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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年3月北京中科院电工研究所研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】It normally takes from five days to one week for a person to adapt to a reversed routine of sleep and wakefulness, sleeping during the day and working at night. Unfortunately, it is often the case in industry that shifts are

2、 changed every week; a person may work from 12 midnight to 8 a. m. one week, 8 am to 4pm the next, and 4 pm to 12 midnight the third and so on. This means that no sooner has he got used to one routine than he has to change to another, so that much of his time is spent neither working nor sleeping ve

3、ry efficiently.In the last sentence of the paragraph, “another” means_. A、another routine B、another shift C、another week D、another person【正确答案】A【答案解析】another(另一个)之后省略了routine 一词。第2题【单选题】I recognize my own shortcomings. A、建立 B、指望 C、认识到 D、推荐【正确答案】C【答案解析】recognize vt. 认出,识别;承认。第3题解答题考研英语写作注意事项:句子要简洁A h

4、ero is nothing but a product of his time.时势造英雄。写作要求精练,因为,简洁的表达能起到更加强调的作用。我们要写出效果好、影响大的文章,就要想方设法:1.避免使用空洞、多余的短语;2.避免过多地使用较长的句子结构,如并列句和从属句等;3.避免不必要的重复。请看下面各例:1.Owing to the fact that I had a lot of work to do, it wasnt possible for me to accept their invitation.本句要表达的意思很简单,可是一堆空洞的短语使句子显得很累赘,改为下面的句子就简洁

5、明了多了。修改:I was too busy to accept their invitation.2.He is a man who is honest, who always pays his just debts, and who observes the golden rules in his dealings with others.英语中比较重要的从属概念可用从句的形式表达,其它次要的概念常用词或短语来表达,因为句子比短语显得更重要。考研教育网提醒大家,过多地使用从句会把次要的与主要的概念混为一谈,削弱句子的重点。该句可改为:修改:He is an honest man who a

6、lways pays his just debts, and who observes the golden rules in his dealings with others.3.My hometown is a quiet, peaceful place. It is quiet and peaceful because of the small number of people living there.有时为了构成平行的句子结构或达到强调的目的,我们会重复使用某些词语。但是,无目的地重复会导致笨拙。所以本句可改为:修改:My hometown is a quiet, peaceful

7、place because of the small number of people.【正确答案】考研英语写作注意事项:句子要简洁第4题【单选题】I do not have a job. I would find one but I _ no time. A、had B、didnt have C、had had D、have【正确答案】D【答案解析】but的并列句表示真实情况,不用虚拟语气。第5题【单选题】Robert Bell suggests that until more research is completed the government should ban construct

8、ion of phone towers from within a 500 meter radius(半径) of school grounds, child care centers, hospitals, sports playing fields and residential areas with a high percentage of children. He says there is emerging evidence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of

9、 adults. He adds that there is also evidence that if cancer sufferers are subjected to radiation the growth rate of the disease accelerates(提高).Who absorb low-level radiation at a higher rate than the others? A、Children. B、Men. C、Women. D、Old people.【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段第三句话提到:He says there is emerging ev

10、idence that children absorb low-level radiation at a rate more than three times that of adults. 从这句话可以看出答案是A。第6题【单选题】Both Tom and his brother take after their father not only in appearance but also in character. A、resemble B、assimilate C、follow D、reflect【正确答案】A【答案解析】take after 与.相像。resemble 像.,相似。参考

11、译文:汤姆和他兄弟不仅长相像他们父亲,性格也相似。第7题【单选题】The benefit of it would compensate danger. A、补偿 B、支持 C、惊奇 D、允许【正确答案】A【答案解析】compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿;付报酬。第8题【单选题】In this context, it is important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit. A、在这种上下文里,这是很重要的,我们两个社会应该寻求那

12、些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域。 B、在这种情况下,我们两个社会应该寻求合作领域,那些对我们两国确实互利的,这是很重要的。 C、在这种情景下,对于我们两个社会来说,寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域是很重要的。 D、在这种情况下,我们两个社会应该寻求那些对我们两国确实互利的合作领域,这是很重要的。【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。In this context:在这种情况下;to search for areas of cooperation:寻找合作领域;mutual benefit(双方)共同的利益;it为形式主语,翻译时可以不译,把真实主语不定式提前译。第9题【单选题】Economi

13、c factors aside, the imbalanced distribution of educational resources also affects fairness of education. A、unjust B、impartial C、uneven D、improper【正确答案】C【答案解析】imbalanced不平衡的,不均衡的。uneven不均衡的。参考译文:除经济因素外,教育资源分配不均同样影响到了教育的公平性。第10题【单选题】I found in my babys behaviour a metaphor for the new generation. My

14、wife and I had given him some books to examine,but he merely spit upon them. When we read to him,he did not feel comfortable. And so it is in the schools. We find that our students dont read, that they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. After

15、this experience with the baby, however, I have reached a conclusion: let them watch it. If television is that much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight it? Let them watch it all they want!From the passage we know that the author is_. A、a doctor B、an editor C、a writer D、a teacher【正确答案】D【答案解析】答案选D。根据本段第五句话的信息,我们会很容易地推断出作者是一位教师。这句话的原文是: We find that our students dont read,that they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. 它的意思是:我们发现我们的学生不读书,瞧不起读书,而且还骂我们这些教他们读书的



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