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1、牛津学校英语 4A Unit8 In class教案教材简析 :本单元的主要教学内容是祈使句;通过教“Open the window, please .”及否定句“ Dont open the door . ”两种句式,让同学把握“请别人干某事”和“叫别人不要干某事”的英语表达法;老师可以用动作、表情和手势帮忙同学懂得这些表示命令、恳求、建议的句子,并要求同学能在肯定的情形中娴熟地运用这些祈使句;本单元的词汇以动词词组为主,老师可通过详细动作来演示这些动作,给同学以感性熟悉;老师在教祈使句时,应进行必要的文明礼貌教学;教学要求 :1. 得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词eat ,drink ,wri

2、te ,read,close ,open .2. 听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Openthe window ,please.Don t open the door .并能在适当的场合正确运用祈使句;3能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语That s allright.Dont be lateagain .4. 解辅音字母 r和 s 在单词中的读音;5. 诵读歌谣 Dont be late again .教 学 重 点 : 1能听得懂、 会说、会读和会拼写单词eat ,drink,write,read,close,open. 2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Openthe window ,ple

3、ase.Dont open the door .并能在适当的场合正确使用祈使句;教学难点 :1能听得懂、 会说、会读和会拼写单词eat ,drink,write,read,close,open. 2能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句Openthe window ,please.Dont open the door .并能在适当的场合正确使用祈使句;教具预备:图片、录音、教学挂图、投影器材;第一课时(新授)教学目标1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词eat, drink, write , read , close, open.2. 能听得懂,会说祈使句Open the -. Close the-

4、.3. 会玩嬉戏 Simon says 教学重点难点以上 1,2 为重难点教学预备录音机,多媒体课件教学过程1Sing a song Go to school”2. Free talkT: What time do you get up.S:I get up atT: What time do you have breakfast. S: At3. PresentationT:What time do you go home. S:I go home at-.T:-.Open the box please. S:Ok.T:Yes.Read after me . 带读单词 open,正音并知道拼

5、写 T:-.Close the box please. 带读单词 close,正音并指导拼写 S:All right.T:Let s play a game. I will ask you to act as me.稍作说明 做吃东西状T: Good .Now read after me. Eat 教授单词 Eat.T:-. Eat a bar of chocolate. T:-.Eat an ice cream .作喝水状S:OK.T:Yes. Drink-.教授单词 Drink T:Drink some milk. T:Drink some juice. S:All right.作画画状T

6、:Read after me. Draw-.教 授 单 词 Draw T:Draw a flower for me. S:OK.老师作写字状T:Yes.Read after me. Write-.教授单词 write 老师作读书的样子 T: Read -.教授单词 readT: Read the new words.老师作誊写状T: Copy-.教授单词 copyT: Copy the new words please.T: Now open your book and turn to page 62.Listen to the tape and repeat.4. Play a gameT:

7、Now let s play a game 适当讲解规章 T: Simon says : Stand up. T:Simon says : Sit down. T:Open your books.T:Simon says :Close your books. T: Simon says: Eat a hamburger. T:Who want to play.请同学上来发出指令T:Play this game in pairs板书设计Unit 8 In class OpenCloseReadWrite, please. CopyDrawEat Drink课外作业1. 誊写单词2. 听录音跟读4

8、.预习本单元的句型其次课时(新授)教学目标1. 能听得懂,会说,会读和会写祈使句Open the window .please2. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语That s all right. Don t be late again.教学重点难点以上 1,2 为重点, 1 犯难点教学预备多媒体教学过程1. Sing a song Go to school2. Free talkT: What time do you get up.S:I get up atT: What time do you have lunch. S: I have lunch at3. PresentationT:

9、 What time do you go home.S:AtA.Play a gameT: Let s play the game. S:OK.T:Simon says : Stand up , please T: Simon says :Sit down.T:Simon says : Sit down. T:Simon says : eat a hamburger. T:Read the new wordT: Simon says :Close the door.T:Now who wants to come here to play the game.请同学上台发命令 T:Now play

10、 this game in pairs 同座位做嬉戏 T: Now, lets go on. T:Stand up.T:Simon says :Open your books. T:Simon says: Open your pencil case.T:Simon says : Dont close your books.老师摆摆手示意同学不要合上书 T: Good, read after me. 老师教授句型 Dont-.T:Simon says :Don t sit down.T:Simon says: Don t read the new words. 请同学上来发令 T: Now pl

11、ay this game in pairs. B Present the textT:Listen to the tape.1 播放 13 幅图的课文T :Now, say something to Mike please. S: Don t be late again.Sit down.(2) 播放 46 幅图的课文T:Say something to Liu Tao please. S: Don t draw in your book.(3) T:Now listen to the tape and repeat.(4) 老师带读课文(5) 全班分角色读课文(6) 同学自读课文并表演对话4

12、.Consolidation老师出示图片1Look at picture 1. Say something to the girl. 2Look at picture 2. Say something to the boy. 3Talk about picture 3 and picture 4 in pairs5. 拓展老师用多媒体创设情形,请同学自由争论.板书设计Unit 8 In classDont.please.All right.课外作业1. 誊写句子2. 听录音,跟读课文5 遍3. 预习下一课第三课时( 巩固拓展)教学目标1能在实际生活中使用本单元所学的祈使句2巩固本单元所学的单词

13、及句型3. 能读歌谣 教学重点难点以上 1,2 为重点, 1 犯难点教学预备多媒体 , 录音机,卡带教学过程1. Say a rhymeSay the rhyme 2. Look , choose and sayT:Now, let s play a game: Listen and do. T:Stand up.T:Sit down please T: Read this word.T: Open your pencil boxes. 同学依据指令做出相应的动作老师出示教材 C 部分图T: Look at picture 1. I m Miss Li .Stand up.Sit down p

14、lease.S:Ok.T: Now , talk about these four pictures in pairs(请同学表演)3Look and sayT: Now open your books turn to page 64. Talk about these four pictures in pairs. 每幅图请 2 位同学起来表演 4Read and act.T: Now read the text by yourselves and then answer my questions.S:Ok.T: What s the time.S: Its eight forty-five. T:What does David want to do. S: Do the puzzle.T: What does Mr Black say. S: Don t do the puzzle.同学听录音跟读,跟老师读,分组读,分角色读T: Now Im David.T:



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