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1、unit2schoollife单元分析及教案(牛津英语初 二上) doc 初中英语教材分析 :本单元的要紧话题是谈论学生的学校生活,那个话题专门贴近学生的生活,因而学生将对此话题专门感爱好。开篇部分以卡通漫画将师生引入了学校生活的主题,以有味逗乐的方式引出学校什么缘故要办学那个重要的话题。导入部分向学生介绍了英国英语和美国英语的不同用法,让学生了解到英语的不同语体。关心学生解决了平常学习过程中遇到的同一中文意思或同一英文单词在英式英语和美式英语不同的表达方式。阅读部分为学生提供了有关英国和美国学校的文章,介绍了英国和美国中等学校教育的体系,让学生了解到两国的教育体制。同时学生会把它们和中国中等



4、法。 通过本单元的整体学习, 使学生在听讲读写各个方面的能力得以提高。教学的重难点:重点: 1. 学习有关学校科目的名称和有关学校学习生活的词组。2. 了解英国和美国中学生的学校生活。3. 识不并运用适当的语调模式。4. 了解一些英式英语和美式英语的单词及其读音。难点:1 运用 more/fewer/less .than 比较数量。2 运用the most/fewest/least 比较事物。3 运用tha same as 和 be different from做比较。4 have a great time doing sth.教学分析和教学建议:关于中学的学校生活, 学生是熟悉并感爱好的,

5、专门是了解国外中学生的学校生活并和他们自己的学校生活相比较,更是他们津津乐道的事。在中国,八年级的学生所学的学科差不多全了,因此在此基础上学用英语表达,学生比较容易同意。同时学习形容词原级、比较级和最高级的用法,对与他们来讲也能明白得和同意。因而本单元 的 学 习 并 不 困难 。 教 师 在 教学 过 程 中 可采 纳 Role playing, Practicing,Cooperating, Scanning 和 Listening for specific information 的学习策略,利用教学挂图, 制作多媒体课件来开展个人表演、 两人一组表演或更多的学生一起分角色表演。 在教词

6、汇时, 教师能够在找一些学生学过的单词来比较英式英语和美式英语在单词拼写或读音上的区不。 通过分角色扮演仿照对话或用关键词来复述课文能够培养学生的听力和口语水平, 让学生在听录音或同学表达时, 学会猎取要紧的信息来关心自己明白得和经历。在阅读过程中,让学生学会写关键词语,复述短文,仿照编写对话等, 以提高学生的阅读水平。 在语法教学过程中, 让学生自己通过学习总结规律,仿照操练,让学生真正把握语法知识并能灵活运用。课时安排:开篇部分1课时导入部分1课时阅读部分2课时词汇部分1课时语法部分2课时综合技能部分1 课时中心部分1课时检测部分 1 课时Comics stripes & welcome

7、to the unit教学目标1. 了解一些英式英语和美式英语的单词。2. 确保学生能区不英式英语和美式英语。3激发他们学习英语的爱好。教学内容学习一些英式英语和美式英语的单词。教学预备1. 教学挂图2. 录音机教学过程:Step 1 Showing a world mapGet the students to know the English-speaking countries around the world, by showing a world map to them. Meanwhile write the name of different English-speaking co

8、untries in the world. Let the students know the differences between British and American English.Step 2 Matching the two words that refer to the same thingsTell the students that people use different words to talk about the samethings. Ask the students to open their books and match the two words tha

9、t refer to the same things.Get the students to read these words syllable by syllable to help them remember it.Step3 Doing Part B on page 19Get the students to finish doing Part B on page 19. Show the pictures andask the students to speak out both the British and American words out loudly.StepP 4 Gue

10、ssing what they are talking about?(1) Show the first picture of Comic Stripes to the student without the words. Ask the students to guess: what are they talking about? Play the tape for the students to listen and find out the answer to the questions.(2)Get the students to read and feel the humor her

11、e. (In fact, Eddie hasno idea what school is like and why people need to got to school. However,he still thinks dogs are clever. ) If the students have no problem in understanding the dialogue, get them to practice the dialogue in pairs and act out the dialogue in front of the class. Encourage the s

12、tudents to add something to make the dialogue funnier and more interesting.STEP 5 Talking about the sentencesTalking about the following sentences:(1) We are smarter than people.(2) There are fewer advertisements.(3)What is school like? It s like watching TV.Step 6 Giving some reasons for your ideas

13、Eddie thinks school life is like watching TV. What do you think of our school life? Encourage the students to give some reasons for their ideasIt is very necessary for our teacher to lead the students to talk about the brighter side for the kid to develop an active attitude towards school life as we

14、ll as to study.STEP 7 HomeworkTry to find more information about the differences between British andAmerican English.vocabulary教学目标1. 能够正确表达学科的名称。2. 把握一向形容词的反义词并用形容词表达自己对学科的观点。3. 教师引导学生正确对待每一门学科,认真学好每一门学科。教学内容学习有关的学科的名称和一些形容词及其反义词的用法。教学预备1. 教学挂图2. 录音机教学步骤Step 1 Giving a very general revisionJust giv

15、e a very general revision and get the students to talk about the special subjects in British and American schools. Encourage the students to talk about these questions:(1)What subjects do you learn?(2)Which is your favourite subject?(3)What can we learn in the subject?(4)How do you like the subject? Why?Step 2 Learning the subjectsGet the students to name the subjects that they have at school and write the names on the blackboard. Help students expand their active vocabulary about school subjects.Languages: Chinese, French, Russian,


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