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1、摘 要随着中国茶叶市场竞争不断激烈,茶叶同类产品之间的竞争也从价格上逐渐走上包装和品牌战略。茶叶行业是一个品牌消费特性非常显著的行业,更需要重视对自己品牌战略的管理和经营,这就需要从其包装设计出发了。毕竟,想让茶叶在众多品牌中脱颖而出被消费者选中已经越来越困难,而不断改进产品包装被认为是企业获得消费者关注的最可行方法之一,因为产品包装被认为是“组织的促销工具”。一个有吸引力和差异化的包装可以帮助一个产品在其他类似的商品中脱颖而出,所以一个成功的茶叶品牌运营必须要有队该品牌产略从外在的包装设计进行不断研究升级以吸引消费者的关注和购买意愿。因此本研究以老蒲茶业茶产品为例,通过品牌形象的中介作用来考

2、察产品包装对购买意愿的影响。本研究采用问卷调查法以居住在佛山市的410名消费者进行调查,使用SPSS等数据分析软件进行统计,研究结果表明,包装字体、图片、形状和颜色与购买意愿有直接和间接的联系,而产品信息、易用性和手感与购买意愿有间接的联系。然而,材料和尺寸没有任何影响。提出了开发茶叶差异化包装的建议:(1)使用醒目的图片和(2)鲜艳的色彩;(3)设计良好的包装形状;(4)精心选择产品信息量;最后为老蒲茶业的品牌定位与包装设计营销提供了建议。关键词:品牌形象;包装设计;产品包装;购买意愿。Abstract With the increasingly fierce competition in

3、the Chinese tea market, the competition among similar products of tea has gradually stepped on the packaging and brand strategy in terms of price. Tea industry is a brand consumption characteristics of the industry is very significant, more need to pay attention to the management and management of t

4、heir own brand strategy, which needs to start from its packaging design. After all, it has become increasingly difficult for tea to stand out from other brands and be selected by consumers, and continuous improvement of product packaging is considered one of the most feasible ways for a company to g

5、ain consumer attention, because product packaging is considered to be an organizational promotional tool. An attractive and differentiated packaging can help a product stand out from other similar commodities, so a successful tea brand operation must have the brand production slightly from the exter

6、nal packaging design for continuous research and upgrading to attract consumers attention and purchase intention. Therefore, this study takes laopu tea products as an example to investigate the influence of product packaging on purchase intention through the mediating effect of brand image. This stu

7、dy adopts questionnaire survey to investigate the 410 consumers living in Foshan city, using the SPSS for statistical data analysis software, such as the research results show that the packing fonts, images, shape and color has direct and indirect contact with purchase intention, and ease of use, pr

8、oduct information and feel are indirect contact with purchase intention. However, the material and size had no effect. Suggestions for developing differentiated packaging of tea were put forward :(1) use eye-catching pictures and (2) bright colors; (3) well-designed packaging shape; (4) carefully se

9、lect the information of the product; Finally, it provides some Suggestions for the brand positioning and packaging design of laopu tea industry.Key words:Brand image, packaging design, product packaging, purchase intention.目 录1.绪论21.1 研究背景21.2 研究目的21.3 研究方法31.4 研究流程32.文献综述52.1 产品包装要素对品牌定位的影响52.2 品牌形

10、象62.3 品牌形象与消费者购买意愿62.4 假设提出63.研究数据收集63.1 研究设计和数据收集63.2 因子分析与信度分析74.数据分析与结果84.1 被调查者的人口统计特征84.2 变量之间的相关性94.3 检验假设95.老蒲茶业品牌形象包装设计策略125.1 老蒲茶业产品包装设计策略建议125.2 老蒲茶业建设品牌形象策略建议136.结论与建议146.1 调查结果的讨论146.2 局限性和对进一步研究的启示14致 谢16参考文献171.绪论1.1 研究背景茶叶在我国拥有十分悠久的历史,丰富而多彩的饮茶历史不仅让茶叶成为一种饮品更是成为中国深厚文化底蕴的一种象征,不仅如此在实际贸易和产


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