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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年4月辽宁沈阳体育学院研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial, and forever happy. Fast-food eaters, news anchors, text messengers, all smiling, smiling, smiling. Our magazines feature beaming cel

2、ebrities and happy families in perfect homes. And since these messages have an agendato lure us to open our walletsthey make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “Celebrate!” commanded the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.In

3、the authors opinion, advertising_. A、emerges in the wake of the antihappy art B、is a cause of disappointment for the general public C、replaces the church as a major source of information D、creates an illusion of happiness rather than happiness itself【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选 D。观点态度题。本段第4句指出,商业文化(其代表就是广告)传达快乐

4、信息的目的是诱使我们打开钱包,而这使快乐的概念本身变得不可信了。接着指出,我们忘记了,幸福不仅仅是没有痛苦的享乐,那些带来最大快乐的东西同时也最有可能带来巨大的损失和失望。由此可知,广告带给我们的快乐是一种不真实的感受。因此D正确。第2题【单选题】The pair of legs that carried him rickety, and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. A、支着他的两条腿老是摇摇晃晃的,他走路的姿势里,又总有一种倾斜的趋势,使他或多

5、或少地往一条直线的左边歪。 B、他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路的步法又总是倾斜着,使他有点歪向一条直线的左边。 C、支着他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路时又总是倾斜,使他有点往一条直线的左边歪。 D、支撑着他的两条腿摇摇晃晃的,他走路时又总是倾斜,使他有点歪向一条直线的左边。【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本题考查的知识点为选词。文学作品语言生动,其中选词是一个重要方面。动词carry有许多含义。此处译文具体化,译作“支着”。第3题【单选题】“People disappear in that river every year,” one of the policemen said to me t

6、hat afternoon, half in dismay, half in frustration. A、“年年都有人消失在这条河里,”当天下午警察中的一个人半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 B、“这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察半是沮丧,半是失意地对我说。 C、“这条河里年年都有人消失,”当天下午警察中的一个以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。 D、“这条河里年年都要死人,”当天下午一个警察以一种无可奈何的神气沮丧地对我说。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。本题考查的知识点为成语。英语和汉语都有许多成语。汉语的成语大多由四个字组成。英译汉时,适当地使用成语,译文显得简洁、生动,可以增加

7、文采。第4题【单选题】_ all the threats, many companies are sending IT professionals to courses like those Cohen offers. A、Gave B、Giving C、Give D、Given【正确答案】D【答案解析】本题考查的是非谓语动词的用法,many companies和give之间是被动的关系,所以要用过去分词。第5题【单选题】The thief tried to open the locked door but _. A、in no way B、in vain C、without effect D

8、、at a loss【正确答案】B【答案解析】in no way决不。in vain徒劳。without effect无效。at a loss茫然。第6题【单选题】In this context, it is important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit. A、在这种上下文里,这是很重要的,我们两个社会应该寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域。 B、在这种情况下,我们两个社会应该寻求合作领域,那些对我们两国确实互利的,这是很重要

9、的。 C、在这种情景下,对于我们两个社会来说,寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域是很重要的。 D、在这种情况下,我们两个社会应该寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域,这是很重要的。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。In this context:在这种情况下;to search for areas of cooperation:寻找合作领域;mutual benefit(双方)共同的利益;it为形式主语,翻译时可以不译,把真实主语不定式提前译。第7题【单选题】Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerou

10、s source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers(发射塔) should be built until the long-term health effects of the radiation they emit(放射) is scientifically evaluated, he said. Nobodys going to drop dead overnight but we should be asking for more

11、 scientific information, Robert Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised, he said.According to Robert Bell, if mobile phones prove to be dangerous to peopl

12、es health, _. A、they should be banned immediately. B、the use of them should be restricted. C、all transmitter towers should be torn down. D、a warning label should be attached.【正确答案】D【答案解析】本段的第一句话告诉我们:被证实有辐射危险的手机应该带着标签。因此答案是D。第8题【单选题】Secondary school had its own share of challenges. I was a tall kid a

13、nd wasnt good at any sport, except looking. I loved basketball and tennis. The first day I held a racket, and I was disgraced by my opponent. He won six straight sets without sweat and there I was, sweating badly like Id run a marathon, whereas I hadnt even made a single point.Stanley was disgraced

14、by his classmate in a _. A、basketball game B、tennis game C、marathon game D、football game【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。词义理解和事实细节题。通过关键词disgrace,考生可迅速定位至本段,再通过本段的关键词racket,可以判定正确答案是网球比赛。第9题【单选题】_ the new plan can be carried out will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow. A、Which B、What C、That D、Whether【正确答案】D【答案解析

15、】句意为“是否执行新的计划将在明天的会议上进行讨论”。因此答案为D。第10题【单选题】To protect Americas rivers and streams from excessive industrial pollution and to guard wildlife from the depredations of man. A、保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工业污染并保护野生动物不受人类的掠夺。 B、保护美国的河流,使之不受过分的工业污染,并保护野生动物不受人类的掠夺。 C、保护美国的江河,使之受不到过分的工业污染并保护野生动物不被人类掠夺。 D、保护美国的江河,使之免受过分的工业污染和野生动物不被人类掠夺。【正确答案】A【答案解析】“protect .from.”和“guard .from .”同义,均为“保护免遭”。第11题【单选题】The building _ now will be finished in ten days. A、building B、to be


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