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1、摘 要随着互联网技术的深入发展,居民消费水平的升级,国家越来越重视教育这一方面的发展。根据教育部发布的数据,2019年,341万大军走进考研考场,一再刷新历史新高,使得广大考研学子面临着更激烈的竞争。为了增强自身竞争力,很多同学把希望寄托在了报名参加考研辅导班上,期望以此来提高自己的成绩。本文通过竞争战略相关理论对启航考研机构竞争战略进行研究,同时也对我国其他考研培训机构相关发展起到一定借鉴作用。本文主要以启航考研机构为主要研究对象,一方面通过对启航考研机构的内外环境及发展现状进行系统的分析,结合竞争战略相关理论,分析出启航考研机构目前在发展中面临的问题及针对问题提出解决对策和建议。论文首先收

2、集了国内外对教培行业的相关文献研究资料,得出目前的研究成果,然后对启航考研机构的内外环境进行了PEST和波特五力模型分析,对该行业目前面临的情况有了一个清晰地认识。继而着重对启航考研机构所处的竞争环境,运用SWOT的方法对机构的竞争能力进行分析,提出在启航考研机构在目前的发展中所面临到的几个问题,并分别从提升人员素质、提高课程品质、改变定价策略三个方面阐述问题的解决对策。本文通过对启航考研机构竞争战略的研究,为现有考研机构的竞争提供可操作、有保障的竞争策略,同时也为未来准备进入到该行业的初创公司提示和借鉴。关键词:考研机构;竞争战略;SWOTAbstractWith the deep deve

3、lopment of Internet technology and the upgrading of residents consumption level, the country pays more and more attention to the development of education in this aspect. According to the data released by the Ministry of Education, in 2019,3.41 million troops entered the examination room and repeated

4、ly set a new record high, which made the vast number of postgraduate students face more fierce competition. In order to enhance their competitiveness, many students put their hopes on enrolling in the postgraduate study class, hoping to improve their results. This paper studies the competitive strat

5、egy of the graduate school through the theory of competition strategy, and also plays a certain role in the development of other postgraduate training institutions.On the one hand, through the systematic analysis of the internal and external environment and the development status of the institution,

6、 combined with the theory of competition strategy, this paper analyzes the problems faced by the institution and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for solving the problems. First of all, the paper collects the relevant literature research data of the teaching and training industry at

7、 home and abroad, obtains the present research results, then carries on the PEST and the Porter five-force model analysis to the internal and external environment of the sailing postgraduate examination institution, and has a clear understanding of the current situation facing the industry. Then foc

8、us on the competition environment of the institution Environment, using the SWOT method to analyze the competitive ability of institutions, put forward in the sailing postgraduate examination institutions in the current development of several problems, and respectively from the promotion of personne

9、l quality, improve curriculum quality, change pricing strategy three aspects of the solution to the problem.Through the research on the competitive strategy of the set-off postgraduate examination institutions, this paper provides an operational and secure competitive strategy for the competition of

10、 the existing postgraduate examination institutions, and also provides tips and reference for the start-up companies who are ready to enter the industry in the future.Key words: Graduate school;Competition strategy;SWOT目 录第1章 绪论11.1研究背景11.2研究意义11.3国内外研究现状21.3.1国内21.3.2国外21.4研究内容31.5研究方法3第2章 启航考研机构环境

11、分析42.1启航考研机构宏观环境分析42.1.1 政治法律环境42.1.2 经济环境42.1.3 社会文化环境52.1.4 科学技术环境52.2启航考研机构微观环境分析62.2.1 师资力量的议价能力分析62.2.2 考研学生的议价能力分析62.2.3 潜在竞争对手分析72.2.4 网上各类盗版课程分析72.2.5 行业内现有考研机构分析8第3章 启航考研机构简介及发展现状93.1启航考研机构简介93.2启航考研机构发展现状93.2.1启航考研机构的组织结构93.2.2 启航考研机构课程设计113.2.3 启航考研机构品牌服务11第4章 基于SWOT的启航考研机构竞争战略问题研究124.1启航

12、考研机构SWOT分析124.1.1优势分析124.1.2劣势分析124.1.3机会分析124.1.4威胁分析134.2 启航考研机构竞争战略存在的问题134.2.1 师资力量与同行业相比较弱134.2.2 课程设计同质化,缺乏高端产品144.2.3 与竞争对手相比定价较高13第5章 提升启航考研机构竞争力的策略155.1 提升业内从业人员素质155.2 提高课程品质155.3 实施差异化定价15第6章 结论17参考文献18致谢19附录一 中文译文20第1章 绪论1.1研究背景百年大计,教育为本。我国古代就有重视教育的传统,新中国成立之后国家大力发展教育。各地普遍建立学校,并配备相应的教师,使我







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