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1、温故而知新,下笔如有神近三年江苏中小学教师公开招聘考试小学英语专项试题训练及答案第一部分 教育理论与实践 .名词解释(10分)1.狭义教育2.学校课程 .判断题(10分)1.课外辅导是课堂教学的一种补充形式,但不是上课的继续和简单重复。()2.启发式教学是一种具体的教学方法。()3.家长具有很强的暴力倾向,子女相对来说也就比较容易对人采取侵犯行为。()4.讲授法就是注入式教学。()5.只要运用正面说服的教育方法,一切学生都能教育好。因此,反对纪律处分等强制性的方法。 ()第二部分 专业基础知识 .词汇与结构/Vocabulary and structure(15分)1.The visitors

2、 here are greatly impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for new Jiangsu. A. 不填;a B. 不填;the C. the;a D. the;the2.Thousands of foreigners wereto the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached3.I havent got the reference b

3、ook yet,but Ill have a test on the subject next month. Dont worry.Youhave it by Friday. A. could B. shall C. must D. may4.So far we have done a lot to build a lowcarbon economy,but it is ideal.We have to work still harder. A. next to B. far from C. out of D. due to5.Peter,where did you guys go for t

4、he summer vacation? We working for months,so we went to the beach to relax ourselves. A. were B. have been C. had been D. will be6.David is goodEnglish, but he doesnt do wellPE. A. at; on B. at; in C. at; with D. in; at7.Where are the ? They are playing football on the playground. A. boys students;

5、the B. boy students; the C. boy student; / D. boy students; /8.I have got many collections of snow globes. You may take if you like. A. either B. one C. it D. none9.Whats the woman? A. She 40. B. She fine. C. Shes a teacher. D. Shes tall.10. How many elephants have you seen? . A. None B. Nothing C.

6、No one D. No11. Have you your father recently? No. He doesnt often write to me. A. heard about B. heard of C. heard from D. got from12. The old man walked in the street, . A. followed by his son B. followed his son C. and following his son D. and followed by his son13. This week, the weather to chan

7、ge every day: One day is hot, the next is cold. A. seems B. looks C. sounds D. feels14. The boy said he wouldnt eat . A. any longer B. no longer C. any more D. no more15. Your room is very dirty. You should keep it . A. clean B. dry C. quiet D. warm .完形填空/Cloze(20分) These days,cars are designed usin

8、g computers.Lets look at how a new car is created. First,several16talk about the new car and any good ideas that they have.Then they sit down at their computers and17 many sketches.The best two or three drawings are chosen and then more detailed drawings of 18are developed on the computer.You can ch

9、ange the size,shape or colour of any part on the computer to see19the car would look and then you can choose the best design. Both the inside and the outside of the car have to be designed.Part of the inside of the car is 20so that the designers can sit in it.They can feel if there is enough21inside

10、 and if they can reach22.Then some cars are builtthere are more than 15,000 parts of a car to 23. When everything is known to be 24,the cars are made in the factory.Again,computers are used to make sure that all the parts are 25as they are needed.The factory usually stays open all through the night

11、so that the car production never stops.16. A. drivers B. designers C. workers D. salesmen17. A. drawB. orderC. typeD. enjoy18. A. bicyclesB. trainsC. carsD. buses19. A. howB. ifC. whatD. that20. A. covered B. paintedC. lockedD. built21. A. metalB. glassC. leatherD. room22. A. nothingB. somebodyC. ev

12、erythingD. nobody23. A. chooseB. testC. showD. repair24. A. safeB. easyC. cheapD. fast25. A. rareB. electronicC. comfortableD. ready .阅读理解/Reading comprehension(50分)A The water tap was leaking(漏水)again,and the noise was driving Cassie crazy. Cassie looked at her watch.It was nearly nine oclock.She c

13、limbed out of bed and stood on a chair by the shelf.Her mothers Mr.FixIt was on the top shelf.Cassie stepped down quietly.She read the book quickly until she found the page she was looking for,and then began to read carefully. Next Cassie opened a box in the kitchen and picked out the tools she need

14、eda hammer,a wrench,and several small things.It was no easy job for her to do the repair,and she tried several times.Finally,the water tap was in pieces.One by one,she carefully laid them out on the table.That way she would know how they went back.While this was going on,her cat walked over to watch

15、 what she was doing. Cassie worked late into the night.At one point,she thought she was done.Oops!A small piece that she had forgotten still lay on the table.Slowly Cassie took the water tap apart(分开)one more time.This time she made sure everything was in place.She turned the water tap on and then off.Onetwoth


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