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1、一, theme(明白) :Unit 1whatsthe matter.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载1) Talk about health and first aid健康与急救2) Give advice提建议二, 学问点P11,What s the matterwith关于 sbsth.某人或某物怎么了?(询问健康问题或困难,麻烦等)询问问题的其他常用句型:What s the troubleproblem with sb.What s wrong with sb. What s up. 口语 What happened to sb.某人发生了什么事?Is there anything

2、 wrong with sb. 2,健康问题的表达:1) havehas +aan+疾病 have a coldfevercough 感冒,发烧,咳嗽2) havehas+aan+身体 ache have a stomachachetoothacheheadache胃疼,牙疼,头疼 3) havehas+aan sore+身体部位have a sore backthroat 背疼,嗓子疼4)身体部分 +hurt head and neck hurt头和脖子疼(P2)5sb +hurt+身体部位 oneselfhurt yourself伤到你自己(P4) hurt his back伤到他的背 p

3、56) 身体部位cut myself切到自己( P2)7) have a heart problem心脏病 have problems breathing呼吸困难8) get hit被打get sunburned被晒伤3,1) foot-feeton foot步行tooth-teeth2) She talkedtoo much yesterday and didn t drinkenough water.(1) too much, much too和 too many:too much太多,可以修饰动词和不行数名词.much too太,修饰形容词, much too cold太冷. too m

4、any太多,修饰可数名词复数.( 2)enough adv.adj.足够的 (地),充分的 (地),enough 修饰名词, 可前可后, waterenough=enough water足够的水.修饰形容词需后置,big enough足够大P24,1) lie down and rest躺下来休息考点 lie趟, lie-lay-lain-lying考点:休息rest=takehave a rest=take breaksa break2) hott ea withhoney加蜂蜜的热茶with介词 带有,具有(反 without)3) see a dentist看牙医 4 ) getan X

5、-ray考点 5take ones temperature量体温 5 1) What should I do.考点: should情态动词,应当,应当,用于询问,提出建议,或表达职责和义务.As a student, you should study hard. 职责,义务 You should lie down and rest. 提建议 2) sound like听起来像3 ) on the weekend在周末 all weekend整个周末6,You need to take breaks away from the computer.你需要离开电脑休息.考点 1) need 实意动词

6、,需要need+nving被动to do sth 需要做某事 1 /31可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载I need your help.The trees need watering. to be watered树需要浇水了情态动词, need+do sth考点 2) break cn休息,间歇take a break=take breaksv折断,打破7,I sat in the same way for too long without moving .我以同样的姿势一动不动地做了太久.1) in the same way同样的方式2 ) for too long太久 3 ) witho

7、ut没有 +nving8,If your head and neck stillhurttomorrow, then go to a doctor.考点 1) if引导的条件状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来.考点 2) hurt vi疼痛3) go to a doctor去看医生 =go to see a doctor P33a 9 ,1go along沿着考点 2) see sb doing sth看到某人正在干某事(强调动作正在进行),See sb do sth看到某人做某事(强调动作过程或经常发生)类似用法的感官动词:hearwatchnotice sb doingdo sth 3) ne

8、xt to紧挨着,旁边4) shout for help呼救10,The bus driver,24- year -oldWang Ping,stoppedthe buswithout thinking twice. 公交车司机,24 岁的王平,没有多想便停下了车.考点 1) 24- year -old ,复合形容词,数词 - 名词( 单数 ) - 形容词,只作定语,表语用24 years old考点 2without thinking twice没有再想,毫不徘徊反think twice11,He got offand asked the woman whathappened.他下车问那位妇

9、女发生了什么事?考点 1) get off从,下来 g et off the busplanehorseship 较大的交通工具 ,反 get on get out of the cartaxi下车反 get into上车考点 2) happen vi发生,没有被动语态,( 1)sth happened+地点,时间某地或某时发生了某事( 2)sth happened to sb某人发生了某事(不好的事)( 3)sb happened to do sth某人恰巧干某事I happened to meet him. 12,He expectedmost or all the passengers

10、to get off and wait for the next bus.他期望大部分或全部乘客下去等下一辆公交车.考点 1) expect sbto do sth期望某人做某事expect to do sth期望做某事expect that从句2) waitforsbsth等待某人,某物waitfo r sbto do sth等待某人做某事waitto do sth等待做某事13,To his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.令他惊奇的是,他们都同意和他一起去. 考点 1) surprisen惊奇 to one s surprise让某人惊奇

11、的是in surprise惊奇地v使惊奇考点 2) agreeto do sth同意做某事agreewithsb同意某人的观点agreeon sth就某事达成一样 We agreed on the price.我们就价格达成了一样.14,Thanks toMr. Wang and the passengers, the manwas savedby the doctorsin time.多亏王先生和乘客们,医生准时挽救了老人.考点 1) Thanks to+ n.pron.多亏, =with the help ofthanks for因,而感谢考点 2) was saved被动语态waswer

12、e+ 动词的过去分词(被动语态的一般过去时)考点 3) in time准时 on time准时15,1helpothers帮忙2) think about考虑 3) hit-hit-hit4right away马上,马上 =at once2 /31可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载考点 5) get into trouble陷入困境,惹麻烦be in trouble困境中 have troubledoing sth做某事有困难P416,1)反身代词:单数: myself, yourself ,himself, herself, itself复数: ourselves, yourselves, t

13、hemselves反身代词的用法:( 1)作主语同位语I made dinner myself.我自己做的晚饭.( 2)作动词的宾语:hurt, cut, enjoy, help, hurt, teach, dress, look after等Did youhurt yourselfplaying soccer. 现在分词短语作时间状语 2) fall down摔倒P517,1) Someone feltsick. 有人生病了.考点 :sick adj.生病的,有病的,可以做表语和定语,be sickill生病 sick kids生病的孩子2) tell sbnotto do sth P618

14、,考点 1)have problemstroubledifficultydoingsth 做某事有困难(反have no problem doing sth )2) be interestedin+ndoing sth对,感爱好19,As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks .作为登山者,阿伦习惯于冒险.考点 1) be used todoingsth习惯做某事used todo sth过去经常做某事I used tostayup late, but I m used togoingto bed early.我过去经常熬夜,但是现在习惯早睡了.考点 2) risk cn. 危险,风险takea risk=take risks3) one of+cn复数,之一4) because of +nprondoing短语 由于, because+



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