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1、2021-2022学年福建省福州市私立金桥学校高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Undoubtedly, there is no _ of success for anyone in the future.A. wonder B. guarantee C. condition D. struggle参考答案:B考查名词词义辨析。句意:未来,任何人都没有成功的保证。wonder意为“惊奇、奇迹”;guarantee意为“保证”;condition意为“情况”;struggle意为“努力、奋斗”,故B项正确。2. We tried to persuade him to stay home,

2、but at last, he went to the construct site in spite of his illness.A. in vain B. in return. C. in fact D. in time参考答案:A3. The people who objected to cloning human beings went on strike and _ the traffic.A. cut through B. faded out C. held on D. held up参考答案:D略4. He is intelligent enough but lacks the

3、 _to study English .He is sure to learn it very quickly once he realizes its importance. A. interest B. talent C. commitment D. motivation 参考答案:D5. It is the test system, _ the teachers, that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays. A. other than B. or rather C. rather th

4、an D. more than 参考答案:C6. _ the teachers suggestion, Tom finally found a way to settle the problemA. Following B. To follow C. Follow D. He followed 参考答案:B7. _ high homelessness and unemployment rates, education is a top priority(优先地位) for many Haitians. A. Regardless B. Despite C. In spite for D. Th

5、ough 参考答案:B略8. The train is running _120 kilometres an hour. A. at a speed B. at the speed C. at a speed of C. on a speed of参考答案:C9. - Do you know Nancys address?- _. In fact, I dont know any Nancy, either. A. Id rather not B. I hope so C. I think so D. Im afraid not参考答案:D10. Such great progress _ t

6、hat she was praised by her teacher in class.A. she makes B. she made C. did she make D. she did make参考答案:C11. _ great help, I can get rid of all the difficulty and succeed. A. Offered B. Offering C. Offer D. Having offered参考答案:A略12. Is that 110? A thief is in my house Ok, help is _.A. in the way B.

7、in its way C. on the way D. by the way参考答案:C13. After we compare the two, we find this design is _ that one.A. more superior to B. far superior than C. more superior than D. far superior to参考答案:D14. Andrew wanted to find another boy to be his best friend, but Annie told him _.A. not to B not to do C

8、. not do it D. do not to参考答案:A15. _ the class teachers repeated warnings, the boy was late for school again.A. Because of B. instead of C. Regardless of D. in case of 参考答案:C略16. As soon as _ concert film This Is It was released on October 28th, it became _ great success in all big cinemas across the

9、 planet.Aa; the Bthe; aCthe; / Da; a参考答案:B略17. Many students stay up late into the night, some of whom during the boring lecture.A. drop off B. drop inC. get away D. drop out参考答案:A【详解】考查动词短语。A. drop off睡着,减少,让-下车;B. drop in顺便来访; C. get away离开,逃脱; D. drop out退出,退学。句意:许多学生熬夜到很晚,其中一些人在枯燥的课堂上打瞌睡。故选A。二、

10、完型填空18. When I was young,each morning I woke up and would find my father nowhere around the houseHe usually got up early before_41_and began milking the cow and cleaning the farmyardIn summer,he got up_42_earlier to mop the grass and water the flowers and vegetables in the gardenOnce I helped my fat

11、her to_43_weeds from the corn fieldIt wasnt long_44_I felt very tired but the field ridge(田垄) seemed_45_Finally I totally threw myself_46_in the field,feeling_47_My dad seemed to have_48_my mindHe came up and said,Farming is backbreaking and really takes_49_and sweat,but in_50_the sweet harvest will

12、 be worth the_51_Encouraged by his words,I struggled to my feetMy father_52_and added,Rome is not built in a_53_but it can be built in hundreds of daysSo whenever_54_with a huge project,just break it into _55_parts and then complete them one by oneFinally you will be amazed at your_56_Hearing what h

13、e said,I was greatly_57_and continued removing the weeds from patch to patchBelieve it or not,at the end of the day,I_58_in weeding half an acre of corn fieldNow,I have tried different jobs and finally_59_down running a big restaurantIn my lifetime,my fathers devotion to his job and his special working methods can always encourage and guide me_60_all kinds of difficulties41Adark Bdawn Cnoon Dmidnight42Aless Bequally Ceven Dextremely43Aforbid Bthrow Cdrop Dremove44Abefore Bwhenever Csince Duntil45Achangeable Bendless Cfaraway Dboring46Aopen Bflat C


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