pep四年级下册Unit 5课时练习题

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1、四年级下英语五单元课时检测Unit 5 My clothesPart A 第一课时1、 将下列句子改成一般疑问句,并做肯定和否定回答。1. This is my jacket. _2. These are my shoes._3. This is a hat. _4. Those are Johns shoes._2、 用所给词语的恰当形式填空。1. Are these_(your)? Yes, they are.2. Is this Johns? No, its_(Mike).3. My_(shoe) are white.A. No, it isnt. B. Is this hat your

2、s, Amy?C. Its four oclock. Its time to go home. D. Thank you.4. Theyre_(Chen Jie).三、选择合适的句子补全对话。A: What time is it? B: 1._A: Peter, is this yours?B: 2._ My hat is red. Its Amys.A: 3._ C: Yes, it is. A: Here you are. C: 4._Part A 第二课时1、 将单词与对应的图片连线。1. dress 2. pants 3. hat 4. skirt 5. shoesA. B.C. D.

3、 E.2、 为下列单词选择合适的汉语意思。( ) 1. dress A.帽子( ) 2. hat B.裤子( ) 3. clothes C.女裙( ) 4. pants D.连衣裙( ) 5. skirt E.衣服三、翻译下列句子。1. Put on your shirt._2. Take off your hat._3. Put away your pants._4. Wash your skirt._5. Hang up your dress._A. wash B. thatC. home D. yoursE. pants四、选词填空。1. Amy, are these_? 2. Its

4、time to go _.3. My_ are blue. 4. _ your skirt.5. I like_ green skirt.Part A 第三课时一、判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是( )否( )相同。 ( ) 1. little table ( ) 2. me apple( ) 3. uncle people ( ) 4. table let1、 你能写更多吗?1. apple, people._2. skirt, birth._2、 画出每组中相同的字母组合。1. apple little table2. or work horse3. nurse turn hamburge

5、r 3、 根据图片及汉语提示补全句子或对话。1. Is this your_? Yes, _ _.2. What _is the_? Its_ (绿色的).3. I like the _ (紫色的) _.Part B 第一课时1、 按要求完成下列各题。1. new(反义词)_ 2. this(对应词)_ 3. I(宾格形式)_ 4. put on(反义词)_ 5. Mike(所有格)_ 6. these(对应词)_二、单项选择。( ) 1. Whose_ are those? A .pants B. dress C. skirt( ) 2. Can you help_? A. I B. me

6、C. she( ) 3. Its_. A. mine B. I C. your( ) 4. I like _ green coat. A. those B. these C. this( ) 5. Is this your_? A. jacket B. shorts C. pants三、连词成句。1. mine,These,shoes,are(.)_6. Can,help,you,me (?)_7. is,colour,it,What(?)_8. this,is,Whose,coat(?)_四、给下列问句选择相应的答语。A. No, they arent. B. Yes, it is.C. I

7、ts Zhang Pengs.D. OK.E. Its on the bed.( ) 1. Can you help me, please? ( ) 2. Where is the dress?( ) 3. Are they pants?( ) 4. Whose coat is that?( ) 5. Is this your skirt?Part B 第二课时1、 连线。1.shirt 2. old 3. sweater 4. new 5. socks 6. jacket 7. shortsA.毛衣 B.夹克衫 C.短袜 D.衬衫 E.短裤 F.新的 G.旧的二、用be 动词的适当形式填空。

8、1. My socks _white. 2. My jacket _blue.3. I _a student. 4. My shorts _new.5. You _a boy. 6. _this your computer?三、按要求完成下列各题。1. too(同音词)_ 2. theyre(完全形式)_ 3. small(反义词)_4.I(名词性物主代词)_5. that(复数形式)_四、情景交际。( ) 1.你想知道你的衬衫在哪儿,可以问:_A. Where is my shirt? B. Where is my skirt?( ) 2.妈妈想知道你找的那件外套是什么颜色的,她会问:_A

9、.What colour are they? B. What colour is it?( ) 3.今天天气暖和,你想穿衬衫,你会对妈妈说:_A. I want to wear my sweater. B. I want to wear my shirt.( ) 4.你问妈妈这些裤子是谁的,她会回答你:_A. Theyre blue. B. Theyre your fathers.Part B 第三课时1、 用画线部分的反义词或对应词填空。1. These are doors. _are windows.2. Its my skirt. Its not _skirt.3. I like the

10、 big jacket. My sister likes the _one.4. Your sweater is old. Mine is_.5. The board is black. The wall is_.二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. pants B. shorts C. tomato( ) 2. A. dress B. shirt C. warm( ) 3. A. breakfast B. hat C. lunch( ) 4. A. coat B. hot C. cool( ) 5. A. jacket B. horse C. sweater三、给下列问句选择相应的答语。( ) 1. What are they? A. Its Kates.( ) 2. Are those your pants? B. Theyre shoes.( ) 3. Whose sweater is this? C. They are on the bed.( ) 4. Is this your skirt? D. Yes, they are.( ) 5. Where are my socks? E. No, it isnt.四、连词成句。1. is,it,colour,What(?)_



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