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1、2022年贵州省遵义市新中中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Over fifty passengers were injured in the accident, and every doctor was called to the scene.Aconvenient Bavailable Cvacant Dconscious参考答案:B略2. The scientists discoveries were of great help to mankindAa;the Ba; C; Dthe;the参考答案:C3. This urban special school alway

2、s accepts hearing-imparied students, _ their educational level and background. A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of参考答案:B4. _ medicine works in a human body is a question _ not everyone can understand fully.A. How; that B. That; whichC. What; which D. What; that 参考答案:A5.

3、 No students _ go out of school after eleven oclock at night without the teachers permission.A. will B. must C. may D. shall参考答案:D略6. When the post fell ,Dennis Bass was appointed to fill it ,A empty Bblank C vacant D bare 参考答案:C 7. The opening between walls was very narrow; its very hard for soldie

4、rs to _ through.A. squeeze B. press C. stretch D. leap 参考答案:A8. The properties of the metal are_ if we are to use the metal in engineering Astudied Bstudying Cto study Dto be studied参考答案:D9. It is possible that one day we willdisability,so we shouldnt look down upon the disabled Aend up with Bput up

5、 with Ccome up with Dcatch up with参考答案:A 10. When the sailor came into the caf, I noticed a surprised look _ over the waitress face although she didnt say anything.A. come B. to come C. has come D. to have come参考答案:A11. How do you find your English teacher? Well, my English teacher is very learned a

6、nd kind to us, _ we all like.A. whose B. that C. one D. whom参考答案:C12. So when did you meet Joan? It was last Sunday _ she came to visit my sister. A. thatB. sinceC. whenD. before参考答案:C13. Im sorry; I shouldnt have been so rude to you. You _ something not very nice to me, but thats OK. A. have said B

7、. had said C. were saying D. did say参考答案:D14. Hey, Tom, Guess what? I was chosen as a torch bearer in the coming 2014 Youth Olympic Games to be held in Nanjing. Congratulations! _.A. Thats somethingB. You name itC. You got itD. All right参考答案:A15. “ _ I went through ups and downs in life,” Gordon sai

8、d, “I never found the importance of being self-disciplined as well as the significance of life.”A. If B. SinceC. Until D. Unless参考答案:C考察连词。A如果 B自从 C直到 D除非,其中until+否定式,表示直到才,选择C句意为“直到我经历了生活的起起伏伏,” Gordon说,“我才发现自律和重要性和生活的意义。”符合句意,故选C。16. Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but fina

9、lly she _ her opinion on the subject.A. gave voice to B. kept an eye onC. turned a deaf ear of D. set foot on参考答案:A试题分析:句意:玛丽在讨论的前一部分是沉默的,但是最后她说出自己对这个话题的观点。A.将说出,透露,表明;B.注意,照看;C.对.充耳不闻;D.踏上。根据语境,故选A。【名师点睛】这几个短语都是固定搭配,不能仅仅看字面意思,应该在平时学习中注意累积这方面的词汇,这几个短语有个特点,都含有一个人体部位的名词,学生平时学习的时候,可以将短语进行分类记忆。做题时找到关键词和

10、切入点,这道题的关键是opinion和选项中的voice。二、 完型填空17. Jenny _ have kept her words. Why did she change her mind? I think she _ give more explanations to us.A. should; has to B. should; had better C. should; should D. ought to; need参考答案:C三、 阅读理解18. Star talks of better half The British film star Hugh Grant cant see

11、m to work out what women want. “Theres no girl who only wants bastards(坏种), and no girl who wants a nice guy(伙计). Women want both,” the British star tells the May issue of Talk magazine. “And, really, theyd like to alternate(交替) on a weekly basis. Can any man be both? I like to keep women guessing.”

12、 Since Grants breakup last year with longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley, the thought of plunging into(投身于) another big relationship doesnt seem like its in the cards. “How easy do you think it is to find someone you can share 14 years of personal jokes with? Not easy. And I dont know that I will,”

13、 he says. Still, the 40-year-old star admits he cant help thinking that his clock is ticking. “In the end, I want to have kids (children). But in the back of my mind, I never wanted to have kids until Id done something Im proud of written a book, had my name on something really worthwhile,” he says. “Im so determined not to be in front of the cameras any more. With all of these concerns(心思) inside, had Grant ever considered seeing a psychiatrist to sort things out? “I dont think I need therapy(治疗), thank you,” sniffs the star.56. Judging from what Hugh Grant says, the film star may


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