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1、Post-ColonialismPost-Colonialism (Edward Said(Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, Homi Barba, Gayatri Spivak, Homi Barba ) )Contents What is Postcolonialism? Said and his Orientalism Textual Analysis: Great Expectation The Painted Veil ConclusionWhat is colonialism? Colonialism: one countrys domination of

2、another country or peopleusually achieved through aggressive, often military, actionsand the territory acquired in this manner. “殖民主义首先是指帝国主义国家从经济上与政治上对殖民地国家进行的侵略;但同时它还体现为意识形态上和文化上的侵略,即殖民者将自己的世界观、价值观渗透到殖民统治中去,迫使殖民地人民接受。” “马克思、恩格斯曾指出,“欧洲殖民主义的一个最显著的特征就是迫使所有殖民地采纳资本主义生产方式,进而接受资本主义文明”。 Post-colonialism/p

3、ostcolonialism/Post Colonial Studies Post-: after ( postcolonial criticism didnt become a major force in literary studies until the early 1990s. Post: resistance or contestation or critiquing ( the cultural analysis of colonialism began when colonial regimes began to topple after WW II. As a branch

4、of humanities, it denotes a collection of “theoretical and critical strategies used to examine the culture (literary, politics and history ) of former colonies of the European empires, and their relation to the rest of the world. The critical analysis of the history, culture, literature, and modes o

5、f discourses that are specific to the former colonies of England, Spain, France, and other European imperial powers. These studies have focused especially on the Third World countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean islands, and south America.Post-colonialism/postcolonialism/Post Colonial StudiesPost

6、-colonialism/Post Colonial Studies: Scope of Theoretical Inquiries Generally speaking, post-colonial studies covers at least four distinct areas: imperial culture; cultures of the colonized; cultures of resistance that opposed imperialism relationship between First World metropolitan and Third World

7、 peripheral culturesPost-Colonialism and Literature 重点关注殖民地作家的作品:宗主国给殖民地人民带来的经济上的灾难,社会的纷争和文化上的“殖民”。英美文学中的“经典”,帝国中心-殖民属地的关系。全球化语境中文化身份定位问题:亚裔美国文学/华裔美国文学(白人中心的文化和少数族裔的关系构成了内部文化殖民的现象)。第三世界妇女文学:他们如何深受种族歧视和男性统治的“双重”压迫。文化研究中的“后殖民”视角:西方文化实践中的“东方化”现象和内化了“东方主义”的东方文化人的艺术实践。Edward Said and his OrientalismEdwar

8、d Said A Palestinian-American literary theoristB.A. from Princeton, A.M. and Ph. D. of Harvard, the first to introduce contemporary European critical theory into American academy, teaches at Columbia U. his international prestige comes from his position as a post-colonial critic. Orientalism (1978),

9、 which marks a major shift from the purely literary to “The World, the Text and the Critic”What is Orientalism?Orientalism is an academic discipline or corporate institution, but basically it is the way the colonizer thinks about, talks about and represents the colonized, based on a division of two

10、parts (West and East) in general terms (despotism专制独裁/ democracy民主制, sensuality好色淫荡/ self-control自制, mystical神秘的/ sensible明白的, intrigue阴谋/ straightforwardness率真, etc.)What is Orientalism? Anyone who teaches, writes about, or researches the Orient - and this applies whether the person is an anthropol

11、ogist, sociologist, historian, or philologist - either in its specific or its general aspects, is an Orientalist, and what he or she does is Orientalism. Orientalism is a style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between “the Orient” and (most of the time) “the

12、Occident.: poets, novelists, philosophers, political theorists, economists, and imperial administrators, have accepted the basic distinction between East and West” Orientalism is something more historically and materially defined than either of the other two. .In short, Orientalism as a Western styl

13、e for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient. Orientalism The Orient was almost a European invention, and had been since antiquity a place of romance(充满神奇的地方), exotic beings (马可波罗), haunting memories(忽必烈的蒙古大军)and landscapes (东方的景观), remarkable experiences.” Orientalism Orien

14、talism refers to the Orient and the Occident: the East/West binary. Said argued that the Occident could not exist without the Orient, and vice versa. In other words, they are mutually constitutive. Notably, the concept of the East is the Orient, was created by the West, suppressing the ability of th

15、e Orient to express themselves. Western depictions of the Orient construct an inferior world, a place of backwardness, irrationality, and wildness. This allowed the West to identify themselves as the opposite of these characteristics; as a superior world that was progressive, rational, and civil.Ori

16、entalism The imaginary orient can validate the western “the other”. A contrast derives from the need to create “difference” between West and East, which can be attributed to immutable “essences” in the oriental make-up. Said argues that these attitudes still permeates the western media and academia. Edward Said in his controversial book Orientalism, uses the term to describe a pervasive Western tradition, both academic and artistic of prejudiced outsider interpretations of the East, shaped by th



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