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1、全文可编辑word文档 页眉与背景水印可删除【考研英语】2021年9月上海对外贸易学院研究生招生考试英语练习题100道(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination. A、站在我面前的这位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,当然是像我想象中的老海狼发出的一声遥远的呼唤了。 B、一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,发出的一声遥远的呼唤,像我想象中的老海狼。 C、站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣

2、着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。 D、站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我想象中的老海怪一样发出了长长的叫声。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。“standing before me”是现在分词短语,作定语,修辞“gentleman”,译成汉语可放在句首。“a far cry from sth/doing sth”是习语,意思是:a very different experience from sth/doing sth与某事物做某事物大不相同。“wolf”是狼的意思,“sea wolf”在这里是指海员,海员因长期在海上航行,在常人眼里有点怪异,译作“海怪”比较贴切。

3、第2题【单选题】Rough estimates in the past have predicted similarly disappointing results. _ Says Sallie Chishol, an environmental engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. But the take-home message is the same. Ocean fertilization is not the answer to global warming. A、These are newer and b

4、etter models, B、Its opponents argue, however, that it will stop global warming. C、Adding iron to patches of ocean can make plankton bloom temporarily. D、As plankton die and settle on the ocean floor, their carbon is supposedly locked up in the seabed.【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。这个问题可以根据引号来作答,因为空格后面有“says”这个词,

5、它预示着所填入的句子应该是带引号的。A的意思是:这些是比较新的也是比较好的模型。第3题【单选题】There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. A、以钻探的方法找石油有很大的偶然性。 B、以钻探的方法找石油全靠运气了。 C、钻探石油有很大的偶然性。 D、钻探石油是很幸运的事。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。drilling for oil 表示“钻探石油”;a lot of luck本意表示的是“运气”,在本句中可以翻译为“偶然性”。第4题【单选题】Unemployment seems to be the _ social problem in th

6、is area and may undermine social stability. A、prevalent B、primitive C、previous D、premature【正确答案】A【答案解析】prevalent“普遍的,流行的”。根据题意,正确答案应选A。第5题【单选题】She had come to England to pursue an acting career. A、strive B、remove C、quit D、chase【正确答案】D【答案解析】pursue 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠; chase 追逐;追捕。第6题【单选题】The lawyer thought t

7、hat piece of evidence was _ early in the investigation, but it turned out to be vital in convicting the criminal. A、unchangeable B、unsuitable C、insignificant D、important【正确答案】C【答案解析】句意:在调查初期律师认为这项证据不是很重要,但后来证明,这项证据在控告罪犯时起了至关重要作用。insignificant意为“不重要的”;unsuitable 意为“不合适的,不适当的”;unchangeable 意为“不可改变的,不变

8、的”;important意为“重要的,重大的”。第7题【单选题】It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdomor at least confirm that hes the kids dad. All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstoreand another $120 to get the resul

9、ts.More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fogg, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in

10、 price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.In paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows PTKs _. A、easy availability B、flexibility in pricing C、successful promotion D、popularity with households【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选 A。段落主旨题。本文开篇提出“All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at hi

11、s local drugstoreand another $120 to get the results.”,指出了PTK这一测试的普遍性,第2段也跟进补充说明PTK测试的普遍性,所以A的内容符合原文。第8题【单选题】I took mathematics and physics because I think that _ very important for me to make further research in this field. A、what is B、they are C、this D、which are【正确答案】B【答案解析】they指代前面的mathematics an

12、d physics。第9题【单选题】The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination. A、站在我面前的这位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,当然是像我想象中的老海狼发出的一声遥远的呼唤了。 B、一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生站在我面前,发出的一声遥远的呼唤,像我想象中的老海狼。 C、站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。 D、站在我面前的是一位身材高大、衣着讲究的先生,与我想象中的老海怪

13、一样发出了长长的叫声。【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。“standing before me”是现在分词短语,作定语,修辞“gentleman”,译成汉语可放在句首。“a far cry from sth/doing sth”是习语,意思是:a very different experience from sth/doing sth与某事物做某事物大不相同。“wolf”是狼的意思,“sea wolf”在这里是指海员,海员因长期在海上航行,在常人眼里有点怪异,译作“海怪”比较贴切。第10题【单选题】Father made a promise _ I passed the examinatio

14、n he would buy me a computer. A、that B、that if C、if D、whether【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题答案为B。that引导同位语从句作promise的同位语,if在同位语从句之中引导条件状语从句。第11题【单选题】The problem is that such an impulse is hard to sustain. Across the country, many similar families were unable to maintain the initial boost in morale. For some, the ha

15、rdships of life without steady work eventually overwhelmed their attempts to keep their families together. The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the decade as the recovery took hold.What will the current economic crisis eventually do to some married couples? A、It will force them to pull their efforts together. B、It will undermine their mutual understanding. C、It will irreparably damage their relationship. D、It will help strengthen their


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