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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年4月北京首都医科大学研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题阅读理解(1) The most common theory of perception is na?ve realism in which people believe that what they perceive is things in themselves. Children develop this theory as a working hypothesis of how to deal with the world. Many people

2、who have not studied biology carry this theory into adult life and regard their perception to be the world itself rather than a pattern that overlays the form of the world. Thomas Reid took this theory a step further. He realized that sensation was composed of a set of data transfers but declared th

3、at these were in some way transparent so that there is a direct connection between perception and the world. This idea is called Direct Realism. Direct Realism has become popular in recent years with the rise of Postmodernism and Behaviorism. Direct Realism does not clearly specify the nature of the

4、 bit of the world that is an object in perception, especially in cases where the object is something like a shadow.(2) The succession of data transfers that are involved in perception suggests that somewhere in the brain there is a final set of activity, called sense data. Perception would then be s

5、ome form of brain activity and somehow the brain would be able to perceive itself. This concept is known as indirect realism. In Indirect Realism it is held that we can only be aware of external objects by being aware of representations of objects. This idea was held by John Locke and Immanuel Kant.

6、 The common argument against indirect realism is that it implies a homunculus where it appears as if the mind is seeing the mind in an endless circle. This argument assumes that perception is entirely due to data transfer and classical information processing.This assumption is highly contentious and

7、 the argument can be avoided by proposing that the percept is a phenomenon that does not depend wholly upon the transfer and rearrangement of data.(3) Direct realism and indirect realism are known as “realist” theories of perception because they hold that there is a world external to the mind. Direc

8、t realism holds that the representation of an object is located next to, or is even part of, the actual physical object whereas indirect realism holds that the representation of an object is brain activity. Direct realism proposes some as yet unknown direct connection between external representation

9、s and the mind while indirect realism requires some feature of modern physics to create a phenomenon that avoids infinite regress.” 【正确答案】许多没有学过生物学的人直到成年阶段还相信这个理论,(0.5分)认为自己所认识的就是世界本身而不是罩在世界存在形式上面的一种模式。(1分) / (整句结构通顺0.5分)【答案解析】(1)句子整体上采用顺译法,局部采用包孕法(定语前置)。(2)who引导的定语从句采用包孕前置手法。短语carry this theory int

10、o adult life部分需要意译为“到成年之后还相信这一理论”。(3)名词perception理解为“认识,观念,看法”。(4)动词overlay理解为“覆盖.的上面”。that限制性定语采用前置包孕法。【正确答案】直接现实主义并不明确肯定世界的一个小的组成部分的本质,(1分)而这个部分只是被感知的对象,尤其是当这一物体仅仅像个影子的时候。(0.5分) /(整句结构通顺0.5分)【答案解析】(1)整个基本采用顺译法。(2)动词specify理解为“具体指明,明确说明”(to state it or describe it precisely, so that it is clear whi

11、ch of several things you mean)。(3)that is an object in perception作定语从句修饰a bit,定语从句在这包含转折关系。(4)名词shadow在这转化为“影子,表象”。【正确答案】认知过程中数据的连续转换表明,(1分)大脑某处已经有一个叫做“感觉材料”的最终活动系统。(1分)/ (整句结构不通顺-0.5分)【答案解析】(1)整句基本采用顺译法。(2)that are involved in perception定语从句采用前置方法。(3)名词succession of data transfer在汉语译文重新调整顺序,转化为“数据的

12、连续转换”。(4)由于sense data是一个独立的成分,所以在一文中需要在“感觉材料”上加上引号。【正确答案】这一假设极具争议性,(0.5分)而只要我们提出感知是一种并不完全依赖数据(材料)的转换和重新组合的现象,(0.5分)那么这一论点就不会被涉及。(0.5分)/ (整句结构通顺0.5分)【答案解析】本句较难。(1)整句基本采用顺译法。(2)this assumption照应上一个句子的内容。(3)在转化被动语态“the argument can be avoided”时,由于by引导的状语太复杂,所以采用增加“我们,人们”作主语,以增强译文的通顺性。(4)that引导的定语从句修饰ph

13、enomenon一词,需要前置包孕以增强译文的逻辑性。【正确答案】直接现实主义认为在外部表象和内心之间存在着某种尚不为人知的联系,(1分)而非直接现实主义则要求现代物理学的某一特定功能来创造一种可以避免无限倒退的现象。(1分) / (整句结构不通顺-0.5分)【答案解析】(1)整句采用顺译的方式,连词while引导的两个分句之间存在对比关系。(2)as yet含否定意义,“迄今为止尚未”。(3)feature一词理解为“特定功能”。(4)that avoids indefinite regress需要前置包孕放置到“现象”前面。第2题【单选题】Scientific conservatism s

14、uggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed, Allen said. We have a lot of work to do to rule out (排除的可能性) possible non-biological explanations. It is more likely that a chemical process, without biology, can explain these result

15、s.What can be inferred from what Allen said? A、Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan. B、Scientists all agree that there is life on Titan. C、Scientists all suggest that a biological explanation is reasonable. D、Scientists all agree that a non-biological chemical reac

16、tion is a possible explanation.【正确答案】A【答案解析】推理判断题。答题原则:和原文完全一样的选项肯定不是答案,推理判断题是对现象的推断。题目中有绝对词语all must every merely have to barely only一般是错误的,排除B C D,根据Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed。推断出科学家就Titan上是否有生命的的问题观点不同,与A一致。得到答案A。第3题【单选题】In his closing remarks, the chairman expressed his thanks to all those who



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