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1、战略合作意向书英文.doc 战略合作意向书英文 【篇一:战略合作协议书(中英)】 战略合作协议书 strategic cooperation agreement 甲方: party a: 乙方: 甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、共同促进发展的原则,就化石燃料燃烧 优化及尾气处理技术研究事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议: in accordance with the principle of equity and free will, and common development, party a and party b have arrived at the following agreement by

2、 friendly negotiation in terms of 一、甲方的权利义务 i. party a s right and obligation 1 2、甲方帮助乙方争取新技术试点与推广,协助解决乙方在行业发展 过程中的问题。 3 4、甲方支持乙方展开多种形式的互动交流与合作。 1. party a shall provide 4. party a shall be in support of p arty b s interactive exchange and cooperation in various forms. 二、乙方权利义务 ii. party b s right a

3、nd obligation 12 3 4、乙方有义务执行双方所达成的决议,维护彼此的合法权益。 1. party b is entitled to 4. party b is obliged to carry out the agreement concluded by both parties, and safeguard the legitimate rights and obligations of each other. 三、其它 iii. others 1、甲、乙双方中任何一方欲变更、解除本协议,必须采取书面形式,解除协议需提前一个月向对方提出。 2. 甲、乙双方中任何一方未履行本协

4、议条款,导致协议不能履行、不能完全履行,对方有权变更、解除协议。 3、本合同未尽事宜,双方应本着互惠互利、友好协商的原则另行约定。 4、本协议一式两份,双方各执一份。 5、本协议自双方代表人签字认可之时起生效。 6、协议有效期三年,协议期满可另行续约。 1. either party s change or termination of the agreement shall be in written form, and the termination of the agreement shall be informed to the other party one month in adv

5、ance. 2. in case either party s failure in fulfillment of t he terms of the agreement leads to the impossibility of performing or completing the agreement, the other party has the right to change or terminate the agreement. 3. the matters not covered in the agreement shall be settled by both parties

6、 in line with the principle of mutual benefit and friendly negotiation. 4. the agreement is in duplicate, one for each other. 5. the agreement takes effect upon the signature of the representatives of both parties. 6. the agreement remains valid for three years and shall be extended upon the expirat

7、ion separately. 甲方代表: party a s representative: 签署时间: time of signature: 乙方代表: party b s representative: 签署时间: time of signature: 【篇二:战略合作意向书-english version 】strategic cooperation agreement party a: party b: beijing yan xin advertisement media co., ltd. through friendly negotiation, party a and par

8、ty b enter into the following strategic cooperation agreement on project e12 (or hereinafter referred to as “project ”) that is initiated by both parties and personages of all circles: i. principle of cooperation to promote public-spiritedness, disseminate the sense of social responsibility and show

9、 concern for the living condition and development opportunities for the ordinary people, party b collaborated with party a and all sectors of the community in launching project e12 in august 2011. the core concept and the purpose of the project are to spread public benefits ideas and culture featuri

10、ng concern for the most ordinary people of society through 12 annual public benefits themes. ii. model of cooperation 1. as the strategic cooperation partner of the project, party a shall acknowledge and support the concept and the purpose advocated in the project, approve and authorize party b to l

11、egally specify or make public that party a is its long-term strategic partner in project e12 during publicity events and execution process. 2. if any side needs to use the part that belongs to the other party concerning the project, it shall gain the written consent of the other party in advance. 3.

12、 all publicity and advertisement activities organized by both parties shall abide by national legislation and safeguard legitimate rights and interests of party a. 4. party b shall conduct planning and promotional activities relevant to the project of party a in its own project whereas party a shall

13、 actively cooperate with party b and participate in party b s project events for public benefits that accord with party a s own aim. iii. term of cooperation after negotiation, both parties agree that this agreement shall be effective for a period of three years (x, 2012 to x, 2015) upon the date of

14、 signing. iv. other agreements 1. party b shall promise to manage and implement the whole project in the principle of honesty and integrity and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and take voluntarily all relevant consequences incurred during implementation and management. 2. the cooperation is equal and voluntary in nature, so party b shall show party a s strategic partnership status only if it is within the scope and in the way that are rati



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