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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年5月河南师范大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】 Has Mr. White arrived? Yes, already. _he wait outside or just come in? A、Shall B、May C、Could D、Must【正确答案】A【答案解析】考查情态动词辨析。当主语为第三人称时情态动词shall表示征求对方的许可。第2题【单选题】David Guterson and his wife teach their three children at home. Guters

2、on says that his children learn very differently from children in school: _. For example, when there is heavy snowfall on a winter day, it may start a discussion or reading about climate, snow removal equipment, Alaska, polar bears, and winter tourism. A spring evening when the family is out watchin

3、g the stars is a good time to ask questions about satellites and the space program. A、Some parents prefer teaching their children at home because they do not believe that public schools teach the correct religious values. B、Learning starts with the childrens interests and questions. C、Interestingly,

4、 results show that home-schooled children quite often do better than average on national tests in reading and math. D、Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children.【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。此空要填的是home-schoolers与其他孩子学习的不同点,因此选B。第3题【单选题】My little house cant compare _ his vi

5、lla(别墅). A、as B、from C、with D、by【正确答案】C【答案解析】compare with:与相比/匹敌。句意:我的小房子是无法和他的别墅相比的。答案选C第4题【单选题】This is the last place where I expected to meet you. A、这是我最后一次见到你的地方。 B、我料到最后会在此与你相逢。 C、我怎么也没有料到会在这个地方见到你。 D、我希望在最不可能的地方与你相见。【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题在翻译的时候需要注意对the last place的理解,在此处不能译为“最后的地方”,the last place wher

6、e I expected表示的是“我怎么也没有料到的地方”。第5题【单选题】Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment. Todays economic crisis could well generate a similar number of couples w

7、hose relationships have been irreparably (无法弥补地) ruined. So it is only when the economy is healthy again that well begin to see just how many broken families have been created.What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A、A stable family is the best protection against poverty. B、Money is the found

8、ation of many a happy marriage. C、Few couples can stand the test of economic hardships. D、The economic recovery will see a higher divorce rate.【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选 D。推理判断题。最后一段指出,目前的经济危机极有可能会使得这些家庭分崩离析,无法弥补。唯有等到经济再次稳健之后我们才能发现多少家庭在此过程中支离破碎。由此可见,经济的复苏将会见证更高的离婚率,故答案为D。C“很少有夫妻能够经受得起经济危机的考验”属于过度推断,可以排除。A和B文章

9、皆未提及。第6题【单选题】The purpose of new drugs used on patients is to make them less painful, _ them more terrible A、not make B、not to make C、not making D、do not make【正确答案】B【答案解析】如两个不定式表示并列关系时,后一不定式前可省去to;表示对比关系时;不定式符号to常保留。第7题【单选题】The opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the mai

10、n attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can go to such places as much as you wish. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the greeting: “Can I help you, sir?” You neednt buy anything you

11、dont want. In a bookshop, an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished reading. You may want to find out where a particular section is. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. But when he has led you there, the assistant should leave politely and look as if he is not

12、 interested in selling a single book. An assistant in a bookshop helps you _. A、on your entering the shop B、just before you finish reading C、only when you want to find out where a particular section is D、when you are reading【正确答案】C【答案解析】In a bookshop, an assistant should remain in the background unt

13、il you have finished reading. You may want to find out where a particular section is. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. 在书店里,店员只是在你想知道具体的书籍的位置时,他才会帮你。第8题【单选题】 What do you think of the manager of your company? Oh, he is _ manager whos pleasant to work with. Its _ pleasure to work with

14、him. A、the, a B、a, a C、a, the D、不填,a【正确答案】B【答案解析】前半句表示“他是那种很好共事的人”,两空均用不定冠词。第9题【单选题】Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. A、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛并不是昆虫,甚至和昆虫一点关系都没有。 B、蜘蛛并不像许多人认为的那样是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。 C、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛就是昆虫,和昆虫密不可分。 D、蜘蛛正像许多人认为的那样不是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。【正确答案】B【答

15、案解析】答案选B。本题需要注意as many people think,表示的是“许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫”;此外nor在此处表示的是否定,即“它和昆虫一点关系都没有”。第10题【单选题】_the beginning of the meeting, we heard a report by Mr. Li. A、By B、In C、At D、On【正确答案】B【答案解析】at the beginning of意为“在之初”。句意:在会议之初我们听了李先生的报告。第11题【单选题】Brindley worked, for example, to improve the grinding of flints, which were used in the rising pottery industry. A、为了改进例如燧石的研磨过程,布林德雷努力工作着,燧石是新兴陶瓷工业的常用材料。 B、例如,布林德雷努力改进新兴陶瓷工业常用材料的研磨过程燧石。 C、例如,布林德雷努力改进燧石的研磨过程,燧石是新兴陶


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