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1、2020北京清华初一(下)期末英 语(清华附中初 19 级) 2020.07一、单项填空(共 18 分,每小题 1 分) 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Mr. Brown is our music teacher. We like_very much.A.herB. sheC. himD. he2. _is it from your home to school? It is about 15 minutes walk.A.How farB. How muchC. How soonD. How often3.Fathers Day is _t

2、he third Sunday of June.A.inB. onC. byD. at4.One of the school rules is that students_be on time for class.A.mightB. willC. couldD. must5. Excuse me, where is Miss Smith? She on the phone outside the office now.A.talksB. talkedC. is talkingD. was talking6.Lisa likes playing _piano but her friend Jan

3、e likes playing_soccer.A.the; theB. /; /C. /; theD. the; /7. Is there a restaurant near here?_. But it is closed today.A.Yes, there isB. No, there isntC. Yes, there areD. No, there arent8. Lily, could you help me _the dishes? Sure, mom. Im coming.A.doB. doingC. didD. does9. Your brother Jim really _

4、your mother. Yeah. Many people say that he has her eyes.A.likeB. look likeC. likesD. looks like10. Did Helen have long hair or short hair? Long hair. She has _hair and wears glasses.A.curly long blondeB. long blonde curlyC. blonde curly long D. long curly blonde11. What about going to the park with

5、me tomorrow? Id love to, _Im afraid I have no time.A.andB. soC. butD. or12.There _a lot of meat in the fridge. You dont need to buy any.A.isB. areC. beD. am13.On Saturdays, I usually_a whole day playing on my grandparents farm.A.takeB. spendC.payD. use14.Tina saw her brother_soccer with his friends

6、when she met him.A.playedB. to playC. playingD. plays15. Tommy, you are late again. Im sorry, Mrs. Green. I _to set my alarm clock last night.A.forgetB. forgotC. forgetsD. will forget16. What you yesterday? I visited my grandparents in the countryside.A.are; doingB. do; doC. will; doD. did; do17. Ho

7、ws it going, Eric? _.A.It is going to rainB. Not bad, thanksC. I am going to the farmD. Not at all18. Can you tell me_? I like it because it is quiet and I enjoy reading there.A.why do you like the libraryB. why you like the libraryC. how do you like the libraryD. how you like the library二、完形填空(共 12

8、 分,每小题 1.5 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最 佳选项。 There once was a little girl named Cindy. Both of her parents worked in a factory. They worked hard, did the chores and many other tasks needed to _ (19) a family. Though they were busy all day long, they lived a peaceful family life.One

9、 night, Cindy slept in her friend Debbies house. Before bedtime, Debbies mother_ (20)them both good night.“Love you,” said Debbies mother. “Love you, too,” said Debbie.Seeing this, Cindy was so amazed. Her parents had never kissed her good night and told her that they loved her. All night long, she

10、lay there, thinking over and over. “This is the way it should be,” she thought to herself.The next day she went back home. Before bedtime, she went to her parents. “Well, good night then,” she said. Her parents replied, “Good night, Cindy.” No one made a move. Cindy couldnt _ (21) it any longer. She

11、 ran up to her room crying sadly. “Why had they never kissed me good night?” she thought. After a while, she stopped crying. She decided to do something to change the situation. “Ill do something to make a _ (22),” she talked to herself.The next day before bedtime, Cindy went to her mother, kissed h

12、er, and said, “I love you, Mom.” Her mother was so surprised that she couldnt speak. Then she gave her father a hug. “Good night, Dad, I love you,” she said. And then she went to bed, _ (23) her speechless parents in the kitchen.Cindy continued to do this for months. Sometimes her parents drew back

13、from her, a little shy and awkward. Other times, they just smiled. But they never _ (24) the kiss. Yet Cindy didnt stop. Then, one night before bedtime, her mother came into her room.“I love you, sweetheart, good night,” her mother said and bent down to kiss her, right on the cheek. Cindy looked at

14、her, surprised and moved. Mother smiled and said, “Thank you for letting me know the _ (25) of expressing love to the one we truly love. I used to think taking good care of you would be enough, but now I think I was _ (26) before. Love needs to be spoken out, right?” Cindy nodded happily.19. A. runB. startC. liveD. see20. A. helpedB. showedC. toldD. kissed21. A. likeB. makeC. standD. feel22. A. visitB. faceC. listD. difference23. A. hearingB. leavingC. findingD. keeping24. A. returnedB. wantedC. stoppedD. enjoyed25. A. secretB. importanceC. difficultyD. fun26. A. sadB. excit


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