M7U4 words

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《M7U4 words》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《M7U4 words(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、M7 U4 Words1. 1) the route to 的路线2) take/ follow a route 走某条路线3) (辨析)routine 常规,惯例 daily routine 日常生活2. 1) His button has dropped off.纽扣掉了。(落下,掉下)2) Drop me off at next stop. 请让我在下一站下车。3) Sales have dropped off. 销售量下降了。4) I must have dropped off to sleep. 睡着3. 1) by rail 乘火车2) rail (off) the area 隔离

2、这个区域4. 1) outer a. 外面的,外部的 inner a.内在的2) outer space 外太空3) inner beauty 内在美5. 1) convey sth to sp -sth be conveyed to sp 把某物送到某地2) convey my best wishes to your parents(表达,转达)向你的父母转达我的问候3) He conveyed the land to his son.(转让)6. 1) make a fortune 赚一大笔钱2) seek ones fortune 碰运气 3) tell ones fortune 算命4

3、) be fortunate to do sth / be fortunate in doing sth做某事很幸运5) Fortune smiles on sb某人的运气好6) fortune(c)大笔的钱,巨款(u)运气,机遇 fortunate a. 幸运的 fortunately ad.幸运地 misfortune n. 不幸 unfortunate unfortunately7. 1) We flew to Athens via Paris.(by way of)经过,取道2) We can access the homepage via the Internet. through通

4、过8. 1) postpone doing sth (= delay/ put off) 推迟2) postpone sth until / till 把推迟到9. 1) link up the two railways连接两条铁路2) link up with other countries联合其他国家10. 1) at regular intervals 每隔一段时间/距离2) There are some intervals when we can get some drinks.3) Gone are the days when 的日子一去不复返了Occasions are quite

5、 rare when 这样的时机很少11. 1) choke off (prevent or limit; stop)抑制;阻止,终止choke off the traffic 阻塞交通chock off the supply of 终止的供应High prices have choked off the demand.高昂的价格抑制了需求。2) choke back ones tears / anger(hold back)抑制眼泪/愤怒3) choke to death 呛死,窒息而死12. 1) undertake full responsibility for sth承担的全部责任2)

6、 undertake to do sth/ that (promise) 承诺13. be in joint/ private/ public ownership 为共有产权/私有产权/公有产权14. 1) have the authority to do sth 有权利做某事2) under the authority of 在授权/批准下3) speak with the voice of authority以权威的口气说话4) speak to someone in authority与掌权者谈谈5) the local authorities(常用pl)当局者,当权者15. archi

7、tect n.建筑师 architecture n. 建筑物16.1) in ones prime= in the prime of life 正值盛年,风华正茂2) the prime cause of 的首要原因3) Prime Minister 首相4) be primed for action (做好准备)准备行动 be primed with good advice(事先指点)得到高人指点17. 1) unbelievable a. 难以置信的- believe v. 相信,认为- belief n. 信念- believable a. 可信的2) believe it or not

8、 信不信由你3) beyond belief 难以置信4) have/ hold the belief that 认为18. 1) enlarge the garden/ ones vocabulary/ ones mind扩大花园/扩大词汇量/开阔心胸2) large- enlarge courage-encourage able- enable19. 1) growth rate 增长率2) mushroom growth 迅速增长20. 1) One moment, please. Im just trying to put you through. (get through)接通2)

9、put sb through school/ college/university 供某人上学/上大学3) We put through a tough period. 经历21. 1) put off doing sth 推迟2) This job put me off. 让反感3) put on weight/ a concert 增重/举行音乐会(上演)4) put forward a plan/ a clock 提出计划/把钟拨快22. 1) turn up/ show up 出现2) turn up the radio 调高 (反)turn down23. enquiry n. 调查

10、,询问- enquire v. 调查,询问24. decide on / upon = determine on/ upon 决定,选定25. 1) fill in the blanks 填写表格2) fill in time消磨时间26. a handful of nuts/ people 一把坚果/ 少数人27. 1) split up into groups 分组2) His parents have split up. (break up)分手28. 1) an annual report/ conference年度报告/ 年会2) the annual budget/ income

11、年度预算/年收入3) annual = yearly a. 每年的 n. 年刊 annually =yearly ad. 每年地29. 1) describe sth in detail 详细地描述2) have an eye for detail 善于捕捉细节3) pay attention to details关注细节4) for further / more details欲知详情5) detail sb to do sth(order)指派某人做某事6) detail the progress we have made 详述30. 1) make a reservation 预约2)

12、condemn sth without reservation 毫无保留地谴责3) reserve the right to do sth保留做某事的权利4) All rights reserved版权所有,不得翻录31. 1) speed (pp)sped/speeded speeding n. 超速2) speed up the reform/ efforts to do sth 加快改革/加倍努力3) at a speed/rate of 以的速度4) get caught speeding超速5) speed limit限速32. 1) set out a timetable for为

13、制定时间表2) be timetabled for安排在(某一时间)33. The island is only accessible by ferry. 乘轮渡34.be punctual for appointments 准时赴约35. 1) arise from / result from/ account for起因于,由引起2) Its time that we solved the matters arising from the last meeting.(arise from 不及物短语做定语用arising from)3) I arose at dawn. (get up)我

14、天亮就起床了。4) A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.外交部发生了危机36. 1) car/ plane crash撞车;车祸/ 坠机;飞机失事2) crash into a tree (bump into) 撞上3) crash course速成班37. 1) fine sb for doing sth 因罚款2) pay a large / heavy/small fine 付一大笔/少量罚款3) Eight oclock suits me fine. 对很合适38. 1) violate / break the law 违法 obey/

15、observe the law守法2) violate peoples privacy侵犯人们的隐私39. Do you want a beer? 一杯啤酒40. a turning point转折点41. 1) Your paper is loaded with spelling mistakes.充满2) Dont worry! There is loads of/ a load of time.许多3) Its a heavy load to bear.这是个难以承受的重担。4) load up with fresh vegetables. 装满新鲜的蔬菜5) a loaded truck/ pistol 装了货的车/ 上了子弹的手枪42. 1) brake sharply/ hard 急刹车2) put/ slam on the brake= apply the brake踩刹车3) act as/ serve as a brake on sth对起抑制作用4) put the brake on sth抑制43. 1) a flat tyre/ tire瘪轮胎2) a spare tyre/ tire备胎


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