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1、外研社三年级上册英语第七模块教学设计Module? Unitl Unitl What s this ?.教学设计 一、教材分析本课教学内容为第一册第七模块第一单元,单元学习句型What s this?并灵活运用。 二、学生情况分析学生通过上节课学习,基本能听懂会用This is XXX句型,学习积极性较高,有 利本课教学工作的开展。三、教学目标1、知识与能力目标:基本能听懂、会说词汇happy, birthday, cake基本能听懂、 会读并灵活运用-whats this?It is a乂乂.语言结构。2、过程与方法:能灵活应用所学英语知识进行对话练习。3、情感态度与价值观: 培养孩子的勤于

2、动手、动脑的好习惯,开拓思想,努力学习。四、教学重难点教学重点: 词汇 teacher pupil school classroom English this 及一what、s this?_It is a语言结构。教学难点:-whats this?的运用。五、教具准备教师准备新旧单词卡片、磁带、动物图片。最新优质教育word文档六、教学过程1、热身运动启动(1)Greetings(2) 复习 “Pen and pencil M pen/penci 1/book ,.”(3)复习“point to”的句型,这时,教师手持学过单词卡片(如:pen, book, pencil, dog, cat等)

3、让学生进行对话游戏。回答对的同学可以成为这张卡片的拥有者, 教师奖励卡片时说Here s your”并引导学生说Thank you. 2、新授操练指导(Stepl)词汇 teacher pupil school classroom English thisa、 Make stents read after me b、 Make the students spell them 5 times (step2) The Text partia、 make the students read the text by 3 b 、 then introduce your teacher to the ot

4、hers part2a、 read it and traslate it into Chinese b、 show the emphasis最新优质教育word文档whats this?_It is a XXX.的语言结构。c the teacher show the context by acting d、 the students act it out (step3)Pratice -It is a 乂乂乂 .Ask and answer -whats this?-It is a 乂乂火.(door chair desk window blackboard)(a)The teacher point it out and the students answer it(b)The teacher show the pictures and ask the students(panda bird charneleom cat dog bird )最新优质教育word文档感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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