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1、2022年福建省宁德市松港中学高一英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. With all the things _, the girl went home happily.A. buy B. buying C. bought D. to buy参考答案:C2. _, I lost heart in English learning,but my teacher often said to me,“Keep on studying hard,and youll succeed_.”AAt a time;in time BAt a time;on timeCAt one time;in time D

2、At one time;on time参考答案:C3. - Shall we go to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum for an autumn outing?- _ you gave us!A. What a good advice B. How good an adviceC. What a piece of good advice D. How a good piece of advice参考答案:C4. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _

3、 I could answer the phone.A. asB. since C. until D. before参考答案:D5. Great measures _ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.A. is taken B. are taken C. has been taken D. have been taken参考答案:D6. Everything depends on _ they will support you about it.A. if B. which C. whether D. t

4、hat参考答案:C7. I will do_ I can _you. A. all what, help B. all that, help C. all which, to help D. whatever, to help参考答案:D8. It was in the lab _ was taken charge of by Professor Harris _ they did the experiment.A. which, that B. that, where C. whom, that D. which, where参考答案:A9. You _ be tired-you took

5、a rest only five minutes ago!A. wouldnt B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 参考答案:B略10. Sam always pronounces my name wrong. Do you think he does it _?A. on purpose B. at present C. at an end D. right away参考答案:A略11. The books, _ the dictionaries, must be put back where they _. A. included; were B. to include

6、; areC. including; wereD. including; are 参考答案:C12. Do you know who lives in the building _ there is a well? A. in front of it B. in front of whose C. in the front of which D. in front of which参考答案:D13. - Its a very interesting book. - _.- And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long. A. Im

7、 glad you like it. B. Thats all right. C. Dont mention it. D. I hope you like it. 参考答案:A解析:交际用语。由情景可知,B将一本书借给了A,A觉得这本书很有趣,故B说“我很高兴你喜欢”,A接着说:“谢谢你借给了我这么长的时间”。Thats all right回答感谢和道歉;Dont mention it(别人道谢时回答)不客气;I hope you like it指期望对方喜欢,而事实是对方的确很喜欢,所以选A 14. It took me quite a long time to _ the new envi

8、ronment here.A. adapt to B. relate to C. apply to D. attach to参考答案:A15. Did the boys break the window_?No.They did it when they were playing football.Aby accident Bon purpose Cat dusk Das usual参考答案:B16. -I have a question to ask you. -_. A. Go ahead B. Its pleasure C. Help yourself D. Ask, please参考答

9、案:A二、 完型填空17. Several years ago, while attending a communication course, I experienced a most unusual process. The instructor asked us to list anything in our past that we felt 16 of, regretted, or incomplete about and read our lists aloud. This seemed like a very 17 process, but theres always some

10、brave soul in the crowd who will volunteer. The instructor then 18 that we find ways to 19 people, or take some action to right any wrongdoings. I was seriously wondering how this could ever 20 my communication.Then the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story: “Making my 21 , I rem

11、embered an incident from high school. I grew up in a small town. There was a Sheriff none of us kids liked. One night, my two buddies(老兄) and I decided to play a 22 on him.” “After drinking a few beers, we climbed the tall water tank in the middle of the town, and wrote on the tank in bright red pai

12、nt: Sheriff Brown is a FOX. The next day, almost the whole town saw our glorious 23 . Within two hours, Sheriff Brown had us in his office. My friends told the truth but I lied. No one 24 found out.” Nearly 20 years later, Sheriff Browns name 25 on my list. I didnt even know if he was still 26 . Las

13、t weekend, I dialed the information in my hometown and found there was a Roger Brown still listed. I tried his number. After a few 27 , I heard, “Hello?” I said, “Sheriff Brown?” Paused “Yes”. “Well, this is Jimmy Calkins.” “And I want you to know that I did it.” Paused. “I knew it!” he yelled back. We had a good laugh and a 28 discussion. His closing words were: “Jimmy, I always felt bad for you because your buddies got it off their chest, but you were carrying it around all these years. I want to thank you for calling me for your sake.”Jimmy inspired me to 29 all 101 items o


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