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1、电子商务论文:基于网络的个性化服装定制系统的设计与实现【中文摘要】随着技术的进步,电子商务在全球范围内正快速发 展。到目前为止,电子商务已经影响到社会生产、生活的方方面面。 作为与人们生活密切相关的服装行业也不例外。然而,传统的生产和 销售模式已不能满足人们对服装个性化、差异化的需求。为了实现面 向广大消费者的规模定制,满足消费者日益提高的个性需求,提高企 业对市场的快速响应能力,基于网络的个性化定制服务应运而生。企 业利用互联网在满足消费者的个性化需求的同时也提高了企业的自 身竞争力和为客户的服务水平。本文在对当前主流电子商务模式的分 析的基础上对其在产品的个性化定制方面的相关理论和技术特性

2、进 行了深入的研究,给出了基于模块化和产品族的产品设计思想、产品 配置方法,并设计了个性化产品生产定制流程,即将不同的配置方法 结合运用,采用过程式逐级配置方式,客户首先根据产品特征检索实 例,然后根据匹配规则进行模块替换,并进行个性修改,最终配合参数 化订单完成定制。使客户与企业建立起沟通的桥梁,在满足客户的个 性化、差异化的需求的同时,帮助服装企业利用现代电子商务技术组 织生产和产品销售,为企业进行规模定制产品的设计与生产提供了新 思路和新方法。基于对上述方法的分析,论文以服装为产品实例,对基 于网络的个性化服装定制系统进行了系统需求分析,并详细论述了该 系统具体实现的各个模块详细功能及设

3、计过程,初步验证了基于相关理论和技术提出的设计流程。【英文摘要】With the progress of technology, e-business is deveIoping quickIy around the world. Up to now, ebusiness has affected all aspects of society and life Garment industry, which is closely relative to our daily life, is also affected However, we can t be satisfied with tr

4、aditional model of dress production and distribution We need more personalized and more different To achieve scale customization for the general consumers, meet increasing consumers demand for personalized and enhance the rapid response capability for market of companies, the service for personalize

5、d customization on Web emerged as the times required So companies can use the advantage of Internet to satisfy the customers needs enhance their service level and competition abilityIn this paper, the character!stics of the personalized customization on e-business was researched based on the analysi

6、s of e-business current mainstream model After putting forward the modularization design and products fami ly thinking and product configuration theory, the design process of personalized customization was proposed In the process different configuration methods were picked up and systemic analyzed,

7、a configuration method would be adopted if needed First,customer retrieved an instance according to product characteristics, and then replaced the module according to matching rules, at the same time customer can make personal ized changes, finally, completed the ultimate customization according to

8、the parameters of the order Make customer and enterprise set up the bridge of communication, in the satisfy personalized customer, the diversity of the dema nd at the same time, he Ip cIothing enterpri se by using modern e l ectronic commerce technology organization production and sales, for enterpr

9、ise scale customization product design and production provides new ideas and new methods0n the analysis of above methods, the thesis comprehensively analyzed the requirement of the personal ized clothing customization system based on Web and elaborated the realization of every module in the system a

10、s well as its working principle and design process The research primarily validated the design process that was proposed based on the relational theory and technology.【关键词】电子商务 个性化定制网络化模块化设计产品族 【备注】索购全文在线加我1 3 99 3 8848同时提供论文一对一写作指导和论文发表委托服务【英文关键词】E-BusinessPersonalizedProducts family【目录】基于网络的个性化服装定

11、制系统的设计与实现 摘要4-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 第一章 绪论8-121. 1论文背景8-91.2国内外研究现状9-101.3论文的主耍工作10-12第二章个性化定制商务模式研究12-232. 1生产模式的发展历程12-132.2产品规模定制模式分析13-162.3基于网络的个性化定制模式分析16-222.4本章小结22-23 第三章基于网络的个性化服装定制系统分析23-333.1定制系统的需求分析233.2定制系统目标对象的分析23-243.3个性化定制方式的分析24-253.4功能分析25-323.5本章小结32-33 第四章个性化服装定制系统设计与实现33-714. 1系统的总体设计33-374. 2系统详细功能设计及实现37-704. 3本章小结70- 71 第五章系统的运行测试71-765. 1运行测试71- 755.2本章小结75-76 第六章 总结与展望76-786. 1总结76 6. 2展望76-78 致谢78-79参考文献79-82



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