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1、名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -牛津学校英语6B Unit6学问点归纳一、重要词组:1. have school上课;有课2.have a picnic野餐3. I d love t我o 很情愿4.go on an outing去远足5. by the way顺便地;附带说说6.see a play看戏剧演出7. see a Beijing opera看京剧8.of course当然9. on Saturday morning在周六上午10. call sb.打电话给某人11. warm and sunny暖和晴朗12. join us

2、加入我们13. watch the snow观雪14. take part in the sports meeting参与运动会15. by the window在窗户那儿,靠着窗户16. make a plan制定方案17. class project班级课题18. have a class outing举办班级远足19. their plans for the weekend他们的周末方案20. meet at one thirty in front of the Garden Theatre一点半在花园剧院门前会面21. buy some presents买一些礼物22. at the

3、concert在音乐会上23. come with Wang Bing和王宾一起来24. tomorrow afternoon明天下午25. give/ have a concert举办音乐会26. a singing contest歌咏竞赛27. give a puppet show举办木偶演出28. a new zebra from Africa来自非洲的新斑马29. meet at the bus stop at 10:30 10:30在公交车站会面30. the girl with the yellow bowl端着黄碗的女孩二、句型:1. 一般将来时be going to(表示 “准

4、备、将要、预备去做某事”)询问 “某人准备干什么”及其应答: 第 1 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -What are we/you going to do. -We re/I m going t动o+词原形 /地点 +时间-What are you going to do at 10:15 tomorrow morning. -I m going to -What is he/she/Liu Tao going to do. -He/She is going to-What are L

5、iu Tao and Tom going to do. -They are going to 其它特别疑问句:-Where are you going. -I m going toHongmei Park.-What time are you doing to come home. -At 4:30, I think.-When are they going to meet. -They re going to meet at 1:30.Will 近似于be going to,但在详细使用的时候意义上仍是有所不同的;I m going tovisit the History Museum. /

6、 I will visit the History Museum.2. 打电话用语:Call: Hello. Is that. / Hello, may I speak to.Hello. Is that you,? 用于熟人或老伴侣之间Answer: Hello,6953427. 先自报家门 / Yes, this isspeaking. Who s that. /Yes, speaking.3. 发出邀请及其应答: 比较正式、有礼貌的方式:Would you please go to the theatre with me.- Yes, I d like/ love to.我很情愿去;Wi

7、ll you join us.也可进一步询问时间when ,地点 where Would you like to join them.假如有事或不想去,也可婉言谢绝:比较随便,用于平辈与好友之间:Thank you, I d love to. But 第 2 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Let s go to the cinema, OK. - OK, let s go.Shall we go to the park.Do you want to join us.目标与要求课文显现的

8、新语言点:e way, have school, plans for the weekend, at the concert,并会运用句型:are you going to do. Im going to解并能正确的使用电话用语 Is that.Yes, speaking;确懂得、把握对话的内容,初步把握制定方案的方法,并能有感情的朗读对话;同学对时态的敏锐性,能进一步明白并感知一般将来时;学重难点点:能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇,懂得运用本课句型,能正确懂得、把握对话的内容并能流利的朗点:单词plan, concert的读音;有感情的朗读对话并适当拓展;学预备:媒体课件,词组与句型卡片计思路:

9、堂课的设计紧紧环绕plans for the weekend这一话题绽开,读前活动中,与同学一起学习be going步感知一般将来时;在文本阅读中,通过文本信息的猎取找出the children s plans for the weekend的make our own plans for May Day;课堂教学分三步进行,即走进文本吮吸文本走出文本同学充分熟识课文;在语篇教学环节,注意表达老师教学与同学学习的层次感,因此,我把语篇划分 学,在引言部分的教学,我充分带领同学读图,从图片中猎取信息,让同学在读图的过程中自然说出;在第一段对话教学中边指导,边放手让同学自己去文本中探究所要抓取的信息

10、,在其次段的对话手让同学自己在文本阅读中猎取重要的信息,力图在语篇的阅读教学中培育同学实际应用英语的能问题和解决问题的才能;学过程: 第 3 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Free talk单元的学习重点是对一般将来时的学习与运用;我先利用几个同学熟识的句子进行自由对话,如w r like today. What day is it today.用这些同学耳熟能详的句子,同学能放松他们紧急的心情,使他们围中上课;同时自然而然的引出新词by the wayat day is it tod

11、ay.What date is it today. he way, What s the weather like today.ats the weather like in Yang Zhong in Spring. at can we do in spring ?he way, are you going tothis weekend. y the ways and girls, you know it s spring now. It s warm and sunny. We can go outside,we can fly kites, gong and play ball game

12、s on the grass , and so on. What are you going to do this weekend. Do you for the weekend. 揭题Today we ll learn Unit6 Planning for the weekend.an, 跟读课题;. 学习句型 What are you going to do. Im going to明白并感知一般将来时;语的学习,主要在于习得、积淀语感,从而形成懂得和运用语言文字的才能;我们老师在教学的时候 会同学固定的学问,然后再让同学围着固定的东西去发散因此我先让同学熟识句型what are you

13、g回答we re/ Im going to然后让同桌操练;在同学都已把握这一句型的基础上,再进入课文的阅读 oys and girls , What are you going to do this weekend.板书句型You can say like this“Im going to”生沟通周末方案;ow please ask your partner s plan of the weekend. OK.同桌沟通方案;生同桌汇报之后,老师问: Isgoing tothis weekend. ,让同学感知第三人称的疑问句式;学习课文语篇的处理上,我本着要有学问的输出必需第一要有学问的输入原

14、就,我采纳先带领同学读图,明白带着问题听引言部分,自然过渡到课文的学习;采纳总分总的方式考察同学对课文的懂得和运用能 画,找出GaoShan, David和 Nancy 的周末主要活动;分:把课文分成两个部分,让同学读课文选填空,再总:阅读整篇对话,完成周末方案的表格,并以高山的身份复述课文主要内容;让同学在反的基础上达到对课文的的懂得和运用;片学习课文引言部分;we know our plans for this weekend. What about Gao Shan. Please look at this picture. Can you the weather like today. It s warm and sunny. 第 4 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - -名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - -



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