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1、河南省濮阳市清水河中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. The naughty boys hid themselves in the place_ their parents couldnt find them.A. whereB. thatC. howD. for which参考答案:A2. I will go to the RT Mart this afternoon. Would you like to go with me?Sorry, but if you go, buy a bar of chocolate for me, ?A. do youB. will youC.

2、 dont youD. wont you参考答案:B3. Nobody but me _ that either you or Tom _to take part in this activity.A. knows / is B. know / are C. know / is D. knows / are参考答案:A略4. I have always been honest and straight-forward(正直),and it doesnt matter that Im talking to.Awho is it Bwho it is Cis it whom Dit is whom

3、参考答案:B5. Mr. Black _ Shanghai in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane _ on Sunday. A. leaves; takes off B. is leaving; takes offC. is leaving; is taking off D. leaves; is taking off 参考答案:B6. _solve the problem of being too fat, she has been on a diet for over two years.A. So that B. So as

4、 to C. In order that D. In order to参考答案:D7. -Was the teacher strict?- Yes. He requested that we _ television on week nights.A. must not watch B. didnt watch C. not watch D. couldnt watch参考答案:C8. Tell Mary there is someone _ for her at the door.A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited参考答案:C9. I gradua

5、ted from a normal university twenty years ago and_as a teacher ever since. Awork Bworked Chave worked Dwas working参考答案:C10. While _ out of the window, I saw my father walking the dog in the garden.A. look B. looks C. looking D. looked参考答案:C11. Glad to see you, Kate.Oh, my God. Its been 20 years _ we

6、 last saw each other.A. when B. beforeC. afterD. since参考答案:D12. I really prefer_the summer holidays by myself.Oh?Id rather_to the seaside with my parents. Ato spend;go Bto spend;to go Cspend;go Dspend;to go参考答案:A略13. The football fans often _ _ late to watch live broadcasts of football matches. A. m

7、ix up B. turn up C. put up D. stay up 参考答案:D14. The fire lasted about four hours the firefighters could control it. A. since B. before C. while D. as参考答案:B15. - How much is the latest style of the watch? - Sorry, I have no idea. But it and I will know the price soon. Ahas produced Bhas been producin

8、g Cis produced Dis being produced参考答案:D16. In the special school, Harry Potter learned a lot and was of his past A. afraid B. believed C. heard D. convinced 参考答案:D17. Dont lie! You face gives you _.A. away B. upC. in D. out参考答案:A【详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:不要说谎!你的脸出卖了你。give away出卖;give up放弃;give in屈服,让步;give ou

9、t分发,公布。根据句意可知,这里的意思是出卖。故A选项正确。二、 完型填空21. Some years ago,an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely road.She did not appear to have 1 ,but she was trembling and clearly in a state of shock,so he rushed her to the 2 hospital.She began to tell the doctor on duty a story which was 3 in all

10、respects.She had been 4 along a country road 5 she had been stopped by a flying saucer 6 in front of her.She had been forced to leave the car and 7 the flying saucer by creatures which looked like human beings and which could easily make themselves 8 although they could not 9 .They could read her th

11、oughts and she could read 10 .They tested her politely and allowed her to 11 after carrying out a number of tests on her.As she otherwise seemed to be 12 ,the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects of some medicine.The woman insisted on being 13 to go home,but when she

12、gave her address,it was in a town over a thousand miles from the 14 .The police then started to make inquires and soon 15 that there was already a 16 going on for the woman, 17 husband badly reported that she had 18 .Her car had been found with the drivers door open and the engine running. 19 the ca

13、r the surface of the road had been completely destroyednot by an explosion or anything of that kind,but 20 a large,round,white-hot object had burnt through it.1.A.a restB.an accidentC.a testD.an idea2.A.most famousB.most expensiveC.bestD.nearest3.A.funnyB.sadC.movingD.astonishing4.A.drivingB.walkingC.runningD.wandering5.A.asB.sinceC.whenD.if6.A.risingB.flyingC.runningD.landing7.A.enterB.visitC.watchD.clean8.A.noticedB.seenC.understoodD.heard9.A.moveB.thinkC.readD.speak10.A.their


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