析:考查强调

8、句。句意:是不是因为杰克上学迟到老师才生气的?此题考查的是强调句的一般疑问句,所强调的成分为原因状语从句because Jack came late for school,故用that。15. Briggs will _ as general manager when Mitchell retires.A. take away B. take over C. take in D. take up参考答案:B 【考点】考查动词短语辨析。句意: 当Mitchell 退休的时候,Briggs将作为部门经理来接管公司。Take away 拿走,take over 接管;take in 吸收,理解; t

9、ake up 从事;根据句意,应选B项。16. High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour,which is about normal trainsAfour times the speed as Bthe speed four times of Cfour times as the speed of Dfour times the speed of 参考答案:D二、 完型填空17. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该

10、选项涂黑。One sunny afternoon, a seven-year-old girl went for a walk. She crossed a large area of grassland into the woods _26_ she realized that she was lost.Sitting on a rock and _27_ what to do, she began crying. After a while. She_28_ to walk along a wide path lined with tall trees and thick bushes.

11、_29_ it was getting dark, she saw a small, dark wooden house. She opened the door and _30_ stepped in. Suddenly, she heard a strange noise, and she ran out the door and back to the _31_. Cold and tired, she fell asleep near a _32_.The girls parents were out and her dog, Laddy, was at home. Laddy _33

12、_ that his mistrees(女主人)was in danger. He jumped _34_ a window, breaking the glass. He looked in the fields. But he couldnt find his mistress anywhere. However, from the ground came a _35_ scent (气味) as he lowered his head. He _36_ the scent and walked across the grassland. Barking _37_ into the air

13、, the dog _38_ through the woods until he found the _39_ . But the girl was not there, so he headed back to the woods. Much to his _40_ , he saw his mistress blue shirt in the distance. He _41_ over some bushes and saw the little stream, where the girl was _42_.When she opened her eyes and 43 her do

14、g standing beside her, the girl said, “you 44 me, Laddy,” and she kissed him several times. Seeing their daughter and dog coming back, the parents burst into tears of 45 . That night Laddy had a herors supper: a huge meal of steak26. A. before B. since C. while D. as27. A. wondering B. forgetting C. remembering D. regretting28. A. preferred


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