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1、Unit 3Preview2. Read the text for the better comprehension and answer the questions.1) Here it means in the countryside.2) It is difficult to tell the difference between the root crops you buy from stores and thoseyou grow yourself in your garden.Note:(1) root crops: What are grown so that the roots

2、 can be used for food, such as carrots.(2) tell apart: Recognize the difference between two people or things that are very similar.(3) when store bought:when they are bought in stores3) having a particular effect or influence在起作用It refers to the back-breaking labor human beings pretend to do in a ga

3、me. (Does he not referto pretence as back-breaking Maybe as when a very sick person pretends to be well to save someone worry)4) It means that he thought about it very calmly and carefully before he made this decision neverto plant it again. He was exaggerating of course.5) waft through: float throu

4、gh the air in a gentle way, said of smell or noise6) It means “seriously intend to do what you say you will do.7) The worms were slowing coming out of the melting soil and they were delicious food for the birdsof course. (And he was thinking it was delicious too, because it meant the end of winter a

5、nd hecould begin to garden.)8) a piece of land for a particular purpose“ Conflict ” here refers to the struggle in his mind. (No. I think it is the sense of conflict with the earth required to make a garden that he likes)9) Sparingly:in small quantities 节约地。少量地Broadcast:sow seeds over a wide area, e

6、specially by hand10) “ neurotic ” means “ extremely worried about something unimportant in a way that seemsunreasonable to other people. The author is using this in a self-mocking tone.11)Also,your natural tendency to act as a kind and caring father or mother begins to have an effect.12) as it were:

7、 used for making a description sound less definite or less exact (well, used to make a comparison - gardener as parent A kind of personification of the growing things)可 以说;在某种程度上可以说turn upon you: Here,“turn upon/on sb ” means “ attack sb suddenly and without warning ”13) occupation: a job or employm

8、ent, but here: a way of spending your time; a pastime14) Here, a pointed piece of wood or metal etc for driving into the ground as a markor for holdinga rope etc15) slight differences in degree of green16) pocket: a small area different from the areas around itpersonal reassurance: sth that makes a

9、person feel less worriedthrusting life: life that is moving forward quickly and powerfully17) an extension of oneself: the further growth or development of a personParaphrase: Gardening has to be another place where people continue to work hard to achieve something.18) character: the qualities that

10、make up a person s personalitycharacter-building: helping to develop one s character 性格锻炼;品德培养。 The author isnow openly expressing the belief that gardening is an extremely important occupation, somethinghumanbeings have been doing since Adamand Eve s time. The final sentence is ironical and humorou

11、s, referring to how they disobeyed God and was driven out of the Garden.1.累人的 / 繁重的6.找工作 / 求职10.止疼药2.耗费时间的11.摘棉工人3.炼性格 / 培养人品7.保护脸面的12.筹集资金的人4.立法8.维和13.算命先生5.救火9.捣乱分子14.管家15.银行老板10. revival2. Synonyms16.自欺欺人11. implication1. determine/decide17.自尊12. reception2. smell/odor18.自信13. deceptionend/quit/d

12、iscontinue19.自制力14. conception/concept4. ray20.自我牺牲15. perception5. destroy21.自己的利益;16. graduationwork/trade/profession/c22.自我保护/ 自卫17. penetrationareer/pursuit23.自律18. cultivation7huge/immense/enormous/24.店里买的19. generationgreat8. choke9.25.手写的20. appreciationdamp26.自家做的21. congratulationpay/paymen

13、t/gain11.27.敌人占领的22. celebrationshine/glitter28.铺满白雪的23. frustration12. shine/glitter29.四周为陆地包围的3)1. pursue13. view/sight30.空降的2. continue14. reawaken/bringback31.包着糖衣的3. compensatetolife1.32.镀金的4. existunnoticeable2)1. enrollment5. encourage2. unromantic2.maintenance6. occupy3. unload3.exposure7. a

14、ccomplish4. unwillingness4.entrance;8. conflictmeaningful/sensible/adv5.assumption9. composeisable6.average10. spare6. maternal7.consumption11. reassure7. immoral8.involvement12. extend8. consumer9.success/succession13. conceive9. quality11.dishonesty19. 重新激发起兴趣through3.1. 为这行动找个理由20. 培养品德;锻炼性格6) th

15、e different shades2. 为走这一步找个理由4. Rewritetheof meaning3.为自己找个理由sentences, replacingthe7) come into play4.当真;不开玩笑phrases in bold typewith8) goes for5.提高 / 改善质量theappropriate9) are well aware of the6.提高生活水平expressionsintheirvast quantitiesof;7.改良土壤proper forms.ruining; means business8.毁灭这个星球1) in massive numbers;5. Fill in the blan


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