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1、江西省新余市振华实验学校2020年高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The parents didnt tolerate their kids rudeness, nor _ themselves to be disobeyed. A. they allowedB. did they allowC. they didnt allow D. didnt they allow 参考答案:B2. Hard work can often _ a lack of intelligence. A. make up for B. take advantage of C. come up with

2、 D.keep pace with参考答案:A3. The Chinese film, _ Tang dynasty, is well received by many foreign viewers.A. is set in B. setting in C. set in D. be set in参考答案:C略4. My friend Julia brought out all her dresses and told me to take _ suited me best()AwhicheverBwhateverCwheneverDwhoever参考答案:A我的朋友Julia拿出她所有的衣

3、服,让我挑最适合我的任何一件考查宾语从句此题_ suited me best作take的宾语从句此空为宾语从句的引导词,该引导词在宾语从句中作主语,谓语为suited,宾语为mewhichever 和whatever都可引导名词性从句,但前者是有范围的,表示任何一个,而whatever 是没有范围的,表示无论什么此处有范围,在她所有的衣服中用whicheverwhenever用来引导时间状语从句,无论何时whoever可引导名词性从句,表示无论是谁故选A项5. The teacher couldnt make himself attention to because the students

4、were so noisy. A. to pay B. to be paid C. paid D. pay参考答案:C6. The President _ the Chinese Primer Yang in the White House yesterday.A. meets with B. met with C. talked D. spoke参考答案:B7. _ from his clothes, he is not so poor. A. Judged B. Judging C. To judge D. Having judged参考答案:略8. Michael put up a pi

5、cture of Yaoming beside his bed to keep himself _of his own dream.Areminding Bto remind Cremind Dreminded参考答案:D9. Sorry I am late. I _ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. A. might B. should C. can D. will参考答案:A10. Its said that women are more easily to be _ by the sales pro

6、motions (促销活动) in big stores.A. based on B. taken advantage of C. reminded of D. honored for参考答案:B11. Saving Private Ryan is an unforgettable anti-war film and also a story of courage and _ .A. burden B. depressionC. benefit D. sacrifice参考答案:D【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:拯救大兵瑞恩是一部令人难忘的反战电影,也是一个关于勇气和牺牲的故事。A. burden

7、负担;B. depression压抑,压力;C. benefit好处,益处;D. sacrifice牺牲;根据句意可知“sacrifice牺牲”符合上下文语境,故选择D项。12. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we dont always think about the emotional significance of the days events_, it appears, we begin to dream.A. because B. when C. if D. until参考答案:D13. He was

8、nearly drowned in a pool._ Oh, when was _ exactly ? _ It was in 2010 _ he was swimming with his friends.A.this; that Bthat; thatCwhat; when Dthat; when参考答案:D14. Whenever we are in trouble, he always _ to help us.A. supplies B. gives C. affords D. offfers参考答案:C15. There are flowers and trees shown in

9、 the park and people go to have a look.Aa plenty of;manyBvarieties of;various ofCvarious;manyDquite a few;quite a little参考答案:C16. Johns success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work has made him what he is today.A. why B. when C. which D. that参考答案:D略二、 新的题型17. Most people have p

10、racticed some form of hobby at a point in their lives, whether it is some form of sports, playing a musical instrument, creating art, cooking or something else. There are many different reasons and skills for taking up a hobby.Realize you have more time than you think.This is probably the one thing

11、that keeps most people back from practicing a hobby. 16 But we waste so much time on social media, television commercials and worrying about life which we could have used to practice a hobby. Schedule some time for a hobby into your day. Plan ahead and just do it.Involve other people.Why? Well, have

12、 you ever noticed that you stick to something longer when you feel that you cannot let another person down? So, get someone to jog with you, or make music with you, or share recipes with you. Plus, you will inspire them to keep on practicing their hobby.17Put your money where your mouth is.18 So giv

13、e out a bit of your budget lo your hobby of choice so that you cannot blame a lack of “materials” for not doing anything.19For me, this has been the most important step in going out and doing a hobby. If you jog, decide which races you want to do this year. If you practice music, organize a concert.

14、Find the pleasure in what you do.As with most things, starting of getting something ready to start can be difficult. But dont give up.20AIt is a total win-win.BWork towards something.CThink of a hobby that might interest you.DOthers help will definitely do you good.E. You think that you dont have enough time to even start.F. The fact is that people spend money where their heart is.G. Once you have started youll find the be



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