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1、安徽省合肥市中汇实验学校高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. Researchers with Stanford University on the US. west coast have designed a kind of new battery _ to temperatures.A. sensibleB. availableC. adjustableD. sensitive参考答案:D2. They were just about to call Tom_his sister came back.A. as B. which C. until D. when 参考答案:D3. You

2、 can _ and start a new life; a small step at a time and happiness will follow. A. struggle to your feet B. get back on your feet C. rise to your feet D. take to your feet参考答案:B4. The form cannot be signed by anyone _ yourselfArather than Bother than Cmore than Dbetter than参考答案:B略5. Jack went to coll

3、ege last year, _ to return home until he achieves his goal.A. determined notB. determining notC. not determinedD. not determining 参考答案:A【题文】_ that he made an obvious mistake, Jeff went on with his speech.A. Not realizedB. Not to realizeC. Not to have realizedD. Not realizing【答案】D【解析】6. The man waved

4、 his sword at the stranger, _ angrily.A. shout B. shouting C. shouted D. to shout参考答案:B7. Over the past ten years , sea ice _ in the Arctic because of global warming. A. had decreasedB. decreased C. is decreasing D. has been decreasing参考答案:D8. his first assignment at the office of a popular English

5、newspaper.ANever Zhou Yang will forget BNever will forget Zhou YangCNever will Zhou Yang forget DNever forget Zhou Yang will参考答案:C9. Her grandfather is famous_a writer so he is famous_us all in our city. A.for; as B.as; for C.to; as D.as; to参考答案:D略10. I wish I could _ myself of this cold. Ive been s

6、uffering from it for two days. A. protect B. keep C. prevent D. Rid参考答案:Dprotect保护,固定搭配为protect sb from.保护某人免受.伤害;keep保持,固定搭配keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事;prevent预防,固定搭配prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事;rid消除,清除,固定搭配rid sb of sth清除某人某物;句意:我希望我可能消除自己身上的感冒,我已经感冒2天了!根据句意说明D项rid的语义与上下文搭配,而且搭配也合适。故D正确。【考点

7、】考察动词词义辨析和固定搭配【试题延伸】rid的短语还有get rid of清除.,去除.;在考察中这个短语也是考察的重点。【举一反三】No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _you wishing they were that highA. getting rid of B. getting along withC. Looking up to D. looking down upon答案C考点本题考查动词短语辨析。解析getting rid of意为 “摆脱;去除”; getting along w

8、ith意为 “与相处;进展”; Looking up to意为 “尊敬;敬仰”; looking down upon意为 “看不起;轻视”。句意为 “你无论认为自己怎样低下, 总希望有个高尚的人来尊敬你。”11. In a way I can see what you mean, even though I dont _ your point of view. Aagree Bpermit Crecognize Dshare 参考答案:D12. Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it _ that she was 2 hours late on such

9、a short trip. A. came overB. came outC. came aboutD. came up参考答案:C29. Mummy, I have broken my train. I told you so. You _ on it. A. mustnt have ridden B. couldnt ride C. shouldnt have ridden D. neednt ride参考答案:C14. Do you agree to the theory _ most people prefer being at work to being at home? A. ho

10、wB. thatC. whichD. why参考答案:B15. -Look! There the taxi.-Lets go!Ais coming Bhas come Ccomes Dcame参考答案:C16. I hate _ when people talk with their mouth full. A. it B. that C. those D. them参考答案:A17. Do you think Zhang Ziyi,a very famous film star,will attend the evening party of money-raising for the or

11、phans? _. She is very busy but she is devoted to such public welfare activities.A. Thats all right B. Of course C. I suppose so D. Im not quite sure参考答案:C二、 完型填空18. The Spring Festival marks the first day of a new year, so the first meal is rather important. People from the North and the South have

12、different 36 about the foods they eat on this 37 day. In Northern China, people 38 eat Jiaozi. The word Jiaozi in Chinese means the 39 and the beginning of time. According to historical 40 , in the past people from the North and the South both ate Jiaozi on Chinese New Years Day. Perhaps 41 the area

13、s in Southern China 42 more rice than those in Northern China, southern people slowly 43 to eat many other kinds of food on New Years Day. 44 , the most common foods for the first 45 are noodles, New Year Cake and Tangyuan. The noodle 46 long life. The New Year Cake is called Niangao in Chinese, which 47 the hope of improvement in 48 year after year. Tangyuan is a symbol of 49 according to the Chinese.To 50 a New Year visit to s and friends is an important activity during the Spring Festival. People also send cards to 51 a New Years greeting. What children


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