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1、江西省九江市艾城中学2021-2022学年高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. - Are there any English story books for us students in the library?- There are only a few, _.A. if any B. if some C. if have D. if has参考答案:A2. How I wish I had studied harder when I was in senior school!If you had,you _ a university student now.Aare Bwould be

2、Cshould Dwere参考答案:B3. Man must keep in mind that it will be years _ the earth recovers from the damage he makes to it.A whenB. before C. since D. until参考答案:B略4. _ tough it is, you must spare no effort to accomplish _ you are asked to do.A. What ; however B. How ; whateverC. Whichever; however D. How

3、ever ; what参考答案:D5. Mr. Hu , have you finished correcting the papers? Not yet, the papers _. You _ get the results from me by tomorrow.A. are corrected; will B. are being correcting; shouldC. are being corrected; shall D. are being corrected; would参考答案:C略24. The kid, rather than his parents, _said t

4、o have had an accident while travelling. A. is B. are C. were D. will be参考答案:A略7. Having checked the doors were closed, and _ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.A. why B. that C. when D. where 参考答案:B8. The book has been translated into thirty languages since it _ on the

5、market in 1973.A. had come out B. has come out C. came out D. comes out参考答案:C略9. Reading is the best way to pass time on the train._I never go travelling without a book.AYou are joking BThats trueCI dont think so DIt sounds like fun参考答案:B10. A chance should be given to_has a really good voice in the

6、 programme Chinas Strongest Voice.A. whoever B. who C. whom D. whatever参考答案:A11. No freshman and no graduate _ to sit in on the forum. A. are allowed B. is allowed C. are agreed D. is agreed参考答案:B12. Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard ,you failed. A. as a result B. in o

7、ther words C. in a way D. in particular参考答案:b略13. The explorer could not even strike a match , _ after the long journey on the freezing day.A. to freeze B. freezing C. frozen D. to be frozen参考答案:C考点:考查非谓语动词。14. Which material can be thrown into the sea _ on the nature of the material?Adepended Bdepe

8、nding Cto depend Ddepends参考答案:according to根据;故B正确。考点:考察非谓语动词用法15. We should take advantage _ the fine weather today _tennisAof; to play Bfor; playing Cfrom, to play Dto; playing参考答案:A16. _ the phenomenon of “by-stander effect” in the Yueyue event, most Chinese strongly believe that there still exist

9、 love and warmth in peoples hearts.A. In addition to B. In spite of C. On behalf of D. Due to参考答案:B17. _the college girl was enjoying the rainbow after the thunderstorm when she fell down from the balcony of a six-storey building and got killed. A. It is reported that B. As it is reported, C. As is

10、reported that D. It is reported by参考答案:A二、 完型填空18. I was in a hotel ballroom in Washington, back in 2004, to cover the National Spelling Bee(全国拼字比赛).One of the 265 kids was Akshay Buddiga, a 13-year-old from Colorado Springs. His brother had 41 the bee two years before, and Akshay wanted to 42 his b

11、rothers success.You could learn at Harvard University all day and 43 hear the words used in the National Spelling Bee. These words live in the 44 corners of dictionaries. Each speller steps up to the microphone, and the official pronouncer 45 a word. If the speller gets it right, theres a moment of

12、46 , then three magic words: that is 47 .Akshays moment came in round six. His word was “alopecoid”, meaning “like a fox”. He 48 the word, but there was a problem. In his head, he saw two 49 spellings and he couldnt decide which was right.He had two minutes to 50 the word. He asked to hear the word

13、again, trying to 51 between the two versions in his head. He jammed his hands in his pockets. Without knowing it, he stood so straight that he 52 his knees. He started to feel 53 . He crashed to the stage so 54 that his feet flew into the air.The audience made this sound: ohhhhhhhhOHHHHHHHHohhhhhhhh.An official said, “ 55 the clock.” The room went 56 except for the click-click-click of the photographers cameras.Akshay raised his head, looking around the room for a


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