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1、2021-2022学年安徽省阜阳市于寨中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. . choose A. husband B. loose C. description D. universe参考答案:A略2. He was receiving more and more attention in the company. So he was.But for his good education he the job. A.will never get B.shouldnt have got C.would not have got D.mustnt have got参考答案:C3. W

2、hite Deer Plain is the best book _ I have been looking for all this year. A. who B. whom C. which D. /参考答案:D4. Tom is addicted to the computer games, his parents are worried aboutAas Bwhere Cwhy Dwhich参考答案:D略5. -How long do you expect it before the African can keep the disease under control?-As soon

3、 as possible.A. is B. has beenC. will be D. will have been参考答案:C考查时态。上句:你预测非洲人需要多长时间控制住疾病?下句:尽快。固定句式:It will be +一段时间+before -,多久之后将会-,可知句子用一般将来时态,故选C。【名师点睛】before 的连词用法conj.在.前,强调时间before的含义比较灵活,实际翻译时应结合具体情况机动处理。1.趁.Youshoulddoitbeforeitistoolate.趁现在还不算太晚,你应该赶快做它。2.尚未来得及Beforeshecouldmove,shehearda


5、ehereturnedtoBeijing.不久他就回到北京。ItwaslongbeforehemarriedWeiFang.过了很久他才娶魏芳。Itwillbelongbeforehegoesabroad.要过很久他才出国。6. The document film _ next week aims at introducing local cultures to the world.A. releasedB. being releasedC. to be releasedD. having been released 参考答案:C7. -Did you have _fun in Austral

6、ia?- Sure. It was _ unforgettable experience.A. a; an B. 不填;the C. the; an D. 不填; an参考答案:D解析: fun 是不可数名词。 have fun 也是固定短语。 experience 表示经历为可数名词,此处指一次难忘的经历。8. The passage was very difficult, so in order to _what the writer really wanted to convey, I read it many times.A. give outB. make outC. make up

7、D. give away参考答案:B9. Parents have to be able to to be , to go with their kids, and also give them the room to grow.A. flexible B. strict C. responsible D. careful参考答案:A10. Jim never dreams of for him to be sent abroad very soon.A. being a chance B. theres a chance C. there to be a chance D. there be

8、ing a chance参考答案:D11. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing but we seem _ the art of communicating face-to-face.A. losing B. to be losing C. to be lost D. having lost参考答案:B12. Little Jim is going to spend his holiday in Paris, _ lives his uncle.A. which B. who C. where D. that参考答案:C13.

9、-What a beautiful dress Jane is wearing!-But it doesnt look good _ her skin.A. onB. inC. againstD. alongside参考答案:C14. When I was at college I _ three foreign languages, but I_ all except for a few words of each. A. was speaking ;forget B. spoke; have forgotten C. spoke; forgot D. spoke; forget参考答案:B

10、34. After two months work as a judge, it appeared clear _ he was not fit for that kind of work.A. what B. when C. that D. whether参考答案:C16. What was the trouble with you the day before yesterday? When I practiced running on the playground with others, my strength _ and I fell onto the ground. Agave a

11、way Bgave in Cgave off Dgave out 参考答案:D 二、 新的题型17. The Best Ways to Lose Weight with WalkingWalking regularly is the easiest and least expensive form of exercise. Except for a good pair of walking shoes, no special equipment is needed. It is not necessary to join a gym. 31 You can walk every day wit

12、h no “ rest days” in between. There is nothing to learn; people already know how to walk. There are, however, a few important things to keep in mind when walking to lose weight. Ways to lose weight by walkingThe first way to begin to lose weight by walking is to start walking. The initial goal shoul

13、d be 10,000 steps per day. Using a simple pedometer (计步器)attached lo the waistband or on a belt will help you to count your daily steps. Consistencyeven 10 minutes 3 times a day at first一will produce the ma?l immediate results. 3233It is very important to check with your medical professional before beginning any exercise program; especially if you are over age 65, have been required sitting or little activity for more than a year, or have been diagnosed with heart disease, pregnancy, high blood pressure, or any other medical conditions. How to walk


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