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1、湖南省衡阳市祁东县河洲中学2022年高一英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. My sister is always telling us of the people and the things _ interest her.A. who B. which C. that D. what参考答案:C2. My teachers words left an _mark on me for many years.A. indelible B. invaluableC. compulsory D. independent参考答案:A3. Have you decided when to leave

2、for Shanghai? Yes, we _ on Friday.A. leave B. are leaving C. have left D. leaves参考答案:B4. I dont believe they can pass the driving test when they never practice, _?A. can they B. cant they C. do I D. do they参考答案:A5. - Our class team is short of one person for the coming basketball match. Why dont you

3、 join us?- _. A. Have fun B. Its my pleasure C. Cheer up D. Its really not my cup of tea 参考答案:D6. He promised he _ the assembly on time. I am at a loss what happened.It doesnt matter. We are starting without him.A. will attendB. had attendedC. will have attendedD. would attend参考答案:D【详解】考查时态。句意:他保证将按

4、时参加会议,我不知道发生了什么事。没关系,我们不等他就开始。根据“promised”判断此处表示从过去某一时间看将要发生的事情,应该用过去将来时,故D项正确。7. -My name is Annabelle. Shall I spell it for you? -_.A. If you dont mind B. Not at all C. Take it easy D. Nice to meet you参考答案:A略8. In the program “You Are The One” last week, everybody had the _ that she was a good mat

5、ch for the young man. A. expectation B. expression C. explanation D. impression参考答案:D略9. Its a(n) problem when using the Internet. Do you trust the information you have downloaded?A. usual B. ordinary C. public D. common参考答案:D10. Can you imagine _?Which of the following is WRONG?Athat Tom can cook t

6、he dinnerBToms cooking the dinnerCTom to cook the dinnerDTom cooking the dinner参考答案:Cimagine后跟宾语从句或动名词,不跟不定式的复合结构。11. Worried about the safety of my child in such a heavy rainstorm, my attention began to off my work.A. wonder B. separate C. wander D. divide参考答案:C12. -Do you remember_ he came?-Yes, I

7、 do. He came by car.A. how B. when C. that D. if参考答案:A13. There was a tall boy sitting in front of me, blocking my _ completely.A. scene B. sight C. scenery D. view 参考答案:14. Mr. Black _ Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane _ on Sunday? A. leaves; takes off B. is leaving; takes

8、 offC. is leaving; is taking off D. leaves; is taking off 参考答案:B15. All visitors to this village_ with kindness.A. treat B. are treated C. are treating D. had been treated参考答案:B略16. Tom has been dreaming of becoming a banker and I believe he finance in university at the age of 20.A. will be studying

9、 B. had studiedC. has studied D. would study参考答案:A【详解】考查时态。句意:Tom一直梦想成为一名银行家,我相信他20岁时会在大学里学习金融。“at the age of 20”标明是将来某一时间点发生的事情,应该用将来进行时,故A项正确。二、 新的题型17. 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (每小题1分, 满分15分). “观测未来”不仅仅适合个人(旅行),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐和学习的完美结合。Futuroscope is not only for 1 , but is also the 2 mix of fun and learning

10、for class outings. 由于他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中有了更多的方法。 3 4 his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger. 不幸的是查理的父亲去世了,整个家庭状况更糟了。 5 Charlies father died, 6 the family even 7 8 . 简的行为鼓舞了其他人继续为保护野生动物而奋斗。Janes 9 10 others to 11 12 the fight for wildlife protection. 她后退了几步,看上去有些

11、吃惊,并举起了手,好像是在自卫。She 13 back 14 surprised and put up her hands, as if in 15 .参考答案:1. individuals 2. perfect 3. Thanks/Owing/Due 4. to 5. Unfortunately/ Unluckily 6. leaving 7. worse 8. off 9. behaviour / behavior 10. inspired 11. carry 12. on 13. stepped 14 appearing 15. defence/ defense三、 阅读理解18. Se

12、lf-driving vehicles(车辆) will rely on cameras, sensors and artificial intelligence (人工智能) to recognize and respond to road and traffic conditions, but sensing is the most effective for objects and movement in the neighborhood of the vehicle. Not everything important in a cars environment will be caug

13、ht by the vehicles camera. Another vehicle approaching at high speed on a collision (碰撞) track might not be visible until its too late. This is why vehicle-to-vehicle communication is undergoing rapid development. Our research shows that cars will need to be able to chat and cooperate on the road, although the technical challenges are still great.The usages of vehicle-to-vehicle communication contain vehicles driving toget


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