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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年4月福建厦门大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】Both Tom and his brother take after their father not only in appearance but also in character. A、resemble B、assimilate C、follow D、reflect【正确答案】A【答案解析】take after 与.相像。resemble 像.,相似。参考译文:汤姆和他兄弟不仅长相像他们父亲,性格也相似。第2题【单选题】To _ new mon

2、ey the sport needs to be more entertaining. A、recur B、perceive C、inhabit D、generate【正确答案】D【答案解析】generate 使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应。第3题【单选题】Home schooling is often more interesting than regular schools, but critics say that home-schoolers are outsiders who might be uncomfortable mixing with other people in ad

3、ult life. _. However, most parents dont have the time or the desire to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be where most children get their formal education. A、Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children. B、A number of parents prefer not to

4、 send their children to school. C、Children who are educated at home are known as home-schoolers. D、Others believe they can provide a better educational experience for their children by teaching them at home.【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本段大意是“对 home schooling 提出了质疑”,需要注意前面说到了“critics say”,空格处与之对应的是“Critics also

5、 say”。第4题【单选题】Facing growing costs and shrinking tax_, the government is now threatening to cut funding for environmental protection programs. A、budget B、collection C、profit D、revenue【正确答案】D【答案解析】revenue “收入,税收”,尤指国家的岁入。根据题意,正确答案应为D。第5题【单选题】It looks _ it is going to snow. A、as B、as if C、if D、even if

6、【正确答案】B【答案解析】as if表示“看起来像”。第6题【单选题】The little boys face, his look of fear and desperation, his cries for helpthe choice was made in our intrinsic love for children. A、那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们拿定了主意。 B、那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱使我们做出了选择。 C、看一看那孩子的脸,那脸上恐惧和绝望的表情,听一听他那呼救的声音,我们固有

7、的对孩子的爱就为我们拿定了主意。 D、看到那孩子的脸,脸上害怕和绝望的表情,听到他那呼救的声音,我们固有的对孩子的爱就为我们做出了选择。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。本题考查的知识点为增词或减词。原文是三个名词词组,译文为了行文的需要,加了“看一看”和“听一听”。第7题【单选题】At twenty-two, he had first learned what it is to a Negro. A、他22岁时,生平第一次尝到了对待黑人的滋味。 B、他22岁时,生平第一次懂得了如何做一个黑人。 C、他22岁时,生平第一次知道了黑人意味着什么。 D、他22岁时,生平第一次知道是如何对待黑人的

8、。【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题解题的关键是what it is to a Negro,表示的意思是:对待黑人的滋味。 第8题【单选题】Excessive weight gain doesnt do you any good. A、过分的 B、扩大的 C、进化的 D、非常【正确答案】A【答案解析】excessive adj. 过多的,极度的;过分的。第9题【单选题】The United States perceives itself to be a middle-class nation. However, middle class is not a real designation, nor

9、 does it carry privileges. It is more of a perception, which probably was as true as it ever could be right after World War II. The economy was growing, more and more people owned their own homes, workers had solid contracts with the companies that employed them, and nearly everyone who wanted a hig

10、her education could have one. The information in this passage deals with_. A、an individual B、a social and economic group C、a political organization D、Government【正确答案】B【答案解析】通过阅读本段,middle class中产阶级是一个群体,选答案B。第10题【单选题】I shall never forget those years _ I lived on the farm with the farmers, _ has a gre

11、at effect on my life. A、when; who B、that; which C、which; that D、when; which【正确答案】D【答案解析】years是表示时间的名词, 用when引导定语从句, 是因为when在从句中作时间状语.第二个空选用which, 引导一个非限制性定语从句.第11题【单选题】While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it. A、当我们无法弥合我们之间的鸿沟时,我们可以搭

12、一座桥,以便越过它进行会谈。 B、在我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟时,我们可以修一座桥,为的是能够进行会谈。 C、虽然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。 D、虽然我们可以修一座桥,为的是能够进行会谈,但我们却无法弥合双方之间的鸿沟。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。本句虽然用了连词while,但分句与主句之间是一种让步关系,因此while可译为“虽然”。此句中的bridge用作动词,这是一种形象的说法,译为“搭一座桥”。第12题【单选题】There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. A、以钻探的方法找石油有很

13、大的偶然性。 B、以钻探的方法找石油全靠运气了。 C、钻探石油有很大的偶然性。 D、钻探石油是很幸运的事。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。drilling for oil 表示“钻探石油”;a lot of luck本意表示的是“运气”,在本句中可以翻译为“偶然性”。第13题【单选题】They are bright, _ , able and confident. A、latent B、revolution C、subsequent D、intelligent【正确答案】D【答案解析】intelligent 智能的;聪明的;理解力强的。第14题【单选题】All plays are alik

14、e to me just as all music is alike to Tony. A、所有的戏剧对于我就像所有的音乐对托尼一样。 B、正如托尼对音乐毫无欣赏一样,我对戏剧也是一窍不通。 C、我对戏剧就像托尼对音乐一样,非常欣赏。 D、正如托尼喜欢所有的音乐一样,我也非常喜欢所有的戏剧。【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题主要考查英语结构。有些句子虽然没有使用否定句,也没有使用具有否定意味的动词、名词、形容词等,但是上下文却暗示着一种否定意味。allis/are alike 可直译为:“(对某人来说)都一样”,言外之意是说自己没能力加以辨别或欣赏。第15题【单选题】Will there

15、 ever be another Einstein? This is the undercurrent of conversation at Einstein memorial meetings throughout the year. A new Einstein will emerge, scientists say. But it may take a long time. After all, more than 200 years separated Einstein from his nearest rival, Isaac Newton.Many physicists say the next Einstein hasnt been born yet, or is a


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