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1、目 录绪论1 教室灯光自动控制整体描述 1.1 灯光控制总体思想.7 1.2 灯光控制方案分析.8 1.3本章小结.92 硬件电路设计2.1微控制器.102.1.1核心控制模块.112.2 教室人数检测模块.11 2.2.1 热释电红外传感器的原理.11 2.2.2 教室人数检测模块的功能实现.122.3 教室光照强度检测模块.142.3.1 光敏电阻的选择及功能简述.142.3.2 光敏电阻检测光强原理.162.4 按键控制模块.172.5 液晶显示模块.182.6 时钟模块.192.7本章小结.213 系统软件设计3.1系统监控主程序模块.213.2系统自检及初始化.223.3 系统主程序

2、流程图.223.4系统子程序流程图.223.4.1按键控制流程图.233.4.2液晶显示流程图.244 系统仿真4.1调试方法与步骤.274.2 主要问题分析.275总结与展望5.1总结.285.2展望.28 参考文献.29 致 谢.30摘 要该课题的研究对象是当前的各大院校对于不合理使用电力资源的现象,综合分析了传统照明系统和智能照明系统对灯光的控制方法,提出了以51单片机为核心的教室智能照明控制方案。在此基础上,将此照明系统分为硬件和软件两个部分,其中硬件部分包括核心控制模块、液晶显示模块、时钟模块、红外检测模块和灯控模块等,STC89C52单片机作为该控制系统的核心元件,处理来自各个模块


4、The Auto -control System of Classroom Lights AbstractThe research object of this topic is the phenomenon of unreasonable use of electric power resources in the major institutions. The paper analyzes the control method of lighting in traditional lighting system and intelligent lighting system, and pu

5、ts forward the classroom intelligent lighting control scheme with 51 single chip as the core The On this basis, the lighting system is divided into two parts: hardware and software, including hardware control module, liquid crystal display module, clock module, infrared detection module and light co

6、ntrol module lamp. AT89C52 microcontroller as the core components of the control system, the existence of the human body with a pyroelectric infrared sensor to detect the classroom light intensity is the use of photosensitive resistor design circuit to detect, according to the necessary conditions f

7、or classroom lighting, the system through Whether the human body into the classroom, and the classroom light intensity detection and whether to set the time to switch the conditions of the judge, after the integrated treatment to achieve the purpose of classroom lighting intelligent control, thus avoiding the classroom power resources, a lot of waste. The system has the advantages of small size, high reliability, convenient control, practicality and high cost performance. It can help the colleges and universities to real



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