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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年2月广西工学院研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题解答题Animation is a kind of motion pictures created by recording a series of still images-of drawings, objects, or people in various positions of incremental movement-that when played back no longer appear individually as static images

2、but combine to produce the illusion of unbroken motion. The term animation applies to creations on film, video, or computers, and even to motion toys, which usually consist of a series of drawings or photographs on paper that are viewed with a mechanical device or by flipping through a handheld sequ

3、ence of images. (41) TechniquesThere are many ways to create animation, depending on whether the materials used are flat (such as drawings, paintings, or cut-out pieces of paper) or dimensional (such as clay, puppets, household objects, or even people).(42) Production processAfter choosing an idea f

4、or a film, an animator must think about a concept in terms of individual actions.(43) HistoryAnimation has been a part of cinema history from the time the first motion pictures were made in the late 1800s.(44) Walt DisneyThe companys founder, Walt Disney, was born in Chicago, but grew up in Kansas C

5、ity, Missouri, where he met animator Ub Iwerks and composer Carl Stalling, who were to be important to his future success.(45) Japanese animationJapanese animation, known as anime, blossomed after World War II ended in 1945 and today is immensely popular both within Japan and worldwide.Current trend

6、sTwo trends in the animation industry are likely to have a profound influence on its future: a significant increase in production and exhibition opportunities, and the growing importance of new technologies.A Some early live-action films, known as trick films, used the animation technique of stop ac

7、tion, whereby the camera is stopped and an object is removed or added to a shot before filming is resumed. B Disney (with his then-partner Iwerks) created a character that was to become the most famous animated figure in history: Mickey Mouse. C Aside from television, perhaps the largest influence o

8、n the style of recent animation worldwide has come from computer technologies. Experiments with electronic animation began in the 1930s, but it was not until the late 1970s that computer animation became viable beyond scientific and government applications, particularly for use by the entertainment

9、industry.D In each case, an animator must keep in mind the basic principle of frames per second (the number of images needed to produce one second of film). Because sound film runs at twentyfour frames per second, a film animator must make twenty-four images for each second of animation that he or s

10、he wishes to create.E The most important figure in Japanese animation, Osamu Tezuka, created in 1963 the first animated made-for-television series in Japan, Tetsuwan Atom (Astro Boy). F For instance, if an animator decides on an action that will take 3 seconds of animation to complete, the animator

11、will have to create images to fill 72 frames of film (3 seconds of movement multiplied by a running speed of 24 frames per second).【正确答案】D;F;A;B;E【答案解析】41. 选D。因为41题所在段落提出“制作动画的方法取决于材料是平面的还是立体的两种情况”,D段首句的“In each case”从词汇上对“平面和立体两种情况”加以衔接,是典型的提示语。A段因为有“technique”一词和标题词汇重复,是一个干扰项,但仔细阅读就能发现,A段所讲的只是某一历史

12、时期的一种“止动动画技术”,是特指而不是泛指,应排除掉。42. 选F。F段除了词汇上有“animator”和“action”与原文照应,在意思上也与原文相连贯,举例说明制作人如何考虑每一个画面。43. 选A。A段讲的是早期电影制作使用的一种“止动动画技术”,其首句中“Some early films”及全段过去时态的使用,帮助我们确定该段是有关动画的发展历史的。c段中因为出现了几处过去时间,如“l930s”,“1970s”,容易被误选。其实,C段讲的是电脑科技对现代动画制作的影响,主要是在讲“现在”而不是“历史发展”;而且,C段首句的“Aside from television”显得比较突兀,

13、因为原文根本没有提及“television”,由此判断,也不应选C。44. 选B。这一题比较简单,B段首句的“Disney”就是明白的提示。45. 选E。E段中明确出现了“Japanese animation”和“Japan”等词汇提示。第2题【单选题】Peter has a changeable character. A、role B、disposition C、symbol D、nature【正确答案】B【答案解析】character 性格,品质;disposition 性情。第3题【单选题】The shy girl felt _ and uncomfortable when she co

14、uld not answer her teachers questions. A、amazed B、awkward C、curious D、amused【正确答案】B【答案解析】amazed吃惊的。awkward狼狈的/局促的。curious好奇的。amused滑稽的。第4题【单选题】I would class my garden as medium in size. A、单调的 B、中等的 C、温暖的 D、使命【正确答案】B【答案解析】medium adj. 中间的,中等的;半生熟的。第5题【单选题】They are bright, _ , able and confident. A、lat

15、ent B、revolution C、subsequent D、intelligent【正确答案】D【答案解析】intelligent 智能的;聪明的;理解力强的。第6题【单选题】Central heating became popular only after the Civil War. Typically, coalburning furnaces (火炉) fueled the early systems. Natural gas had developed into the leading fuel by 1960.Its acceptance resulted in part fr

16、om its wide uses. Because it comes primarily from U.S. and Canadian fields, natural gas is also less vulnerable (脆弱的) than oil is to War. Oil remains the most important fuel in a few areas, such as New England.What fuel is the dominant fuel in New England? A、Gas B、Electricity C、Wood D、Oil【正确答案】D【答案解析】该题问的是:在新英



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