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1、Stylistic Analysis of Advertising LanguageXXXXXXXXX 2021/12/15Stylistic Analysis of Advertising LanguageAbstract: Nowadays advertising can be found at every corner of our society. We can see advertisements everywhere,ontelevision,newspaper,magazines,busshell,building wall,andsoon.Theadvertisersoften

2、makethe advertisementsthemosteffectiveinordertosecurea number ofreadersand tocompete withmany othersimilar advertisingmessages.Theyusevariousways to catch attention of the customers. In this paper, it gives a briefintroduction to the characteristics of advertising languagefrom the view of stylistics

3、.Definitions of advertising language: The definition of可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载advertisinglanguageisthatthelanguageisspecifically used inadvertisement.A pieceofconsumer advertisingis normally composed of three parts: a headline, a body copy,and a slogan.Among them,thesloganisconsideredtobe the very soul.Ess

4、ential features of advertising language: Advertisinglanguageisoneofbusinesslanguages.Andithassome distinctivefeatures.When we seetheadvertisements,we alwayshave adeep impression.These featureshelpusto remember the goods easily:(1) Brief: A successful ad is always brief. An ad does notuse a largenumb

5、er ofwords andsentences.Itoften usesabriefsentencetoexpressthemeaning.The most famous exampleisthead ofMcDonalds:Ilove it.And thiscompany createsasongwhichisnamed Imlovingit ,thelyricsareeasy and brief, back and forth only a few words, but almost every earthmanknows it.The other examples:Intel Insid

6、e.(Intel Pentium) Communication unlimited.(Motorola ) Connecting People. (Nokia)可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载(2) Memorable: An ad also should be Memorable. People always prefer to buy something whose ads and brand they can remember. That is to say, a successful ad should be known by customers, and they can get i

7、mpressions.(3) Distinctive: If the ads are not distinctive, theycannot stand out among such enormous competitors. Each ad is special, and it has its own feature. The successful advertisement has a significant way to show itself, which is different from the others. When we see an ad, we know that is

8、about the specified good, not other ones.(4) Easy to read: The merchants often make the fine-sounding advertisements inorder to draw customersattention. An easy-to-read ad is more likely to be remembered by customers, and arouses their interests. For examples:Impossible made possible. Canon Printers

9、.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. TOYOTA Motor.Take TOSHIBA, take the world. ToshibaLexical features: As a means of disseminating可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载information, advertising language is simple, vivid, rich color and emotional appeal. Therefore, the ad in English and general English words vary wide

10、ly.(1) The use of high frequency words: Ads must be easyto be understood and remembered. So many advertisers focused on using high frequency words. For example, the popular words, simple verbs and adjectives.(2) The use of the spoken wordFor example: Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. Mosquito Sha ShashaAnalysis

11、: Bye is a very colloquial word, the language used in both the advertising image and witty humor, memorable, advertising with excellent results.(3) Simple verbs usedFor concise, popular, catchy, simple verbs, especially monosyllabic verbs, such as: make, come, get, go, know, have, keep, look, see, n

12、eed, buy, love, use, take, feel , like, start, taste, save,choose the language most commonly used inadvertising. For example the following advertising slogan in bold words:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载Start Ahead. Success, start from scratch. Rejoice shampooWe bring high Technology home. - NECWe high-tech home.

13、Japan NEC Electric(4) Frequent use of personal pronouns: Use of personal pronouns is extremely common, especially you and we, obviously to make the language more warm and friendly in tone and strengthen its appeal to thereader.For example:We made this watch for you - to be part of your life - simply

14、 because this is the way we alwaysmade watch. And if we may draw a conclusion, it willbe this :choose once and choose well.an ad of a watchSlip it on her fingers and shell know whats in your heart.(6) Wide use of affirmative and commendatory words and expressions:For example:An unrivaled internation

15、al collectionof exceptional natural fiber bedding,clothing ,intimate apparel and personal可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载accessories ,for discerning adults and some fortunate children an ad of a kind of bedding Comparisons are widely used in advertising,usually to affirm the improvement made for a product orservice



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