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1、一,教学内容分析:PEP四上 Unit3 B Let s talk可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载本课学习的核心句型是:He has glasses and his shoes are blu对e.话复现了 A部分的核心句型: He is tall and thin. Who is he. 教材通过 Mike 向 John的情形, 让同学感知上述句型的语义及语用情形.通过本课的学习,让同学学会描述外貌特点,引导同学不要对同学长得胖或戴眼镜等有鄙视性语言.二,学情分析:同学在三年级下册Unit3 At the zoo,已经初步学习 It s tall. It has a long nose.把握

2、了高矮胖瘦长短大小的表达方式.在三年级下册Unit2My family 中学习了 Is he your father. No, he isnt. Is sheyour mother. Yes ,she is.三,教学目标(一)语言技能目标:1. 能够懂得对话大意2. 能够运用正确的语音,语调朗读对话3. 能够在情形中恰当运用句型:He has.andhis 4. 能够在语境中懂得新词:or, right, glasses, shoes的意思并能正确发音.(二)语言学问目标:1. 能够听,说,认读句型:He has glasses and his shoes are blu并e.能在情形中运用.

3、2. 能够听,说,认读新词:or, right, glasses, shoes(三)学情感态度文化意识目标:明白外貌描述中的文化禁忌,如:不要对同学长的胖或戴眼镜等有鄙视性语言.(四)习策略目标:培养同学齐心合力,团结协作,共同完成小组任务的合作精神.四,教学重,难点:1. 教学重点:1) 能够听懂,会说句型:A boy or girl. Yes , you are right.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载2) 能够认读句子He has glasses and his shoes are blu并e.能在情形中运用.2. 教学难点:1)能够在情形中恰当运用句型:He has glasses

4、 and his shoes are blue描. 述外貌特点2) glasses 和 shoes 的末尾 -es 和-s 的发音.五,教学流程Step 1 Warm up1. Free talkT: TS1: hi。 Im MissDong. Whats your name. S1 .T: Nice to meet you.S1: .T: Lets be friends,OK. TS2:T: Nice to meet you.S2:.T: Lets be friends. Point to a girl Whats her name. S2: Her name is.TS3:T: Nice

5、to meet you.S3: .T: Lets be friends together.2. T:Our friendsTim and Lily are here . Lets chant together. PPT:显现chant可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载(设计意图:因是借班上课,上课伊始,通过 free talk 拉近师生距离,引出friend 的话题,自然过渡到 chant ,通过 chant ,创设英语氛围,激活同学头脑中的学问储备,调动同学思维,为新课做铺垫. )Step 2Presentation:1. T:( 指着 PPT 上的 Tim )Look at Tim . Ta

6、ll or short. Ss: Tall.T: Yes ,you are right. Strong or thin.Ss: Thin.T: Yes, you are right.He is tall and thin. Look. He has glasses先. 指着 PPT 上的图, 再出示实物眼镜. 教 glasses 读音classglass es iz 同学齐读 glasses两遍.(指着 Tim 的鞋子说) Look here. What color . Ss: .T: Yes ,you are right. His shoes are black and white.教 sh

7、oes的发音shoes 设计意图:通过复习chant ,在同学已有学问的基础上, 通过 chant 情形感知,渗透本节课的一个主要句型: Yes,you are right.or的用法. Hehas .His . is .并教学 glasses 和 shoes的发音.教发音时, 以旧引新,培养同学的拼读才能. 2. T: This is our friend Tim. Here come our friends Mike and John. They are talking.What are they talking about . Lets look , listen and choose.

8、PPT 显现和视频:What are they talking about . They are talking anout-.A. friendsB. schoolbagsC. classrooms Check: S1 . T:Right or wrong. Ss: Right.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载(设计意图:师生通过谈论伴侣Tim,引出另两个伴侣Mike and John 在谈论的图片,让同学推测他们在谈论什么,然后让同学听一选判定自己的推测结果是否正确,从而进入文本,整体感知文本.在全部Check 环节连续渗透 or.) 3.T: Yes ,you are right. Th

9、ey are talking about Mikes friend. Whats Mikes friends name. Whats his name.pPT 显现. Please listen and find.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载Ss .(设计意图:运用评判手段,连续渗透Yes ,you are right并.自然提出有关文本细可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载节的问题: Whats his name.)3. T: Yes ,you are right. Wu Yifan is Mikes good friend .How does John knowMike s friend

10、is Wu Yifan. Whats Wu Yifan like. PPT 显现 Please look ,listen and find.A. He is tall and thin.B. He has glasses. C.His shoes are blue. D.He is friendly.S1 .S2 .S3 .(生读师板书)He is 白体He has 红体His name is . 红体(设计意图:在同学通过听看解决了名字问题后,即知其然,连续引导同学通过听解决所以然的问题. 通过 1,2,3 问题,穿成步步深化的问题链, 通过问题链, 加深同学对文本的语境懂得. )操练:(

11、1).领读 1 遍可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载(2) )T:OK We know Wu Yifans looking. How about TuTu. Lets say. PPT 显现TuTu 的图片和句型支架. T gives a model. 点 PPT: He has a big head.引导同学就大耳图图进行其他的练习.(3) )Find the differences.You all did good job. You can describe looking well. Lets find the differences. PPT显现(设计意图:在文本中引出核心句型后,运用同

12、学喜闻乐见的大耳图图和找不同进行准时的巩固操练,让同学在具体的情境中通过老师搭建的语言支架,在帮忙运用中把握核心句型. )Step3 Practice1. T: Now we learnedhow to describe a person. This time , lets listen and repeat.(设计意图:听音正音并仿照.仿照是学习语言的最好途径. )2. Ss read by themselves.3. Ss read in roles.4. T: Good voice. We have learnt some sentences which can be described

13、 looking .Let s find and underline the sentences from the talk.(设计意图:回忆文本,明确本课所学,为下面的实际运用语言做好预备.)Guessing gameT: Pleaseuse the sentences to play a guessing game. Here are some pictures ofsuper stars .Who are they.向 同学呈现图片并分发给个小组Lets guess like this :A: I have a good friend . He is tall and strong.可编

14、辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载He has long arms . He has long legs . His shoes are white and red. Who is he. B: Is he Xiao Yu.A: No.B: Is he Yao Ming. A: Yes , you are right.(设计意图:通过玩耍,整合本课所学.为下面的输出做好铺垫.)Step 4 Production1. ListeningT:上一环节呈现中,师打断Stop. My friend is worried . She lost her son .Please listen to the noticefor missing person. And look at the pictures, which one is my friends son. PPT 显现图片并放录音 (设计意图:老师以急促紧急的语调打断同学的呈现,插播寻人启事,让同学通过听寻人启事,辨别选择图片,来进行听力上的输出运用.)2. Look and sayMy friend s sons name is Wu Yifan , too. He cant be found still. Lets help. Now please look at Wu Yifan carefully., then des


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