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1、牛津高中英语模块五Unit 3Science versus natureReading The Perfect Copy1教学设计与摸索 .Teaching Aims and DemandsA. Knowledge1. Enable the students to get some information about cloning. 2.Enable the students to learn some different opinions on cloning.3.Helpthe students tolearn howtounderstand scientifictermsand ana

2、lyze the passage according to the reading strategy.B. Feelings and Attitudes1. Get the students to form the right attitudes towards the advanced technologies.2. We should make good use of the advanced technologies to make our life better and better.C. Ability1. Develop the students cooperastipoinrit

3、.2. Let students get some reading skills about scientific articles. . Teaching importances and difficulties. 1.Talk about cloning and human cloning.2.How to describe the advantages and disadvantages of human cloning. .Teaching procedures and waysStep1Lead-in1 Ask the students to share the informatio

4、n collected about cloning before class. 2 Brief introduction about cloning and the fierce debates between scientists.设计目的与意义:让同学对克隆技术有一个大致的明白,培养同学搜集资料,处理信息的才能.同时,通过图片,视频等方式简洁介绍背景信息,活跃课堂气氛,并快速进入课堂主题. Step2 Fast reading1 Read the passage fast and answer the following questions.1) Does the article give

5、 an anti- or pro-cloning point of view, or both. Both2) What was the name of the first cloned mammal. Dolly2 Read the first and the last paragraphs to answer the following questions.1) What s the first paragraph about.2) What s the last paragraph about.3) What s the passage about.Keys:. Scientists s

6、uccess in cloning caused much d.ebate2China s achievements on clonin.3gDifferent opinions about cloning.设计目的与意义:培养同学快速把握文章脉络,懂得文章大意,提高猎取信息的才能以及有关阅读科技类文章的技巧.Step3 Careful reading1 Read the passage carefully and decide which of the following statements are Tor F.1) People all over the world are happy

7、about the idea of cloning human beings. 2Dolly is exactly the sameas other sheep.3) A Scottish doctor created Dolly.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载4) According to the article, the person who created Dollydoes not agree with cloning human beings .5) Cloning can be used to cure diseases because it can produce new ti

8、ssues and organs.6) Cloning human beings is illegal in many countries, so no scientists want to clone human beings.Keys:1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F设计目的与意义:培养同学深化懂得文章,把握文章细节的才能.2 Read the passage carefully and find the reasons why people are pro- or anti-cloning.Pro-cloningAnti-cloning112233445可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载

9、Keys:Pro-cloning:Anti-cloning:1 produce valuable tissues and organs2 cure disease like cancer3 help those who are unable to have children 4 help those who want to clone their dead children1may produce a real-life monster 2create more diseases in the animal world. 3cloning shows no respect for human

10、life4human life would no longer be unique.5 we should be having fewer babies in order to reduce Earth s population,not可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载cloning more. 设计目的与意义:培养同学深化懂得文章,精确把握文章中的观点以及组织和整合文本信息的才能. 3 Read the two letters carefully and fill in the table below.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载NameFor or againstReasons可编辑资料

11、 - - - 欢迎下载Pauline carter Colin JakeKeys:PaulineAgainst: 1 immoral2 have to deal with the consequences可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载ColinFor1 challenge morality2 change her life设计目的与意义:培养同学深化懂得文章,如何清楚的表达观点.同时对其进行必要的情感训练,使其对前沿的高端技术有一个正确的熟识.4 Ask the students to read the passage again and answer the following quest

12、ions to check their understanding of the passage.1 What are the different attitudes towards the success of human cell. 2 What does Ian Wilmut intend to use cloning for.Keys:11Valuable tissues and organs and organs can be produced to save human lives. Human beings may be on the way to producing a rea

13、l-lifemonster. Some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention to destroy them shows no respect for human life.2He thinks research efforts should be concentrated on creating new tissues and organs thatcould eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer.设计目的与意义:让同学进一步懂得文章,使同学从中有所

14、感悟,引发对如何利用克隆技术的深层摸索.Step4 Post-reading1 Fill in the blanks according to the passage.Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal usingit s cells.However, human cloning has caused much 1 .On the one hand ,it is a scientific 2 . On the other hand, some people think it shows no 3 for humans.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载Generallyspeaking,cloningsomethingthatcan 4 acceptable.Keys:1debate2breakthrough3respect4benefitmankindis可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载设计目的与意义:让同学对文章有一个整体的把握,并为下面的争辩作预备. 2 Work in groups to discuss the following q



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