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1、江苏省盐城市第五中学2020年高三英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. As J. K. Rowling put it, it is our choices _ show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. A. that B. whether C. which D. when参考答案:A试题解析:句意:是我们的选择表现真是的自我。本句是一个强调句,强调句子的主语our choices。故选A。2. How pleasant the picture is to _!A. be looked B. for looking at C. lo

2、oking at D. look at参考答案:D本题考查非谓语中现在分词的被动式,现在分词,不定式的被动式,过去分词 等考点的理解。How pleasant the picture is to look at!相当于句子 It is peasant to look atthe picture。故不定式用主动形式。3. Tom, were all the students on the school bus injured? No, _ only the three who got hurt. A. there was B. there were C. that was D. it was参考

3、答案:D4. All passengers _ are expected to fasten the seat belts when the plane takes off and lands.A. on board B. on aboardC. on the board D. on boards参考答案:A【详解】考查介词短语。A. on board在船(车或飞机)上;C. on the board在董事会上;在木板上。B、D短语错误。句意:当飞机起飞和降落的时候,所有的乘客都要求系上安全带。故选A。5. Joe won the first prize on Sunday and, tear

4、s rolling down his cheeks, it a turning point for him.A. called B. calling C. having called D. to call参考答案:A略6. Robert had a comfortable childhood, _ up in a pleasant house with a view of the sea.Agrew BgrowingCgrown Dto grow参考答案:B试题解析:本题考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词在此作状语,与逻辑主语Robert 之间是主动的,所以排除B grown 过去分词;A grew

5、一般过去时,不是非谓语动词;D to grow 在时间上表示将来,而此题表示的是一个事实,所以选择growing现在分词,用来表示主动且事实。7. _ I have a word with you? It wont take long. A. CanB. MustC. ShallD. Should参考答案:A8. How many people are still leading_life under_poverty line in the world? Perhaps one fourth.A. the; 不填 B. a; the C. a; a D. 不填; 不填参考答案:B9. _ Ma

6、rch 12th, the students were planting trees on the hill. A. There being B. It was C. It being D. This was 参考答案:C 10. The question was very difficult,but I _work it out.A.tried to B.could C.managed to D.succeeded in参考答案:C11. This means _ the Bible was translated into English centuries ago, many Hebrew

7、 and Greek idioms have become part of the English language.A. what if B. that since C. that when D. what while参考答案:B12. “Youth”is regarded as a time in their life fun ,passion, and imagination seem limitless.A、thatB、whichC、whenD、where参考答案:C13. Liu Fang is a company CEO now, but she _ as a teacher in

8、 a middle school for three years Aworked Bhas worked Cworks Dhad worked参考答案:A略14. In recent years _global warming is becoming _concern of people all over the world. A. the, the B. /, a C. /, / D. the, /参考答案:B15. The French Revolution was successful in_ society of inequality, which had a great effect

9、 on many other countries, particularly _ in EuropeA. freeing; that B. freeing; ones C. ridding; the one D. ridding; those参考答案:D16. I dont like any humor in serious speech because I cant think of any circumstance _ this would be beneficial or useful. A. whereB. whichC. whether D. as参考答案:A二、 新的题型17. 情

10、景对话 (共5小题; 每小题1分, 满分5分)根据对话情景和内容, 从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。W: David, we all know you took up skateboarding at ten. 6 M: Yeah, my parents even let me skate in the house.W: 7 M: Yes, they were pretty cool.W: 8 M: That was fine. I was able to get my school work done with good

11、 grades. My only problem was that I had so much physical energy that I could not sit still in class. Then some teachers started taking my skateboard away.W: That couldnt stop you from skating?M: 9 The cool thing was that my parents managed to find me a different school. The headmaster there was wond

12、erful. He let us plan our own P.E. classes. So guess what class I created.W: Skateboarding.M: 10 That was my P.E. class. By that time I was turning professional and starting to show off some techniques at competitions. A. Did they?B. But did your parents support you?C. No way.D. Are you kidding?E. H

13、ow about your school work?F. You guessed it.G. I think so.参考答案:6-10 BAECF三、 阅读理解18. Still seeking a destination for your weekend break? There are some places which are probably a mere walk away from your college. Kings Art Centre A day at the Centre could mean a visit to an exhibition of the work of

14、 one of the most interesting contemporary artists on show anywhere. This weekend tees the opening of an exhibition of four local artists. You could attend a class teaching you how to learn from the masters or get more creative with paintfree of charge. The Centre also runs two life drawing classes for which there is a small fee. The Botanic Garden The Gard



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