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1、2022年贵州省遵义市仁怀实验中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. - What do you think of Harry, our new roommate?- I am not sure, but he is always asking _ questions. a great many of B. a great many C. a great number D. a large amount of参考答案:B略2. I realized that I had been transported into the future of _ was still my hometown.

2、A. what B. which C. it D. that参考答案:A3. If you live near the lake, _ are that you will hear birds singing to welcome the new day. A. possibilitiesB. situationsC. chancesD. opportunities 参考答案:C4. Li Hua, do you know the final exam is drawing near? Time is limited, so I cant have you _ time like this.A

3、. wasteB. to wasteC. wasting D. wasted参考答案:C5. I _ my university professor in the supermarket near my house, which was out of my expectation. A. came out B. came about C. came across D. came along参考答案:C6. Hello, may I have an appointment with the doctor? _.A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B. Why d

4、idnt you call earlier?C. Certainly. May I know your name?D. Sorry,he doesnt want to see you.参考答案:C7. The Spring Festival Gala(春节晚会) on CCTV has _ many ordinary entertainers into well-known stars overnight A. created B. transformed C. made D. produced 参考答案:B8. You shouldnt place your study _ football

5、.A. close to B. next to C. second to D. the second of 参考答案:C9. Most of my friends shop at the stores _ the goods are very cheap.A. whichB. whereC. whoseD. why参考答案:B10. The first thing _ I did was to see if there were any products _ might help me, but there only seemed to be powders _ to kill snakes.

6、A. that; /; designed B. which; that; designed C. /; that; designed D. /; which; design参考答案:C略11. our earth, or else it will be no longer fit for us to live on. A. Protect B. To protect C. Protecting D. Protected 参考答案:A略12. You cant find such a good place _ we visited the other day.A. that B. which C

7、. where D. as参考答案:D13. -Why dont you do some shopping in the second-hand store? -Well, the goods there are _, but _ A. more expensive; worse B. more expensive; not as bad C. cheaper; good enough D. cheaper; not as good 参考答案:D14. I have worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job. A.

8、to expecting B. expected C. to expect D. being expected参考答案:C15. After the big job was finished, the builder _ the number of men working for him.A. cut off B. cut up C. cut back on D. cut in参考答案:C16. I was at a loss what to do next when an excellent idea suddenly _ me. A. knocked at B. occurred to C

9、. happened to D. knocked down参考答案:B二、 完型填空17. Its difficult for doctors to help a person with a hurt brain. 41 enough blood, the brain can live only 3 to 5 minutes. Usually doctors cant fix the hurt 42 such a short time.Dr Robert White thinks he knows a 43 of help. He thinks doctors should make the

10、hurt brain 44 to live for 30 minutes without blood. This gives the doctor 45 time to do something for the brain. Dr White experimented his 46 on fifteen monkeys. 47 he taught them to do different jobs. Then he operated on them. He made the monkeys blood go 48 a machine. When the brains 49 was 10,he

11、stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes, he turned the blood back on. He 50 the blood again. After their operations, the monkeys were almost 51 before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do the job the doctor 52 them.Dr Whites idea works well on monkeys. He thinks it will work

12、 on 53 . He thinks it will help with heart problems. A person 54 die when his heart stops; doctors can 55 it again. The problem comes: when the brain is without blood for about 5 minutes, it 56 . If doctors start the heart again after 5 minutes, the person has 57 body but a dead brain. Maybe in the

13、future, doctors will 58 Dr Whites idea. When the persons heart stops, the doctor will 59 cool the brain. They will have 30 minutes to start the heart again. Maybe there will be no 60 the brain.41. A. Dont have B. WithoutC. Having not D. Only with42. A. for B. after C. in D. since43. A. wayB. brain C. doctor D. man44. A. too cool B. enough cool C. cool enoughD. very 45. A. a longer B. enoughC. a shorter D. another46. A. medicineB. manners C. idea D. brain47. A. Besides B. Instead C. However D. First48. A. to B. across C.


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