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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年5月辽宁大连化学物理研究所研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】This is one of the most interesting questions that _ asked. A、have B、has C、have been D、has been【正确答案】C【答案解析】that指代questions,所以从句谓语需要用复数形式。第2题【单选题】People suspected that “Lucky”, as he was called by friends, wanted to kill hi

2、s wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark, killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises, came downstairs and was also attacked, but managed to escape. Seven months after the murder, a jury concluded that Lucan had killed the nanny.It is

3、 thought that Lucan killed the nanny because_. A、she was looking after the children B、she was a friend of Lucans C、it was dark and he thought she was Lady Lucan D、Loard Lucan thought the nanny stole his car【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。因果关系题。对照本段People suspected that“Lucky”,as he was called by friends, wanted t

4、o kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark,killed the nanny by mistake.本来是要杀他的妻子,可是因为天太黑,所以错杀了保姆。第3题【单选题】The hurricane was incredibly devastating and left thousands homeless. A、forceful B、mighty C、destructive D、dangerous【正确答案】C【答案解析】devastating

5、 毁灭性的。destructive破坏(或毁灭)性的。参考译文:飓风以其难以令人置信的破坏力使得成千上万的人无家可归。第4题【单选题】Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn A、that B、 C、which D、it【正确答案】A【答案解析】先行词gas被only修饰,关系代词要用that,而不用which.第5题【单选题】As Yale law professor Anne Alstott argues, justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social g

6、ood that, in some sense, society must pay for. In her book No Exit: What Parents Owe Their Children and What Society Owes Parents, she argues that parents are burdened in many ways in their lives: there is “no exit” when it comes to children. “Society expectsand needsparents to provide their childre

7、n with continuity of care, meaning the intensive, intimate care that human beings need to develop their intellectual, emotional, and moral capabilities. And society expectsand needsparents to persist in their role for 18 years, or longer if needed.”What is Professor Anne Alstotts argument for parent

8、al support? A、Good parenting benefits society. B、The cost of raising children in the US has been growing. C、The US should keep up with other developed countries. D、Children need continuous care.【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选 A。推理判断题。本段提到,社会也需要家长们对他们的孩子付出关爱,因为良好的父母教养能造福于社会,应选A项。B项“抚养孩子的成本在美国已越来越大”,C项“美国应该赶上其他发达国家”

9、,这两项在文中均未提及;D项“儿童需要持续的照顾”,是对文中的parents to provide their children with continuity of care设置的干扰项。第6题【单选题】We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend those differences. A、现在我们有很大的分歧。但使我们走到一起的,是我们有跨越这些分歧的共同利益。 B、今天我们有巨大的不同。使我们走到一起的,是我们有超越这些不同

10、的共同利益。 C、今天我们有巨大的分歧。使我们走到一起的,是我们有超越这些分歧的共同利益。 D、今天我们有巨大的不同。使我们来到一起的,是我们有超过这些不同的共同兴趣。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。great differences在句子中表示的是“巨大的分歧”的意思;interests在本句中不是表示“兴趣”,而是表示双方之间共同的利益。第7题【单选题】We have great differences today. What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend those differ

11、ences. A、现在我们有很大的分歧。但使我们走到一起的,是我们有跨越这些分歧的共同利益。 B、今天我们有巨大的不同。使我们走到一起的,是我们有超越这些不同的共同利益。 C、今天我们有巨大的分歧。使我们走到一起的,是我们有超越这些分歧的共同利益。 D、今天我们有巨大的不同。使我们来到一起的,是我们有超过这些不同的共同兴趣。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。great differences在句子中表示的是“巨大的分歧”的意思;interests在本句中不是表示“兴趣”,而是表示双方之间共同的利益。第8题【单选题】This cloth wont shrink when its washed.

12、 A、benefit B、smaller C、vague D、convince【正确答案】B【答案解析】shrink 收缩;畏缩;smaller 较小,更小的。第9题【单选题】Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. A、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛并不是昆虫,甚至和昆虫一点关系都没有。 B、蜘蛛并不像许多人认为的那样是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。 C、正如许多人认为的那样,蜘蛛就是昆虫,和昆虫密不可分。 D、蜘蛛正像许多人认为的那样不是昆虫,它和昆虫一点关系都没有。【正确答案

13、】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题需要注意as many people think,表示的是“许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫”;此外nor在此处表示的是否定,即“它和昆虫一点关系都没有”。第10题【单选题】Water is absent in this area. A、ample B、assiduous C、affluent D、deficient【正确答案】D【答案解析】absent 缺少的;deficient 不足的;有缺陷的;不充分的。第11题【单选题】Central heating became popular only after the Civil War. Typically, coalbur

14、ning furnaces (火炉) fueled the early systems. Natural gas had developed into the leading fuel by 1960.Its acceptance resulted in part from its wide uses. Because it comes primarily from U.S. and Canadian fields, natural gas is also less vulnerable (脆弱的) than oil is to War. Oil remains the most import

15、ant fuel in a few areas, such as New England.What fuel is the dominant fuel in New England? A、Gas B、Electricity C、Wood D、Oil【正确答案】D【答案解析】该题问的是:在新英格兰什么燃料是最主要的?第一段的最后一句话是这么说的:在少数地区,如新英格兰,石油仍然是最主要的燃料。第12题【单选题】Chinas vast size and resources, her extraordinary economic progress over recent years have made her an increasingly important player in the modern international economy. A、中国地大物博,近年来经济迅猛发展,这使得中国在现代国际经济中成为一支越来越重要的力量。 B、中国地大物博,近年来经济迅猛发展,使她在现代国际


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