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1、牛津学校英语4AUnit 6Whose gloves.单元教学内容简析:本单元的核心教学内容是“查找物主 ”;要求同学环绕服饰类的英语单词在肯定 的情形下,能正确使用Whose is this /are they .进行交谈;在英语中,有些如 socks ,trousers ,shoes ,gloves, jeans等服装类单词是以复数形式显现的,因此与之搭配的be 动词要用 are shoes ,shorts ,gloves等成双的东西,一般与 a pair of连用,如 a pair of gloves /shoes等,运用时要与动词 be 和代词保持一样关系; 此外,仍要求同学能用形容词

2、big ,small,long 和 short来描述物体;在这几个形容词前仍有表示程度的如so ,too等词;在教学过程中,老师可利用教学图片、幻灯和实物,组织同学开展学习活动和游戏;教学理念: 1面对全体同学,突出同学主体;教学要面对全体同学,关注每个同学,激发他们学习英语的爱好,勉励同学大胆使用英语,通过体验、实践、争论、合作、探究等方式,进展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能;2采纳活动途径,提倡任务型的教学途径,培育同学综合语言运用才能;教学中可利用教、学具组织同学开展学习活动和嬉戏;单元教学要求:教学目的:1能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词2能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Try this o

3、ne /this pair on .Don.t worry .Oh ,dear.3能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whose ,is this /are they . Its/They .re,The,is /are too,4能把握服饰类单词中复数形式和用法以及与动词be 和代词连用时的一样关系;5能懂得 .s 的含义,明白辅音字母l和 m 在单词中读音; 6会诵读歌谣 A funny goat .单元教学重、难点:教学重点:1. 能 听懂 、会 说 、 会 读 、 会 拼 写 单 词 apairofshoes,asweater,a jacket ,big ,small ,long和 short

4、 .2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whose ,is this /are they . It.s/They .re,The ,is /are too,教学难点:1能把握服饰类单词中复数单词的形式和用法以及与动词be 和代词连用时的一样关系;2. 能懂得 .s 的含义;并能区分开名词形式, 体会他们表达的不同意义; 如 cat .s与 cats是不同的;3. 能听懂、会说、会 读、会写句型Whose ,is this/ are they. It.s/Theyre,The,is /are too,教具预备:实物、图片、录音、投影及头饰;单元教学支配:共四课时;第一课时教学目标:1、能听得懂、会

5、说、会读和拼写单词a sweatera jacket2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whoseis this /are they .及其答句 It.s /They.re.s.教学重点:1、单词:能把握a sweater , a jacket2、句型:能会用Whoseis this /are they . 及 It.s/They.re.s.教学难点:1、 能明白服饰类复数单词的形式和用法2、 能懂得 .s 的含义3、 在肯定的场景中能敏捷运用所学句型教学预备:录音机、多媒体课件、服饰类实物、图片教学过程:Step one: Warm up l、Greetings2、Free talkT: Wh

6、ere.s your rubber . S: It.s in the box.T:(出示铅笔)What.s this in English .S: It.s a pencil.T:(出示书) What are they in English. S: They are books.3 、 Play a game(多媒体显现许多服饰)T: There are many clothes ,look and remember as quick as you possible .(此时画面消逝,让几位同学说画面上的服饰)Step three: Presentation(多媒体再次显现服饰画面;指向画面的

7、上围巾 T: What is this in English. A tie . A blouse.S: No.T: A scarf.( spell and practice) T: Is this your scarf.S: No几个同学连续回答No,师用疑问的神态与语气提问T: Whoseis this.重 复并加重语气,并出示句型卡片及意思引导同学回答 It.s.s.并说明 .s 的意思T: It.s ,.s.师生,生生用同学的学习用品和物品进行问答练习T: (多媒体显现一只鞋) What.s this in English . S: It.s a shoe.T: Whose shoe i

8、s this . S: It.s.s.T:多媒体显现两只鞋 What are they in English .S: They.re shoes . T: Guess .找几名同学猜 T: Whose shoes are they . S: They are Wang Bing.s.在黑板上贴出句型 Whoseare they .They.re.s.Step three: practice(1) Work in groups多媒体显现 partC 图片与人物,同学自由争论,展现 23 组(2) Look and complete the sentence(多媒体显现图片及句子) 1、(谁的围巾

9、) is this. It.s.(杨玲的) 2、Whose(袜子) are they . They are.(王宾的)Step four: Homework1、Make two dialogues with :Whoseis this /are they.It s /They re s.2、Copy the words :sweaterjacket andscarfDesign:Unit 6Whose gloves .Whose shoe is this .It s, s .课件其次课时Whose shoes are they .Theyre , s.其次课时教学目标:1、能听得懂、会说、会读

10、和拼写单词a sweatera jacketapairof shoes2、能听得懂、会说、会读单词a pair of jeans , a pair of gloves , a pair of socks3、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Whoseis this /are they .及其答句 It.s /They.re.s.教学重点:1、单词:能把握a sweater , a jacket a pair of shoes2、句型:能会用Whoseis this /are they . 及 It.s /They.re.s.教学难点:1、能把握服饰类复数单词的形式和用法以及与be 动词和代词连用时

11、的一样关系;2、能懂得 .s的含义教学预备:录音机、多媒体课件、服饰类实物、图片教学过程:Step one: Warm upl、Greetings2、Revision环绕服饰,文具,玩具类单词进行日常交际;Step two: presentation(1) T: 多媒体显现一件毛衣和一只袜子 Look, there is a sweater and a sock. Close your eyes.T: (多媒体显现两只袜子)Now open your eyes, what can you see.S: Socks.T: We can say“ a pair of socks”(领读 a pai

12、r of socks)(2) 利用实物学习单词a pair of shorts T: I have a pair of shorts. Is it beautiful. S: Yes.出示板书并领读,侧重教读a pair of(3) T: 多媒体显现牛仔裤的半边 Guess ,what.s this. T:(同学猜过几个服饰类单词)It.s a pair of jeans.以同样的方式引出单词a pair of gloves(4) Listen to the tape of part B and repeat(5) Complete the part G 2and checka) 出示本部分的

13、图片,引导同学弄清题意b) 四人一组合作完成c) 同学读出自己所写的物品名称(答案不肯定唯独)d) 师领读有关单词Step three: Practice(1) Sing a song Perhaps (2) Complete part G 1a出示图片,引导同学看图并用英语表达图片内容b朗读(3) Part G 3a引导同学看图并说明句子b听磁带跟读Step four: Consolidation Lost property officeT: (在教室的一角放一张桌子并挂一个失物招领牌)There are many things ,Idon.t know their owners. Plea

14、se help me find their owner.(师生先做一组示范)T: Whose scarf is this.S: It.s Yang ling.s , I think.T: Yang Ling ,is this your scarf. Y: Yes. Thank you.(展现 2 3 组)Step five: Homework(1) Listen to the part B(2) Read the part G(3) Preview the part ADesignUnit6Whosegloves.a pair of socksWhose ,is this /are they .a pair of glovesIt 课件s /They re,s .a pair of shorts a pair of shoes第三课时韩青一、教学内容牛津学校英语 4A 第六单元第三教时Read and say;二、教学目标1、能正确地懂得、把握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话中部分内容;2、能正确地听、说、读、写词big ,small ,long



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