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1、2020-2021学年浙江省温州市第八中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Young people may risk deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day.A. to go B. to have goneC. going D. having gone参考答案:Crisk意为冒的危险,用法为risk doing something,冒险干某事,因此排除AB, D项中额having done意为已经干了某事,与此处句意不符,因此选择C项,句意为,如果年轻人每天都暴露在非常吵闹的音乐声中,他们可能有耳朵失聪的危险。2

2、. The people the murderer everywhere when he suddenly in the hospital.A. searched for; appeared B. were searching; was appearingC. were searching for; was appeared D. were searching for; appeared参考答案:D3. Its reported that customers could start using their phones to buy _ coffee in some stores, which

3、 is _ first pay-by-phone practice in the USAA. a; the B. /; / C. a; / D. the; the参考答案:A4. It was so _ having to sing in public.Aembarrassed Bembarrassing Cnervous Dembarrassingly参考答案:B5. Mr. Smith, who helps passers-by repair their kites, said that what he did was not paid but _ . A. relevant B. opt

4、ional C. random D. voluntary参考答案:D6. Cover your mouth when you_.A. eat B. vomitC. cough D. couch参考答案:C句意:咳嗽时捂住你的嘴。cough“咳嗽”; eat“吃”,不能说吃东西时捂住嘴; vomit“呕吐”,不能说呕吐时捂住嘴; couch为名词,指“睡椅;卧榻”。7. She looked very angry. _, she misunderstood me. A. Generally B. Apparently C. Altogether D. Merely参考答案:B略8. When h

5、e woke up, he found himself _ to a tree with all the money stolen. A. to be tied B. tying C. tied D. tie参考答案:C9. The natural beauty of Jiuzhaigou _ millions of tourists from all over the world every year.Acatches Battracts Creminds Dseizes参考答案:B略14.The government is _ to everyone to save water.A. as

6、king B. appealing C. declaring D. announcing参考答案:B11. All the residents of the town_when there was a big fire in the supermarket. A.paniced B.shocked C.surprised D.panicked参考答案:D12. - What are you reading, Tom? - Im not really reading, just _ the pages. A. turning off B. turning around C. turning ov

7、er D. turning up参考答案:C略13. He still keeps in with his college classmates. A. relation B. tie C. link D. touch参考答案:D14. Im sorry for being late. I should have phoned you earlier.-_. Ive just arrived.A. Thats no trouble B. You are welcomeC. Thats all rightD. You can never tell参考答案:C15. If scientists h

8、ad been able to predict it exactly, the Japan earthquake _ such heavy losses in human lives. A. wouldnt cause B. didnt causeC. hadnt caused D. wouldnt have caused参考答案:D二、 新的题型16. “Red” Hong Yi: Paint without paintbrushMalaysian artist Hong Yi, 61 also goes by the nickname of “Red”, has a rare talent

9、 for capturing the beauty of the simplest things that she has ever seen. Her father was born in Shanghai, but her family moved to Malaysia in the 1960s. While 62 (grow) up there, she heard many stories about life in China. Her grandparents would tell her about China, while her parents made sure she

10、could speak Chinese and 63 (know) about her s in China. So she 64 (have) a fascination with Chinese culture ever since she was a little girl. Armed with Architecture and Design degrees, she decided to move to China and settle down in Shanghai. 65 (inspire) by the differences of the human experience,

11、 Red tends to make unusual things out of such small things 66 sunflower seeds, melted candles or chopsticks, because she doesnt use a paintbrush. She completed her first work, 67 portrait of Ai Weiwei, a Chinese contemporary artist, made 68 (total) out of sunflower seeds. Her latest 69 (project) inc

12、lude mountains, Chinese opera masks and tree paintings. We hope she will have more works 70 (share) with us.参考答案:61. who 62. growing 63. know 64. has had 65. Inspired 66. as 67. a 68. totally 69. projects 70. to share 17. Why All Disney Princesses Wear BlueIf theyre not sleeping and waiting for Prin

13、ce Charming to rescue them, theyre busy getting poisoned by poisonous apples or being forced _61_(do) heavy housework by evil s. But _62_turns out that even the most laidback(悠闲的) beauty is supposed to send a message of strength to young _63_(girl).Thats because they all wear blue. From Jasmine to B

14、elle, from Ariel to Snow White, they all wear blue. Far from stereotypical(老一套的) pinks, these princesses _64_(dress) in aqua(水蓝色), cornflower(矢车菊蓝). Even Dorothy form the Wizard of Oz (绿野仙踪) _65_(wear) a light blue pinafore and socks.Why? Well, blue is _66_(apparent) the colour of trust, calmness as well_67_ confidence. According to experts, we all have _68_natural preference for blue, pa


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