reach的用法 词组

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《reach的用法 词组》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《reach的用法 词组(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、reach ri:t 词性及解释 n.伸出, 延伸, 区域, 范围, 流域, 岬vt.到达, 达到, 伸出, 延伸, 影响vi.达到, 延伸, 伸出手, 词形变化 形容词: reachable 名词: reacher 动词过去式: reached 过去分词: reached 现在分词: reaching 第三人称单数: reaches 例 Our advertisements reach millions He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia 例 Government reaches out to the

2、 people 例 This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour 例 The water reached the doorstep例 The sunlight reached the wall常用词组1.beyond above, out of ones the reach达不到的, 力所不及的; 不能理解2.make a reach for (sb. sth.)伸出手; 企图抓住.3.within easy reach of在容易达到.的地方; 在.的附近4.within sb.s reach在某人力所能及的范围内, 在某人能到达的范围内5

3、.reach after努力谋求, 竭力达到; 伸手想抓6.reach back回忆, 回顾7.reach for伸出手去抓8.reach out伸手拿抓; 伸向前; 追求; 伸出援助之手, 提供援助例句 1.Schubert reach the acme of his skill while quite young.舒伯特的技巧在他十分年轻时即已达顶峰。2.Leslie Cheungs concept of art: I feel that an actors performance can reach the acme of perfection if he is able to capt

4、ure both male and female characteristics.张国荣的艺术理念:我觉得艺人做到最高境界是可以男女两个性别同在一个人身上的,艺术本身是没有性别。3.So if shares in Acme reach 115p by the end of June, the holder of the call option described above will exercise the option, and make the fund sell its Acme shares at 110p.因此,如果顶点集团股价在6月底达到115便士,那么上文中提到的买入期权持有者

5、将行使期权,迫使该基金以110便士的价格售出所持顶点集团股票。4.The ADB warns that inflation in the region will accelerate and could reach a 10-year high in 2008.亚洲开发银行警告说这一地区的通货膨胀将会加速,在2008年达到近十年来的最高点。5.Just miss a target, fail a test, reach the top稍稍偏离目标、测验只差一点儿就及格、勉强达到顶端6.Happily married and together reach old AGE百年偕老7.Althoug

6、h the next goal, for the 50 years after that, will be harder to reach, I am convinced that we can reach that one too.下一步五十年的任务更艰巨,相信我们的目标也能够达到。8.Its an extremely urgent and important document for Singapore. It must reach there in three days.这是一份寄往新加坡的紧急重要文件,必须在3天内寄达。9.If labour and management dont reach an accommodation there will be a strike如果劳资双方达不成妥协,就会发生罢工。10.An acceptance shall reach the offer or within the period prescribed in the offer.承诺应当在要约确定的期限内到达要约人


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