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1、名师归纳总结 精品word资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -8A Unit 7 Seasons单元复习归纳学问整理一、重点单词1 foggy 有雾的,多雾的2 rainy 有雨的3 snowy 有雪的4 shower 阵雨;阵雪5 memory 记忆,回忆6 stream 小河,溪流7 shade 阴凉处,树荫处8 upon=on 在之上9 harvest 收割,收成10 crop 庄稼,收成11 as 当时;随着12 temperature 温度13. drop 下降,落下14. rise 上升;升起15. cloud 云16. kick 踢17 fever 发

2、烧18. cough 咳嗽19 awful 糟糕的,很坏的20 wind 风21 mainly 主要地;大部分22 around 大约23 snowstorm 暴风雪24 sunshine 阳光25 rest 其余的部分(人)26 degree 度数27 bit - 点,少量28 blow 吹;刮29. loud 大声地30. ring 给打电话;响起铃声31 fog 雾32 sleepy 困倦的;瞌睡的33 shine 光亮,光泽34 shiny 光亮的;反光的35 sudden 突然的36 snowball 雪球37. fight 打仗(架)38 deep 深的39. land 陆地40

3、exciting 兴奋人心的41 throw 扔,投,掷42 snowmanpl. snowmen 雪人43. scream 尖叫,惊呼44. ice 冰45 everywhere 处处二、重点短语1. look cool 看起来酷(凉快)2 the best time to play football outside在外面踢足球的最好时间3 be full of snow布满了雪 4 forget to grow 遗忘生长5 fly far away飞得远远地6 a perfect time to fly a kite放飞风筝的好季节7 play among flowers 在花丛中玩耍8

4、hide from 逃避1 第 5 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - -9 by a pool 在池塘边10. turn brown 变成棕色11. fall into piles upon the ground落成堆在地上12. harvest crops 收割庄稼13. thyme with 与押韵14. on a hot summer afternoon 在一个酷热的夏天的下午15. all over the earth 整个地面16. be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事17. once again 再次,又18. fall down 掉下来,摔倒在地19.

5、built Eddie a tent=built a tent for Eddie力埃迪搭建一个帐篷20. watch sb. do sth 看某人做某事21. from morning till night从早到晚22. hate rainy days 厌恶下雨天23. kick the ball 踢球24. catch a bad cold 患重感冒25. have a high fever 发高烧26. cough a lot 咳嗽得厉害27. take me to the hospital 带我去医院28. an awful day 糟糕的一天29. in the late after

6、noon 傍晚,下午的晚些时候30. drop below zero, to -10 降到零度以下,到零下10 度 31.in the thirties 温度 三十几度32. the rest of the week - 周剩下的时间33. the lowest temperature 最低温度34.a bit 有一点35. blow hard 刮得猛36. speak louder 大声点说37. cover their faces with scarves 用围巾遮住他们的脸38. causes a lot of problems 引起很多问题39. the best season of

7、the year 一年中最好的季节40. heavy fog 大雾41. throw snowballs at each other 相互扔雪球42. have big snowball fights打雪仗43. make snowmen 堆雪人44. look funny看起来滑稽三、重点句子及点拨1 Bring me my clothes, Hobo. 霍波,把我的衣服拿来;bring 意为“带来,拿来” ,是指把某物从远处拿到说话的地方,它与take 相对, take 是把某物从说话的地方拿到其它地方;bring sb. sth. =bring sth to sb意为“给某人拿来某物”

8、;2. I bet youll look cool and feel cool with nothing on.我打赌什么都不穿,你会看起来酷,感2觉也很酷!with nothing on 意为“什么都不穿” ;是介词短语作相伴状语;此处 on 是副词,意为“穿着,戴着”;介词短语作相伴状语的结构是: with+ 名词 +介词短语分词形容词副词;如:She came in with a book in her right hand.她右手拿着一本书进来了;3 Which is your favourite season. 你最喜爱的季节是哪一个?which 意为“哪一个” ,具有挑选性;wha

9、t 就无挑选性;如:Which book will you choose.你会挑选哪一本书?What book would you like.你喜爱什么样的书?4 Winter days are full of snow. 冬天里布满了雪;be full of=be filled with意为“布满了,装满了”;如:The hall is full of students. 大厅里挤满了同学;5 Then hide from the April showers. 有时要逃避四月阵雨的突袭;hide from 意为“逃避” ;如:Some shy students often hide from

10、 their teachers when they meet their teachers on the way.一些害羞的同学在路上遇到老师时总是逃避老师;6 Farmers are busy harvesting crops.农夫们在忙于收割庄稼;be busy with sth. =be busy doing sth. 意为“忙于做某事” ;7. Mum was making breakfast when l woke upthismorning. 今早我醒来时妈妈正在做早饭;这是个主从复合句,主句动作makebreakfast 要早于从句的动作wake up,故主语用过去进行时,其结构

11、是:was/were+v-ing ;如:I was reading a book when it rained heavily this morning.今早我在看书时,天下大雨了;8 I caught a bad cold. 我患了重感冒;catch a cold 与 have a cold 意义相同;但有点区分:catch a cold 意为“感冒,伤风” ;强调变化, 强调由不感冒变为感冒这一动作;也就是指瞬时发生的事,是瞬时性的动词短语;have a cold 意为“感冒,伤风”强调状态,说明正在感冒这一状态;表示连续性动作,是连续性动词短语;在现在完成时态中,要进行动词的转换:cat

12、ch a cold-have a cold;如:-Did he catch a cold yesterday.他昨天着凉了吗?-Yes. He has had a cold for two days ago.是的,他两天前就感冒了;9 I had a high fever and coughed a lot. 我发了高烧,咳嗽得厉害;have a high fever 意为“发高烧” ;如:Wearing a jacket is usually not enough if you have a high fever.假如你发高烧,穿一件夹克衫通常是不够的;310. The wind will

13、be stronger and the temperature will drop below zero, to -10 ,风将更大,温度将下降到零度以下,下降到零下10 度;用 strong 来描述风大; drop 意为“下降” ,drop to 意为“下降到” ;如:The temperature will drop to -5 温度将下降到零下五度;11. It will be a beautiful, hot day again today,with temperatures in the thirties. 今日又将是一个漂亮的、温度是三十几度的热天;in the thirties

14、意为“(温度)三十几度” ; in ones thirties 就意为“在某人三十几岁的时候”;如:Tomorrow will be in the twenties.明天温度将是二十几度;His father is in his forties. 他的父亲四十几岁了;12. Sunshine and blue skies will stay with us forthe rest of the week.在这周剩下的时间里,阳光和蓝蓝的天空将相伴着我们;rest 作形容词,意为“剩下的”,此时只作前置定语,而left 也意为“剩下的” ,但只能作后置定语; rest 作名词,意为“剩下的人或物

15、”,“the rest of+ 名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词与名词的数保持一样;如:The rest of the eggs have gone bad.=The rest eggs have gone bad.其余的鸡蛋都变质了;There are five eggs left. 仍剩下五个鸡蛋;13 The lowest temperature is-9最低温度是零下九度;我们常用high 和 low 来描述温度的的高与低;价格的高低也用high 与 low 来描述;14 This is Aunt Jane speaking. 我是简阿姨;这是个电话用语;在电话用语中,常用this 指代 I,用 that 指代 you;如: Wh



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