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1、Unit 111. 科学家们大致同意地球变暖是一个事实,但是其成因目前还在热烈争论中。不少人认为,如果我们把现有证据都放在一起,就可得出结论,这是人类活动造成。但另外有些人认为我们还要进一步研究这个问题,他们认为自然的力量起码有着同等的重要性。Scientists more or less agree that global warming is a fact ,but its cause is still hotly debated among them. Many believethat if we piece together all the available evidence we

2、can conclude that it is caused bu human activitites,but other thinkwe need to dig into the problem further, and that natural forces are at least of equal importance.2. 他把他的一生都献给了水利工程。他是少数几个最早看到在这里建大坝可能给我们造成多大麻烦的科学家中的一位。He devoted all his life to the cause of water conservancy. He was one of the few

3、scientists who first saw what kind of trouble it would cause us in future if we were to build a dam here.3. 那些同情国际恐怖主义的人从一个不同的前提出发来看待这一问题。他们相信,为了到达目的可以不择手段。但我强烈反对这种观点。我认为任何借口都不能成为冷血谋杀无辜的妇女、儿童和老人作辩护。Those who sympathize with international terrorism view the problem from a different premise. They beli

4、eve that their goal canjustify the means. But Iam stronglyopposedtothisview.Ibelievethatnoexcusecanjustify cold-blooded murder of innocent women,children and old people.4. 有民间非政府组织再起作用是件好事。在一个多元化的世界里,人们的观点总是不同的。反对者不但应该被容许,而且还应该得到尊重和鼓励。这么做对我们自己也有好处。It is a good thing to have NGOsat work. In a plurali

5、sticsociety, peoples views are bound to differ. Opposition should not only be allowed, but also be respected and encouraged.It is also to our advantage to do this.5. 政府的过度投资意味着很多国有银行的贷款不可能得到归还。这些呆账最后就会导致金融危机。Government s over-investment means that many state bank loans will not be repaid and these b

6、ad debts will finally lead to a financial crisis.6. 现在有一种提供应大学生的特别贷款。哪些无法交纳学费的学生都可以从中获益。Special bank loans are now available to university students. Those who cant pay for their education can benefit from these loans.7. 他在结束讲话是说,他们一结束调查就向安理会报告。他坚信,企图用大规模的屠杀来维持一个国家的统治注定是要失败的。Heended hisspeech bysayin

7、gthat as soon as theyconcludedtheir investigation they woulkd report to the Security Council.He firmly believethat any attempt to maintain the rulers of a country in power using mass killing was destined to fail.8. 他将经香港飞往印度去和印度政府签订一个新的知识产权保护协议。She will fly to India by way of Hong Kong to conclude a

8、 new agreement on the protection of intellecyual property rights with the Indian government.9. 根据这些理由,我们只能得出他们在蓄意制造事端的结论,所以我们决定立即召回大使以示抗议。Based on these reasons, we could only come to the conclusion that they were outtomake trouble.Therefore,wedesided torecallourambassador immediately by way of prot

9、est.1 英雄是具有非凡品质的人。Heroes are people who have unusual qualities. (Better: Heros are people with unusal qualities.)2 名流是因媒体炒作而出名的那些人。Celebrities are people whobecome famous because of publicity through the media.3 互联网是一个能把全世界的电脑连在一起的系统。Internet is a system thatconnects computers throughout the world.4

10、 欧阳教授说好教师是那种竭尽所能,使学生不依赖自己的人。Professor Ouyang says that a good teacher is one who does all he she can to make himselfherself unnecessary for the students.5. 不能共患难的 fair-weather 朋友适当你一有困难就立即抛弃你的那种人。A fair-weather friendis one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble.6. 经济学是一门被定义为研究商品和服务的生产、分配

11、和消费的社会科学。Economistisdefinedasthesocialsciencethatdealswiththe production,distribution and consumption of goods and services.7. 一个空想革命家是职高谈革命却不将之付诸实践的人。An armchair revolutionaryis one whotalks about revolution but doesnt put what he says into pratice.8. 国际货币基金组织是联合国内的一个涉及贸易和经济发展的机构。TheInternationalMo

12、netaryFund istheorganizationwithinthe United Nations which is concerned with the trade and economic development.9. 闪盘和U盘是一个能用来存储从电脑获取的资料并能呢个讲起移动到另一个电脑上的小设备。The flash and USB driveis a small memory devicethat can be used to store data from a computer and to move it from one comnputer to another.10. 写

13、微博是一种在互联网上定期发送短信息、照片或视频使人们不断了解你的活动和思想的行为。Microbloggingis defined as the activityin whichyou send regular short messages, photosor videos over the Internet to keep people informed about your activities and thoughts.要了解一种文化,学习艺术史不失为一种好方法,比上通史课学到的可能更多。 最典型的历史课程重点都放在政治、经济和战争方面,而艺术史的侧重点不仅仅是这些,因为艺术不仅反映人们的政治是非观,还反映人们的宗教信仰、感情以及思想活动。此外, 艺术还能提供有关我们先辈们的,或是不同与哦哦们的那些民族的日常生活用品的信息。简言之, 艺术表现出时代和地域的重要特征,艺术明显比大多数历史书更能加深我们对这些特征的理解。历史书向我们展示的是一个国家政治生活的客观信息,但不触及人们的观点。相反,艺术是主观的,他能表达出个人的、带有感情色彩的历史观。



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