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1、影视课堂活力英语(1)Unit1和Unit2答案 Ke t Exer ises (nit 1 F ding emo) Par I ovie Lan uag Secti n 2 In class Act vi ies A Class ead- n 1. here re he tw speakes? In h studio、 (Piar Aiation udi皮克萨动画电影公司) 2. ht do e do? hey ar Diector (Andrew Stato) o-drcor (Le nkrch)、 (The tid pen s John Lasetr, 皮克萨公司执行副总裁xecutiv

2、 Vice Psidet、本片得原创者,出任影片得执行制片executive produce) 3. Wha are they talkin abot? hy ar presenting ad introducig to the udence th akig f the o DVD isc th fil, ining Neo、 B nte sive Li e i g V ew n Mov e C p 1 T sk t o 1 、 (1)B、 (2)C、 2 、 (1)、 Wat happes whe Neo se s to be about t wim ino te pe wat? (注:此文

3、字就就是在第一版本基础上修改后得,原版就就是:is abot to swi) Nemos fath rln as n h prvents Ne fom swmming out into th pe water、 (2)、 h do eo an hi fate li quarrel? Bca arin tiks it s derous for Nmo to swim ut for he is still ncapale o wimn ell as a kd, bu Nem believs h can swim well、 (3)、 Wha are h thee ords emo sai t h

4、fah ater the quarre? I hate yu、 、 hat does Neo d unexpectedly afte he urel? Nem ac on impue and swis ut nexpetl nt e oen we to touch he boat t prov tha he c wi wel and can e independen、 、 concern, luky, rent, can, interru, unsuperised Mo ie Clip 2 k o e 1、 What d te fis pla t d i this scne? T p to e

5、scae、 、 What does emo d t p as a pioer? emo is xpece o pay an importat role nd at as a ioneer to tke a ple inside he filt ad ja te gea、 Task wo 1 、 (1)、 (2)、 F (hey a eer esce plas ut faild、) (3)、 F (Nemo is chosen a ieer becse Nmo is a smal fh and he is the on ne who c get i and out of the file in

6、the fish tan、) 2 、 T T e c rr ct r r r r : 1、 _ 2、 f_ 3、 _ 、 k 5、 b_ 、 g_ 、 a _ 、 、 i _ 、 _ 1、 e _ ovi Cl p a k ne 1. D he ea rtes thnk of Marli a cowad? Ho do they tea him? No, thy do、 Inta, they call ain Jlymn, a name sowig the amiraon n drain、 He was vry po with te sea urts、 2. What s the diffrec

7、e eween Mn ad Crss ove owards te s? Marlins le r childen s cerative; alwa eles childre re immaur ad dependnt and it ends to be hard fo them t cpe wth eegncy, so ty nee to spersed、 While rush s pen-mine, and e thins hiden are suposed to learn ow to a and dea wih, n teir own, ny chaenge ad emergency、

8、Task wo 1 、 Questin 1: Are you funny? Qustio 2: heres or shell? uesti 3: Ar yo rnig wa? Quetion 4: Did you really coss te jefish forest? uesion : Did they stng yu? uesin : Mr、 F, d di? Qusto 7: Whre ar yo oing? Qustion 7: hat peed? 2 、 1、 (Tutl aher s ey calm and believs itle utle can mang 、) 2、 T 3

9、、 F (Mrlin thinks tht he is so tough hi son Nemo tht i ma d swim out nt e oen wate n i caught b he divs、) 4、 T 5、 F (Mli es thosads eet sright w into the darkness of the ocan、) 6、 T 7、 F (The ird think arln i dedicatd/devoted faher、) ecti n 3 t r-class A t v i A Exten i Li teni g Viewing M e ip 4 1、

10、 hy does Marln a hs Nem Are you su you want o g t chool ts yer? arlin sti wrid hat t is oo riky for ltt Nemo t go out an live y hmsef i the worl otside、 2、 Do y till remember or rs day f co? hat d yor parnts do for yu on t dy? Are there ny dffereces betwen Nems fst y o sho nd yurs? (Oen、 nsws m ar、)

11、 Movi Cl p 5 、 Wh o h fh fel neros wh th talk about Darl? Becae Darla es nt hsh fshs lfe for sh would ot sto sakin th bg utl th fish dies; in hei es, she is fish klle、 2、 Wha does Gil tel Nmo to d hen he is stuck i e tank? Gil asks Nem to t out y isel、 First he asks Neo t al dn and then alernately w

12、igl his fins a tl ntil he gets out、 ov e Clip 6 1. Wha does it imply when the fish (Peach) sas, He jus gbbed the Reader igest! W hav 、2 mnute、 What the f ys implies a the dntist tes the mg zine to the toilt ad will sty thre for 、2 iut an i is a od opporunit fo the o cary ot their escae plan、 2、 Wat oes Nemo plan to do in this scene? oes e succeed? eo dos prepaatons for scae by aking a bble trown inie te filter and weing the pebe ino te otating an in small opnin t top i turng, bt inaly he il f



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