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1、xx年大学英语六级听力考试技巧 导语:听力是一个复杂的、多层次的思维过程,它涉及语音语调、词汇、句型、语法以及其他非语言知识。下面是带来的英语资料,希望对您有所帮助。 英语中有很多同音词、近音词和多义词,这些词在考生阅读文章时不是问题,但一旦这些词汇混杂在听力材料中,往往会给考生的听音造成障碍。我们把这些在听力中容易混淆的词统称为易混词,如fare(费用)和fair(公平的),又如fall既有“落下”的意思,又有“秋天”之意。这些词都具有很强的干扰性,使听力答题难度增加。如果不能马上找到其在原文中确切的对应词或意思,考生就很容易选错答案。 因此,考生在平时的学习中就要准确掌握单词的发音及意思。

2、如果在考试中不能确定是哪个词或意思,在听录音时首先写下你认为正确的那个词,听完录音后再结合材料的详细语境进展分析,来确定使全文意思连贯合理的那个词或意思。为了方便考生备考,我们专门研究了近20年的六级真题听力材料,从中甄别出一百余条六级考试中常考的易混词,供考生参考,考生也可以在平时的学习过程中结合自身情况不断充实、积累易混词汇。 all together - altogether band - banned bare - bear brake - break bread - bred ceiling - sealing cent - sent cell - sell check - cheq

3、ue pliment - plement dying - dyeing fare - fair find - fined flew - flu floor - flaw flower - flour fourth - forth hair - hare heal - heel hour - our heroin - heroine past - passed peace - piece rose - rows sail - sale sauce - source steal - steel story - storey site - sight threw - through tire - t

4、yre vain - vein way - weigh wait - weight wood - would appeal?pi?l - a pill?pil avoid?v?id - award?w?d borderb?d? - boardb?d baldb?ld - boredb?d councilkaunsl - cancelk?nsl cutk?t - cartk:t foamf?um - formf?m fullful - foolfu?l huth?t - hearth?t looselu?s - loselu?z odd?d - awed?d passp?s - pathp? p

5、resenceprezns - presentspreznts pullpul - poolpu?l poorpu? - pourp? stockst?k - stalkst?k sleepsli?p - steepsti?p sympathetic?simp?etik - systematic?sistim?tik aent 口音,腔调;重音,重音符号 agent 代理人,经纪人;政府代表;动因 appeal 求助,诉请;对有吸引力 apply 应用;申请,请求 ball 球;舞会 bank 银行;岸 blank 空着的;茫然的,无表情的;空白表格 bear 熊;负担;忍受 behind 在

6、后面;晚于,于 break 休息;暂停;打破 brief 简短的,简洁的;短暂的;概要,摘要 brown 太阳晒黑的;褐色的 cabi 橱,柜;内阁 character 性格;性质;人物,角色;(汉)字 chief 主要的;首席的;首领,长官 plete 完全的,完成的;完成 crash 碰撞;破产;坠毁;破裂声,哗啦声 draft 草稿,草图;汇票;起草,草拟;征募,征召入伍 fine 好的;罚款;精炼 force 力量;武力;促使,推动 gift 礼物;天赋 iron 铁;熨斗;熨烫 kid 小孩;开玩笑 last 最后的;持续 lean 倾斜,屈身;靠,倚,依靠;瘦的;贫乏的,收益少的

7、manual 用手的;手册,指南 moderate 温和的,有节制的;(使)和缓;持温和观点者 presentation 授予,赠送(仪式);报告,介绍 reservation 预订;保存意见;(美国印第安部落的)居留地 ring 铃声;打 ;戒指 sack 麻布袋,大口袋;辞退;洗劫,劫掠 safe 平安的;保险箱 spring 春天;泉水;弹簧;跳跃 schedule 时刻表,日程安排表;安排 shepherd 牧羊人;牧师;带着;指导 spoil 宠坏,溺爱;损坏 steep (价格等)过高的;急剧的,大幅度的;陡峭的 stock 库存;股票,公债;世系,血统;高汤,原汤;常用的,常备的

8、 词伙是指出现于共同的场景或共指某一事物的一组词、短语或句子。对于一些需要通过关键词获取答案的场景题、主旨题或者推理判断题,考生可以利用平时积累的词伙,结合录音的详细内容,迅速找到答案。我们把六级听力材料中常考的场景分为学习、生活和工作三大类,各大类又细分为假设干小类,并把各类场景中可能出现的词汇进展了归纳,供考生了解、学习。考生可以在考试之前再把这些词温习一遍,以增强临场听力的语感。 课程:semester,seminar,lecture,takecourse,History of Philosophy,reading list,chemistry project, puter, requi

9、rement, theoretic stuff,impart knowledge,participate in a lesson,psychology,start on time,presentation,search on the ,drop one course,pick sth.up,sign up for,be scheduled for,required course(必修课),optional course(选修课) 论文:subject,theme,assignment,essay,extension,paper,thesis,explore the topic,publishe

10、d resources,bibliography,reference,get an early start,gather materials,deadline,term paper,business management 考试:quiz,finals,grade,credit,maths exam,get As,get a C,national test,mid-term exam,self-study,fail,pass,a passing score,barely made it(刚好及格),count for50%of your score,class discussion,petiti

11、ve examination(辩论考试) 人员:freshman,sophomore,junior student,senior student,graduate,post-graduate,tutor,faculty 感受:frustrated,upset,have difficulty with,have any interest in,nothing valuable,disappointing,figure out,try a fourth time,go through so much work 其他:scholarship,tuition fee(学费),polytechnic(理

12、工学院),distinguished scholar(著名学者),different ideas,get aess to,answers to the questions,at the back of the book 娱乐:concert,performance,classical music,enjoy,good day,take a break,relax,reserve a court(预定一个球场),a night-out,take your mind off your test,fair weather,good view,dessert,half-done,get served,

13、dine out 运动:ski,boots,play tennis,boating,pole,outdoors,get in great shape,ensure the safety,first aid(急救),check the trails,physical education,belts,patience,mental discipline,expert riders,starting line,relay station,win the game,field event 房屋:roommate,dormitory,furniture,double room,deposit(押金),l

14、ive on/off campus,utilities(公用事业),heating costs, temporary aommodation(临时住处),landlord(房东),apartment,sublet(转租),dishwasher,messy(脏乱的),a leaky faucet(漏水的水龙头),tenant(房客),afford,room service,book up,monthly rent 交通:second-hand car,emergency brake,board(登机),take off,check in,behind schedule,plane crash,serious casualty,take the subway,railway pany 邮局:airmail,brown paper and scissors(牛皮纸和剪刀),express mail,overweight,package,parcel,postage,postal code, postcard, recei



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