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2、力,帮不上什么忙。请大家不要认为自己是普通学子,没办法为当下的战“疫”有所贡献。国家有难的时候,做好自己的本分,就是贡献。你们保护好自己,就是保护了身边的人,保护了一线的医生和护士,谢谢你们。I think this Spring Festival must have been a panic. I guess even the students who like to stay at home most cant stay. A novel coronavirus epidemic that was originally reunited and bustling, was destroye

3、d by a sudden outbreak of a new coronavirus. We could not go out to play, not to visit relatives and friends, to go out to dinner, to keep our family in the fight against epidemic situation and to do our duty. Here, I want to say thank you to all my classmates and teachers. Thank you for protecting

4、yourself. The news updates the epidemic report every day. Its not just the data that changes, its every living person. And behind everyone is a living family. The beating of these numbers affects the hearts of all of us. I believe that the students of nanwai high school must be concerned about the f

5、ront line and the country. At the same time, many students were worried about the people who were fighting in the front line of the epidemic, but they felt powerless and could not help. Please dont think that you are ordinary students. You cant contribute to the current war. When a country has diffi

6、culties, to do its part well is to contribute. To protect yourself is to protect the people around you and the doctors and nurses on the front line. Thank you.目前,这场疫情防控阻击战形势仍然严峻。请同学们和家人一起做好疫情防护工作,非紧急情况避免外出,尽量不去人员密集的场所,不参与人员聚集性活动,规律生活,健康作息。此刻,我们呆得有点烦闷焦躁的家,是很多前线人员想回而不能回的家。在这个牵动着所有国人心的春天里,我们每一个人都无法置身事外

7、。同时,这场疫情,也是对我们每个人的教育。唯有正视这样的经历,在困境中汲取教训成长,才不辜负这样一场代价沉痛的历练。面对这场不期而至的“人生大课”,我有一些思索想和同学们分享。At present, the situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic is still severe. Please do a good job of epidemic prevention together with your family, avoid going out in non emergency situations, try not

8、 to go to densely populated places, do not participate in personnel gathering activities, live a regular and healthy life. At this moment, we are staying in a home that is a little bit boring and anxious. It is the home that many front-line personnel want to go back but cant. In this spring, which a

9、ffects the hearts and minds of all countries, each of us cant stand out. At the same time, this epidemic is also an education for each of us. Only by facing up to such experience and learning from difficulties can we live up to such a painful experience. In the face of this unexpected life lesson, I

10、 have some thoughts to share with my classmates.无穷的远方,无数的人们,都和我有关Infinite distance, countless people, are related to me相信这次加长版的寒假给大家带来了别样的感受,很多人从未像现在这样真切地感受到我们不仅仅是以个人的身份生活,而是与所处的时代同呼吸,共命运。同学们都是“非典”前后出生的,这是你们有记忆以来第一次面对全国性重大公共卫生事件。I believe that this extended winter vacation has brought us different f

11、eelings. Many people have never really felt that we are not only living as individuals, but also breathing and sharing our destiny with our times. Students were born before and after SARS. This is the first time you have ever faced a major national public health event in your memory.透过新闻,我们看到一张张布满勒痕

12、的脸、一把把为避免交叉感染而剪了的发辫,一双双被消毒液侵蚀开裂的手、一个个蜷缩在地上暂得休息的身影,年轻医护人员他们心无旁骛,凝视自己的战场;Through the news, we can see a face full of bruises, a pair of braids cut to avoid cross infection, a pair of hands corroded and cracked by disinfectant, and figures curled up on the ground for a while to rest. Young medical staf

13、f are focused on their own battle field;我们看到84岁的钟南山临危受命逆行而上,武汉金银潭医院院长张定宇身患渐冻症仍冲在前线与时间赛跑挽救生命,70多岁的李兰娟院士每天只睡3小时,带领团队为研制特效药品而耿耿不寐;We saw that Zhong Nanshan, 84, was ordered to go retrograde in the face of danger. Zhang Dingyu, the president of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital, was suffering from progressive fr

14、ostbite and was still racing with time to save his life. Academician Li Lanjuan, in his 70s, only slept for three hours a day, leading the team to keep up with the development of special drugs;我们看到坚守阵地做着深入报道,不断披露疫情最新进展的新闻人;我们看到了为建医院、为制口罩日夜赶工的工人,看到了协调有度、保障支援的社会各界组织We have seen journalists who have be

15、en holding fast to make in-depth reports and constantly disclosing the latest progress of the epidemic; we have seen workers who have been working day and night to build hospitals and make masks, and organizations from all walks of life who have coordinated and guaranteed support这些逆行的背影,他们挺身而出不是为了当什

16、么英雄。他们扶危渡厄,是守土尽责。2003年非典爆发,全世界守护着80后、90后。17年过去了,换成80后、90后来守护这个世界。我们看到当年坐在课堂读书的孩子如今换了一身衣服,学着前辈的样子,替更多人负重前行。These retrograde backs, they stand up not to be heroes. They are keeping the land and doing their duty. SARS broke out in 2003, and the whole world guarded the post-80s and post-90s. 17 years later, the post-80s and the post-90s have come to guard the world. We can see that the children who were sitting in the c



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