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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年2月重庆交通学院研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】Egyptian agriculture has been transformed, and industry is benefiting from power generated by the dam. A、埃及的农业得到了改进,工业正从水坝发出的电力得到好处。 B、埃及的农业得到了改造,工业也用上了水坝发出的电力。 C、埃及的农业已经发生了变化,工业也用上了水坝发出的电力。 D、埃及的农业已经发生了改变,工业也从水坝发出的电力中获利。【正确答案】B

2、【答案解析】本题需要注意“is benefiting from”的翻译,最佳答案是B。第2题解答题Write an essay of 160 -200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)interpret its intended meaning,3)give your comment.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.【参考范文】 As can be seen in the pictur

3、e above, a group of youngsters are having a picnic on a lawn. Some of them are cooking meals, some fishing, while others chatting. As the caption reads, “It is important for people to keep away from pollution and return to nature.”What the picture advocates is a more balanced and harmonious life sty

4、le, which has increasingly drawn the attention of people of all ages. For one thing, such a lifestyle can bring us fresh air and bright sunshine instead of contaminated water and atmosphere. For another thing, it not only enhances our vigor, but also helps bring more enthusiasm to our work, especial

5、ly when we return to the city, where we truly belong. To Slim up, nothing is more essential than a balanced and harmonious life in todays world.In this regard, researchers and experts must play their part. They are expected to help people form good living habits instead of sticking to tobacco or alc

6、ohol. Meanwhile, people are supposed to be aware that a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle is central of all things, especially when their food, clothes and shelter are secured. To keep our everyday life balanced, harmonious and comfortable, we should take responsibility to keep our environment cle

7、an. Only in that way can we really enjoy the life that mother nature brings to us.【正确答案】 As can be seen in the picture above, a group of youngsters are having a picnic on a lawn. Some of them are cooking meals, some fishing, while others chatting. As the caption reads, “It is important for people to

8、 keep away from pollution and return to nature.”What the picture advocates is a more balanced and harmonious life style, which has increasingly drawn the attention of people of all ages. For one thing, such a lifestyle can bring us fresh air and bright sunshine instead of contaminated water and atmo

9、sphere. For another thing, it not only enhances our vigor, but also helps bring more enthusiasm to our work, especially when we return to the city, where we truly belong. To Slim up, nothing is more essential than a balanced and harmonious life in todays world.In this regard, researchers and experts

10、 must play their part. They are expected to help people form good living habits instead of sticking to tobacco or alcohol. Meanwhile, people are supposed to be aware that a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle is central of all things, especially when their food, clothes and shelter are secured. To k

11、eep our everyday life balanced, harmonious and comfortable, we should take responsibility to keep our environment clean. Only in that way can we really enjoy the life that mother nature brings to us.第3题【单选题】For their own safety, household pets should be confined to their own yard. A、tamed B、regained

12、 C、restricted D、contained【正确答案】C【答案解析】confine 限制。restrict限制,约束。参考课文:为了自身安全,家养究物应该关在主人自己的后院中。第4题【单选题】Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music. A、widespread B、shallow C、reluctant D、subsequent【正确答案】B【答案解析】superficial 表面的;肤浅的;shallow 浅的;肤浅的。第5题【单选题】_ popular belief, the ostrich does not

13、hide its head in sand when frightened; it runs away. A、As to B、Opposite to C、Due to D、Contrary to【正确答案】D【答案解析】As to关于。Opposite to对立/对面(方位/身份/性别)。Due to因为。Contrary to违反/反对(观点/态度)。第6题【单选题】Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. A、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛并不是昆虫,甚至和昆虫一点关系都没有。

14、 B、蜘蛛并不像许多人认为的那样是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。 C、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛就是昆虫,和昆虫密不可分。 D、蜘蛛正像许多人认为的那样不是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题需要注意as many people think,表示的是“许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫”;此外nor在此处表示的是否定,即“它和昆虫一点关系都没有”。第7题【单选题】Shirley _ a book about China last year, but I dont know whether she has finished it. A、has written B、wrote

15、C、had written D、was writing【正确答案】D【答案解析】句意为“Shirley去年(一段时间)在写一本有关中国的书,但我不知她现在是否写完”,因此答案为D。第8题【单选题】It is amusing that she _ her fathers bad temper as well as her mothers good looks. A、inherited B、retained C、preserved D、maintained【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题的B、C 和D选项虽然意思有些相近,但从题句意来看只有A符合题意。inherit“经遗传而得(性格、特征等)”。第9题【单选题】The garden has four gates in different directions, so you may enter it and relax through _of them in the daytime. Very convenient. A、none B、either C、all D、any【正确答案】D【答案解析】三者或三者以上任何一个用any。第10题【单选题】The group does not advocate t



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