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1、The popularity and spread of a native language has always been a function of the economy of the country to which it belongs.Consider the British. They were the world rulers at one point of time in history andhad an extremely strong economy - a fact thatspawned the adage“ the sun never sets on the En

2、glish soil”A.long with their domination came the proliferationof their language, English. The language was projected as the language of the world, thoughthe French begged to differ. Gradually it became the common denominator for the conduct of all trade and commerce, as Britain ruled all commercial

3、activity at that time. Consequently, it became necessary for the common man also to adopt this language if he was to remain in the fray of daily activity. Of course, the concept of colonization undertaken by the British helped their cause of world domination to asignificant extent: whether in terms

4、of politics, trade, culture and, of course, language. The white man s burden or civilizing the savages, was underteank by the British to consolidate their single-minded obsession with imperialism. Even though Britishsuperiority has been reduced to only a weak shadow of its former strength, the Briti

5、sh still continue to rule the world by the sheer dint of the popularity of their language:English. According to some, their language is the new weapon by which the Empireseeks, once again, to establish its strength and superiority. That s pretty strange language that aslmost entirely derived from a

6、blend of French, L atin, Greek andScandinavian. Nonetheless, it s true.Now let taske a look at the Chinese language. Its beginnings are obscure and it s largely believed to be a descendant of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Philologists claim that ancient Chinese was without inflections and that l

7、ots of words were borrowed from Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. Through a passage of time, however, the Chinese language came to be standardized and standard Mandarin became the chief language to be used in mainland China. Not only does the language have thousands of letters in its alphabet, each l

8、etter is also a picture pictograph that conveys its own generic message.It s no wonder then that it takes studentqsuite a few years to learn the rudiments of the language, let alone master it. The English可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载alphabet, on the other hand, has just 26 letters and it doesntatstudent to gain

9、a basic understanding of the same.ke too long for a可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载When one wonders if Chinese will eventually overtake English as the global language, one has to realize that Chinese is already the most widely spoken language in the world, but that is because of the vast population of China. Outsid

10、e the Chinese mainland, one wonders how many people have a basic or working knowledge of Chinese, either by choice or by compulsion. English on the other hand, is spoken by roughly 350 millionpeople across the world and is gaining popularity in terms of usage and adaptability, even in China. It as w

11、ell -known fact that there is huge demand for English speaking professionals in China who can facilitate international business. There is also acute demand for English teachers who can make the Chinese students better equipped for modern-day business and life. So from emerging trends,it seems eviden

12、t that Chinese is not poised to overtake English as a global language, at可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载least anytime soon. Admittedly, the Chinese economy is strong enough to boost the cause and popularity of its language, just like the English did. But, it is possible thatChina s resurgent economy is a result of

13、 its ability to adapt to others langua way of work rather than the imposition of the Chinese language on other countries.For the mass acceptance of a language, it needs to be simple enough to look approachable. It is plainly evident that English is a far simpler language to learn: grammatically,ling

14、uistically,phonetically,as wellas interms ofusage and application. On the one hand, Chinese phonetics is extremely complicated. It has four “ tones a”nd each word can be pronounced in four differen t ways to mean four different things. English phonetics, on the other hand is relatively simpler. It i

15、s a global language and has been adopted by different countries as the language of daily use. The accents in which the language is spoken may vary drastically across the globe, but anyone educated consistently in the English medium is usually able to decipher what is being said, whether it is in an

16、Australian, American, or even an Indian accent.Further, English earns tremendous brownie points for itself, by virtue of that one hallmark that ensures the universality and popularity of a language: FLEXIBILITY. The English language is an extremely dynamic one that keeps changing according to the tastes and preferences of the English speaking population of


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