【英文读物】End as a Hero

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《【英文读物】End as a Hero》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【英文读物】End as a Hero(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【英文读物】End as a HeroChapter 1In the dream I was swimming in a river of white fire and the dream went on and on. And then I was awakeand the fire was still there, fiercely burning at me.I tried to move to get away from the flames, and then the real pain hit me. I tried to go back to sleep and the rela

2、tive comfort of the river of fire, but it was no go. For better or worse, I was alive and conscious.I opened my eyes and took a look around. I was on the floor next to an unpadded acceleration couchthe kind the Terrestrial Space Arm installs in seldom-used lifeboats. There were three more couches, b

3、ut no one in them. I tried to sit up. It wasnt easy but, by applying a lot more will-power than should be required of a sick man, I made it. I took a look at my left arm. Baked. The hand was only medium rare, but the forearm was black, with deep red showing at the bottom of the cracks where the cris

4、ped upper layers had burst.There was a first-aid cabinet across the compartment from me. I tried my right leg, felt broken bone-ends grate with a sensation that transcended pain. I heaved with the other leg, scrabbled with the charred arm. The crawl to the cabinet dwarfed Hillarys trek up Everest, b

5、ut I reached it after a couple of years, and found the microswitch on the floor that activated the thing, and then I was fading out again.I came out of it clear-headed but weak. My right leg was numb, but reasonably comfortable, clamped tight in a walking brace. I put up a hand and felt a shaved sku

6、ll, with sutures. It must have been a fracture. The left armwell, it was still there, wrapped to the shoulder and held out stiffly by a power truss that would keep the scar tissue from pulling up and crippling me. The steady pressure as the truss contracted wasnt anything to do a sense-tape on for r

7、eplaying at leisure moments, but at least the cabinet hadnt amputated. I wasnt complaining.As far as I knew, I was the first recorded survivor of contact with the Goolif I survived.I was still a long way from home, and I hadnt yet checked on the condition of the lifeboat. I glanced toward the entry

8、port. It was dogged shut. I could see black marks where my burned hand had been at work.I fumbled my way into a couch and tried to think. In my conditionwith a broken leg and third-degree burns, plus a fractured skullI shouldnt have been able to fall out of bed, much less make the trip from Belshazz

9、ars CCC to the boat; and how had I managed to dog that port shut? In an emergency a man was capable of great exertions. But running on a broken femur, handling heavy levers with charred fingers and thinking with a cracked head were overdoing it. Still, I was hereand it was time to get a call through

10、 to TSA headquarters.I flipped the switch and gave the emergency call-letters Col. Ausar Kayle of Aerospace Intelligence had assigned to me a few weeks before. It was almost five minutes before the acknowledge came through from the Ganymede relay station, another ten minutes before Kayles face swam

11、into view. Even through the blur of the screen I could see the haggard look.Granthan! he burst out. Where are the others? What happened out there? I turned him down to a mutter.Hold on, I said. Ill tell you. Recorders going? I didnt wait for an answernot with a fifteen-minute transmission lag. I plo

12、wed on:Belshazzar was sabotaged. So was GilgameshI think. I got out. I lost a little skin, but the aid cabinet has the case in hand. Tell the Med people the drinks are on me.I finished talking and flopped back, waiting for Kayles reply. On the screen, his flickering image gazed back impatiently, loo

13、king as hostile as a swing-shift ward nurse. It would be half an hour before I would get his reaction to my report. I dozed offand awoke with a start. Kayle was talking.your report. I wont mince words. Theyre wondering at your role in the disaster. How does it happen that you alone survived?How the

14、hell do I know? I yelledor croaked. But Kayles voice was droning on:. you Psychodynamics people have been telling me the Gool may have some kind of long-range telehypnotic ability that might make it possible for them to subvert a loyal man without his knowledge. Youve told me yourself that you black

15、ed out during the attackand came to on the lifeboat, with no recollection of how you got there.This is war, Granthan. War against a vicious enemy who strike without warning and without mercy. You were sent out to investigate the possibility ofwhats that term you use?hyper-cortical invasion. You know

16、 better than most the risk Id be running if you were allowed to pass the patrol line.Im sorry, Granthan. I cant let you land on Earth. I cant accept the risk.What do I do now? I stormed. Go into orbit and eat pills and hope you think of something? I need a doctor!Presently Kayle replied. Yes, he said. Youll have to enter a parking orbit.


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